The Blue Hawaii Podcast
Rants and raves about politics, culture, and sports from Hawaii and around the world. Hosted by Josh Michaels and Ryan Little. We'll fix it in post.
United States
Rants and raves about politics, culture, and sports from Hawaii and around the world. Hosted by Josh Michaels and Ryan Little. We'll fix it in post.
You'll never believe this, folks... we're back(sort of, kind of, not really)to introduce our friend Tony Vega and his exciting new podcast: Transmissions from Hawaii! Each episode features a new storytelling adventure, with special attention to the weird, wacky, and wonderful. If you like what he has to say about the mac nut (starting at 5:01), then check out the links below for more episodes and great content!!! www.transmissionsfromhawaii.com Instagram...
Episode 95 - Back to Brunch
Folks, like Boyz II Men said... it's SO hard to say goodbye. Please join us, dear listeners, for (probably) one final journey into the weird and wonderful world of The Blue Hawaii Podcast. As a preview, here's what it would sound like if some of this episode's highlights were newspaper headlines: - Proud MAN Adrian Tam Crushes Trumpy Ochs at Ballot Bochs - Taika Waititi Cool and Good, Surveys Say - Augie T(otally unqualified) - Kat's in the Klink for Korruption, Kops Kope - "IDEOLOGY." -...
Episode 94 - Keep On Toobin'
Wait, we still have a podcast? Wasn't there a primary election like three months ago or something? Where am I? Who is this? How did you get this number?
Episode 93 - 2020 Primary Recommendations!
By popular demand, we give to you, our 2020 Primary Recommendations! We've been getting inundated with DMs and texts from listeners wanting to know who they should vote for. We can't tell you who to vote for, but we can tell you who *we're* likely voting for. So, that's what we do. We give our final thoughts on the OHA races, the Honolulu mayoral race, the Honolulu prosecutor's race, our local races (District 20, State House; and District 5, City Council), as well as a few that we can't vote...
Episode 92 - Colleen Hanabusa is back!
92! Ryan and Josh hop on the phone to reunite with long-time friend of the show Colleen Hanabusa, who has decided to get back into the arena and run to be the next mayor of Honolulu! We find out about her plans for rail, homelessness, and police reform; go behind the scenes of Hawaii News Now's "The Job Interview" (we don't like to give our competitors free PR, but we'll make an exception); and discuss the one book Colleen thinks we should all be reading right now. All this and more, on the...
Episode 91 - Becky with the Good Plans
🎶We had a call with Becky with the good plans 🎶 This episode we get to know Becky Gardner! A self-described wonk who's never met a problem she couldn't tackle, Becky's running for state rep in Hawaii's 20th congressional district -- which just so happens to be the district that your two favorite podcast hosts (not Joe Rogan and Ben Shapiro) call home! We talk with Becky about her story, how she got to Hawaii, and when she knew it was time to run for office. After talking with her, we think...
Episode 90 - A man, a plan, Mr. Adrian Tam
90! Ryan and Josh dial-up friend of the show Adrian Tam, who has decided to throw his hat into the ring and run to represent Waikiki-Ala Moana in the Hawaii State House! Hear about Adrian's vision for the densest urban district in our islands -- part tourist paradise, part concrete jungle -- and see how he fares at everyone's favorite new Blue Hawaii Podcast game: "Proud Boy, or Nazi?!" Check it out and stay tuned for more .... we'll be back next week with a State House contender from...
Episode 89 - Patrick Branco, International Man of Mystery (or, "Carmen PatDiBranco")
89 and feelin' fine! Josh and Ryan welcome Patrick Branco to the show, a Kailua boy and former US State Department diplomat who is back home and running for office for the first time. Hear about his tours of duty in Pakistan, Colombia, and (Trump voice) VENEZUELA!!!!!! -- as well as why he thinks he's the best candidate to represent District 50 in the Hawaii State House. District 50 covers Kailua and Kaneohe Bay -- if you listened to Episode 87 with Alan and Kaui, Patrick is sandwiched right...
Episode 88 - Keith Amemiya, Candidate for Honolulu Mayor
It wouldn’t be an election season unless we interviewed all the good ones! This episode we interview Keith Amemiya, a leading candidate to be the next Mayor of Honolulu. You probably know Keith as the friendly smiling face on all those banners around town, or maybe you know him as the guy that single-handedly saved high school sports in Hawaii; but soon you’ll know him for giving the best answers possible to all the hardest questions we could think to ask. Seriously, you’re gonna love this...
Episode 87 - Alan Akao and Kau'i Pratt-Aquino, First-Time Native Hawaiian Political Candidates
Ryan and Josh have a #zoom chat with two young, inspiring Native Hawaiian community leaders and changemakers seeking political office for the first time: Kailua's Alan Akao and Kaneohe's Kau'i Pratt-Aquino. Hear their stories, what makes the Windward Side of Oahu unique, why this election is so crucial for Kanaka Maoli, and so much more! Tune in now, like/share/subscribe, and stay tuned for more great content!
