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Convention Coverage (The Takeaway)


The Takeaway Washington correspondent Todd Zwillich is reporting to you from the Republican National Convention (August 27-30) and Democratic National Convention (September 4-6), with help from The Takeaway's Digital Editor Alex Johnson and reporter Anna Sale from WNYC's political website It's a Free Country. The team will be profiling individual delegates and giving you an inside look at what it's like to attend a convention.


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The Takeaway Washington correspondent Todd Zwillich is reporting to you from the Republican National Convention (August 27-30) and Democratic National Convention (September 4-6), with help from The Takeaway's Digital Editor Alex Johnson and reporter Anna Sale from WNYC's political website It's a Free Country. The team will be profiling individual delegates and giving you an inside look at what it's like to attend a convention.



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What Did the Republican Convention Leave Out?

Tens of thousands of words were uttered on stage at the Republican National Convention this week. Some words cropped up repeatedly: "Jobs." "Economy." "Families." "Obama." Others received far less attention. According to a New York Times analysis, the word "environment" appeared only five times. "Afghanistan" received four mentions. In a segment that will be repeated for the Democratic National Convention next week, The Takeaway's Washington Correspondent Todd Zwillich discusses what issues were left out or glossed over, and why.


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The Artful Branding of Mitt Romney

It’s simple, but true. We vote for people we like. And that could be a big problem for Mitt Romney. The Washington Post reports that he trails President Obama by 39 points in the all-important likability factor. The candidate with a higher likability has won in the last six elections. Romney has run on the platform that he’s a businessman who will run the country like a boss runs a company. But who likes a boss? The campaign made moves to “humanize” Romney during the Republican National Convention, including Ann Romney's memorable description of her husband as a young man. Last night, it was Romney's turn. During his speech, the candidate displayed a softer, more personal side that he has rarely shown in his public life. Kathleen Hall Jamieson, director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania, analyzes Romney's re-branding.


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Mitt Romney Takes His Turn on Stage

In all of the speeches, hubbub, and storylines coming out of the Republican National Convention — Paul Ryan’s ascendence, Chris Christie's stumbles, Condoleezza Rice’s reemergence — it sometimes seemed the leading man of the show would be overshadowed by the rising stars of the Republican Party. But presidential candidate Mitt Romney finally had the stage to himself last night, when he gave his speech in the waning hours of the convention. His priority was to make a point about jobs and define himself to the country, but fellow Republicans had been beseeching him to show his softer side as a husband and as a father. It may be the last time in the election cycle where the spotlight focuses so narrowly on Romney alone. The Takeaway's Washington correspondent Todd Zwillich was in Tampa, Florida for the convention. He analyzes Romney's performance.


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A Democratic Politician Turned Republican Star

In 2008 former congressman Artur Davis gave a rousing speech at the Democratic National Convention seconding the nomination of then presidential candidate Barack Obama. On Tuesday night, Artur Davis spoke again at a party convention, but this time for the Republicans, in firm opposition to his former friend. The former co-chair of the Obama campaign is not the only politician to switch party allegiances this election cycle, as former Republican Governor Charlie Crist will be speaking in a few days at the Democratic National Convention. Now, both parties are embracing their new-found supporters as fearless truth-tellers. Davis tells The Takeaway what made him switch sides, and why it is consistent with his views. He also assails Obama for straying "too far to the left."


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Meet the Delegates: Rick Santorum Supporters

Delegates from all over the country have travelled to Tampa, Florida for the Republican National Convention. Those delegates will choose the next Republican nominee for president. The Takeaway has taken some time to talk to delegates from across the country about the GOP convention and what they think about the future of the country. Toni Jarms and Emily Jarms are mother and daughter delegates from Oregon. They've come to the convention in support of Rick Santorum. They tell The Takeaway about Rick Santorum and his speech at the Republican National Convention last night. They also voice their support for Todd Akin and the view that pregnancy from rape is "very rare." Dr. Andrea Price is an OB/GYN with the Women's Center for Integrative Health. "The type of stress that she is speaking of is stress that occurs under chronic conditions, for example the stress of trying to conceive, like she mentioned. That stress can temporarily alter the function of some of the brain structures that can interrupt the whole process of ovulation, fertility and hormonal levels and such. But this is a chronic ongoing stress." - Dr. Andrea Price


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The Resurrection of Condoleeza Rice

This year's Republican National Convention has been about the young new stars of the party and an obvious distancing from the Bush Era. The party's strategy did not, however, apply to former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, who spoke last night in Tampa. Although Rice has left politics to teach at Stanford, she remains the most popular figure from the Bush Administration. In a Republican Party in which President Bush is relegated to speaking through a video screen, what’s the future role of Condoleeza Rice? John Reid is a partner and Managing Director of International Business at Qorvis Communications in Washington.


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How Effective Was Paul Ryan's Convention Address?

Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan headlined the Republican National Convention last night. Ryan is considered by many to be the face and brains of the party’s political course. His pick as VP was seen as an attempt to energize voters and a way to shore up conservative support for Mitt Romney, who some Republicans find too moderate. Last night was perhaps his biggest stage of the entire election to accomplish both of those goals. Republican political strategist Ron Christie watched Ryan's speech live from the Tampa Convention Center last night and gives us his reactions. The Takeaway's Todd Zwillich takes a closer look at Ryan's statements and tells us if he played fast and loose with the facts.


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Women React to Ann Romney Convention Speech

First lady hopeful Ann Romney took to the podium last night at the Republican National Convention. After a tough struggle for the GOP with women voters over the past few weeks, following controversial comments from Republican Congressman Todd Akin, has Ann Romney emerged as a new national figure for women? We get reactions to Ann Romney's speech from Jennifer DeJournett, president and co-founder of Voices of Conservative Women; Renee Amoore, Deputy Chair of the Pennsylvania Republican State Committee; and Joyce Kimball, a 76-year-old who has voted for a Republican in every election since JFK — but now considers herself an independent.


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Carl Hiaasen on the Effect of the GOP Convention on Florida

All week, Tampa Florida has been at the epicenter of national politics as it hosts the Republican National Convention. But after the hurricane dies down and the final GOP members leave Tampa at the end of the week, what effect will it all have had on Florida come November? Carl Hiaasen is a bestselling novelist and columnist for the Miami Herald.


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Meet the Delegates: Ron Paul Supporters

Two hundred and eighty-six delegates have traveled to Tampa, Florida for the Republican National Convention, and last night those delegates chose the next Republican nominee for president. The Takeaway set out to meet some of these delegates and hear their stories. Nevada delegate Pat Kerby is a Ron Paul supporter and filmmaker who lives in the Las Vegas area.


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Chris Christie Gives Keynote Speech at GOP Convention

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie delivered the keynote address last night at the Republican National Convention in Tampa. The address followed the party’s official nomination of Mitt Romney. Just as important as the keynote speech is the speaker him or herself. The keynote address is often an award given to rising stars of the party. Bob Hennelly, contributing editor for politics and investigations with our co-producer WNYC, joins us from Tampa.


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Republican Reaction to Christie's Keynote Speech

When Chris Christie was selected as keynote speaker of the Republican National Convention, he immediately jumped on the same list as Mario Cuomo, Guy Vander Jagt, and a guy named Barack Obama. It thrust him into the upper echelon of names being floated for the 2016 Presidential election. So how did he fare last night? Takeaway Washington correspondent Todd Zwillich went down to the convention floor to get reactions.


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The Art of the Convention Speech

With primary competitors like Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum and Ron Paul now in the distant past, and with his running mate now chosen, Mitt Romney is ready to kick his campaign against Obama into high gear. And at the Republican National Convention this week, he’ll have the opportunity to define precisely where he and Paul Ryan stand in opposition to the Democrats. Historically, candidates have used the publicity afforded by the national conventions as an opportunity to define, or to redefine, their campaign to the American public. Julian Zelizer is a professor of history and public affairs at Princeton University.


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Senator Rand Paul on Supporting his Father's Challenger

The purpose of the Republican National Convention is to provide an opportunity for Republicans to unite behind their candidate, Mitt Romney. But behind the scenes, some are saying the party is more splintered than ever. From the moderate establishment to the religious right to the Tea Party, each faction is demanding its planks in the platform. Some Republicans have gone so far as to decide not to endorse Governor Romney — including one of his challengers, Ron Paul. So some were surprised when his son Rand appeared on "Hannity" endorsing Romney. Now, Senator Rand Paul is set to speak at the Republican National Convention, an opportunity his father declined.