Episode 86 - Judge Steve Alm, Candidate for Honolulu Prosecutor
Hello again! Judge Steve Alm (ret.) joins us on this episode, as wrap up our interviews with the candidates to be Honolulu's next prosecutor -- at this point, we've interviewed all the good ones. Judge Alm talked with us about life, his long career in the law, and HOPE probation, a program Judge Alm created that has been proven to keep people out of jail and lower recidivism rates among convicted people. We also talked with Judge Alm about the importance of ending cash bail (he agreed) and...
Episode 85 - Prosecutor Candidate Jacquie Esser
When the world's on fire, it's important to talk with people who are trying to put it out. This episode is an interview with one of those people. Her name is Jacquie Esser and she's a candidate to be Honolulu's next prosecutor. Jacquie sat down with us a few months ago to talk about her campaign, her values, and her vision for Honolulu. We've sat on the interview because we didn't want it to get buried in the COVID news cycle, but we just couldn't wait any longer! Jacquie's got a great...
Episode 84 - Consul General Rana Sarkar pt. 2
New episode! In Part 2 of our two-part series featuring Canadian Consul General Rana Sarkar, Ryan and CG Sarkar discuss Canada's response to COVID-19 (hint: it's much better than the United States' response), what life will look like post-COVID, and the significance of Canada's #1 national treasure: Justin Bieber. Big Mahalo to CG Sarkar and his staff for making this series happen, and reminding us that a sane, compassionate government response to disasters is still possible. Be sure to rate...
Episode 83 - O Canada! (why can't we be more like you?)
What's that you said? You want Blue Hawaii to go international AND you want us to interview a high-ranking diplomatic official from our great neighbor to the north AND you want us to sit on the episode for 4 months because of a global pandemic. FINE. We did it. This episode, you'll hear the first of our two interviews with Canadian Consul General Rana Sarkar. CG Sarkar serves as Canada's diplomatic representative to North California and Hawaii, and is generally one of the coolest people...
Episode 82 - Barty I And The Kahalagarchs
The plagues keep coming and the next episode has risen! Ryan and Josh hopped on the phone yesterday evening to exchange Passover and Easter greetings and discuss the latest political, economic, social, and theological fallout from the ongoing coronavirus pandemic in Hawaii and around the world. PS - They say that when the student is ready, the teacher appears....well, these students are ready, so congratulations to Bartholomew I of Constantinople, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople of...
Episode 81 - COVID-19 in the Nation of Hawaii
This episode Ryan checks in with our friends Lindsay Kukona Pakele and Brandon Maka‘awa‘awa, two young kanaka maoli (Native Hawaiian) community leaders and representatives of the Nation of Hawaii -- Hawaii's oldest independent Hawaiian sovereignty organization. Lindsay and Brandon talk about how their communities are responding to the COVID crisis, how haole fragility is making Hawaii's response to COVID-19 less effective, the bright spots they've seen in their communities' responses to this...
Episode 80 - Tom Lee: Epidemiologist, Strong Man, Violinist, and Lover of Good Deals
Josh is back (from a responsible social distance)! And he brought a friend: Dr. Thomas Lee, an epidemiologist at the University of Hawaii at Manoa (Go 'Bows!). Dr. Lee talks with us about the spread of COVID-19 throughout the Hawaiian Islands, who you should listen to (Dr. Fauci), and the danger of removing Lt. Gov. (and actual medical doctor) Josh Green from Hawaii's coronavirus taskforce. Dr. Lee also answers all our burning questions about COVID-19, like "when will social distancing end?"...
Episode 79 - Justin Kollar Talks About COVID-19's Impact on Kauai
In our 2nd special interview on the Coronavirus crisis, Ryan talks with Kauai Prosecutor (and friend of the show) Justin Kollar about COVID-19's impact on Kauai.
Episode 78 - Kai Kahele Talks About COVID-19's Impact on the Big Island
Ryan talks with Senator Kai Kahele (SD-1, Hilo) about Hawai‘i's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Senator Kahele gives an honest appraisal of what we've done well and what we've done poorly, and talks about the difficulties facing Hawaii Island during this crisis. If you like what you hear, please rate us on iTunes, Soundcloud, Google Play, or wherever you get your podcasts! Reviews are also always welcome. Get in touch and let us know what you like and what you think we could do better!...
Episode 77 - CoronaChat
Everything is cool! Everything is totally fine! We are both quarantined, but we called each other to talk about how totally cool and fine everything is! Come listen and see how cool and fine we sound!