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Republican Delegates from DC: The Realities of the 'Seven Percent'

The 2,286 delegates who have traveled to Tampa will choose the next Republican nominee for president. While that nomination is largely set in stone, the delegates that come hold a diversity of views and local priorities. They are from every state, the major American territories, and Washington, D.C. Outside its political heart, Washington is dominantly Democratic. In the 2008 election, President Obama earned 93 percent of the city's vote, the highest margin in the country. Patrick Mara, a Romney delegate and the only Republican to hold elected office in the city, says that creates a one-party system that damages local government. But Rachel Hoff, another D.C. delegate, says representation from D.C.'s 'seven percent' Republicans also makes the convention stronger and more diverse.


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Addressing the Convention: Sher Valenzuela

Their story has been called the American Dream: a husband and wife team start a moonlight upholstery business in their garage to raise extra money to support their autistic son. Fifteen years later, Sher and Eli Valenzuelas’ company, First State Manufacturing, is employing nearly 70 people and producing millions in revenue. On top of that, Sher is running for Delaware’s Lieutenant Governor. Tonight, Sher Valenzuela will share this story with the nation, when she addresses the Republican Convention. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie will close the evening.


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Congressman John Mica on Republican Partisanship and Compromise

The Republican National Convention is being held this week in Tampa, Florida. It’s a chance for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan to affirm where they stand for voters. But it’s also the biggest partisan event for Republicans. An event where, once every four years, lawmakers, lobbyists, strategists, funders and activists come together in the same city, if not always in the same room. Takeaway Washington correspondent Todd Zwillich speaks with John Mica, the Republican head of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee who has represented Florida’s 7th District on the state's east coast since 1993. Mica is fresh off a competitive primary against another incumbent congressman. Mica explains what makes Florida a battleground state and talks about partisanship and compromise in the Republican party.


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Floridians Set to Weather Tropical Storm Isaac

Tropical storm Isaac has made a name for itself as the reason the Republican National Convention was delayed by 24 hours. Right now, the storm is off the southwest coast of Florida. Even though it’s causing a hassle for Tampa’s many visitors, tropical storms and hurricanes aren’t that out of the ordinary for Floridians — and the storm won’t actually make landfall until it hits Mississippi and Louisiana tomorrow morning. Steve Bousquet is the Tallahassee bureau chief of the Tampa Bay Times. He's in Tampa this week covering the collision between weather and politics. Phil Latzman is the host of "The Florida Roundup" on WLRN in Miami.


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Unlikely Republican National Convention Delegates

This week, 2,286 delegates from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and five U.S. territories have descended upon Tampa for the purpose of choosing the next Republican nominee for president. While these delegates are all united by party, they often differ in regional loyalties, candidate partiality, and issue preferences. Sometimes, they are quite different from one another, and look differently from how we imagine the average Republican voter. Linda Lee Tarver, a delegate from Michigan, and Jackie Curtiss, a delegate from Alabama, both represent atypical Republicans. Linda is an African American woman, a group that overwhelmingly votes Democratic, and Jackie is a 22-year-old woman.


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The Agenda: Todd Zwillich and Anna Sale Report from Tampa

With tropical storm Isaac progressing towards hurricane status, the Republican National Convention has condensed the convention to fit into Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Organizers had scheduled one message for each of the four convention days — but with one less day, they'll have to cut one of their messages. Monday's message, "We can do better," was the most negative of the three, and organizers said they'll be weaving it in to the other three day's more positive messages. Meanwhile, as New Orleans braces for a state of emergency, Republicans are revising their messages to include sound bites that can be played back to back with coverage of a natural disaster. And though Ron Paul isn't speaking at the convention, he's holding well-attended rallies near it. This week's Agenda is being led by The Takeaway's Washington correspondent Todd Zwillich and It's a Free Country reporter Anna Sale. Both journalists will be reporting from Tampa this week.
