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The Tom Renz Show


America Out Loud Network © – The Tom Renz Show delivers the news of the day, with editorial insight, hope, and guidance for the fight to restore our nation. Freedom was never going to be easy, but freedom has always been worth fighting for.


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America Out Loud Network © – The Tom Renz Show delivers the news of the day, with editorial insight, hope, and guidance for the fight to restore our nation. Freedom was never going to be easy, but freedom has always been worth fighting for.



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If we do not possess the right to life we have no rights

The Tom Renz Show – Abortion is about the most fundamental of rights - the right to life - and encompasses one of the most profound questions about freedom. That question comes down to the limit of freedom for society to function. The law on abortion has been appropriately relegated to the states. This issue should never have been - Constitutionally - a federal issue, and the law is correct now. While the law is...


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The WHO treaty will overrule our Constitution

The Tom Renz Show – The WHO Treaty will overrule our Constitution. The US is a corporation, and we live under maritime law. We won't get anywhere near a full analysis of this, but I want to touch on a few key issues. The news of the day is a bit odd, so I'm going to hit a few things and then move on to the law. There are a lot of things happening in the law, and it is frankly being broken on a daily basis by our government officials...


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Zuckerberg, Smith, Merchan… Corruption!

The Tom Renz Show – The corruption in this country continues to unfold right before our eyes. The Harris and Biden crew may even be more corrupt than Obama was. With their weaponized justice system and cronies like Mark Zuckerberg, it's hard to see how it could get worse. The good news is that it is almost election time, and we can boot these crooks to the curb... if we can get past the corruption in our elections...


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Corruption & attacks on free speech

The Tom Renz Show – Corruption in America is at an all-time high. The corruption has only been able to continue because of censorship. The war on free speech is really about promoting and protecting the corruption in our government. We the people must act...


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More proof mRNA kills, Gates mosquitoes & Mpox

The Tom Renz Show – We all knew mRNA COVID jabs were killing, and we are now seeing the science catch up with the evidence. Bill Gates and the globalists are working to ensure we are all exposed to it one way or another. One of the mechanisms Moobs has created to poison us is GMO mosquitoes. These are being released now, and we will see new, dangerous outbreaks soon after...


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The truth about the Mpox plandemic

The Tom Renz Show – Monkeypox is NOT what they are saying. This is following the playbook of COVID precisely. They are pushing for a plandemic of testing - just like COVID; they are lying about the danger - just like COVID; they built it in a lab - just like COVID; they are pushing a dangerous and ineffective mRNA poison to deal with it - just like COVID; and they are lying about pre-existing solutions to...


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The WHO Treaty is Coming

The Tom Renz Show – The world is a mess, and we are seeing things escalate. The WHO treaty is moving forward based on the false science of global warming and other fraud, like PCR testing, and unless Trump wins, we will be stuck with it. Regardless of what happens in November, we have a major fight ahead of us, and we all need to start thinking about what we can do and how we can protect our...


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Why are vax recipients sick & dying?

The Tom Renz Show – Today, we are talking about the vaccines and what they do. Why are these things dangerous, and why is it that so many people are sick and dying? You may think COVID is over, but Disease X is just around the corner, so you need to know this info. Christie Grace is an RNA and lipid nanoparticle specialist who designed and managed custom projects with recombinant proteins...


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Stopping pedophilia in Tennessee: Is corruption standing in the way

The Tom Renz Show – Efforts to stop pedophilia in Tennessee face unexpected resistance. The Millersville Police Department encounters obstacles from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, which limits their access to necessary tools. Despite being in a red state, political and bureaucratic headwinds impede crucial work to combat child trafficking and protect vulnerable children.


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Kamala and Merchan have lots in common & thank God for the Babylon Bee

The Tom Renz Show – Yeah, I know. Kamala is an idiot and a crook, and she picked a socialist for a running mate — shocker! Judge Merchan is conflicted and probably a crook — I know. Honestly, I'm just tired of the nonsense in the media, and I think we should just look at the Babylon Bee. Maybe they will be more interesting...


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Kamala Harris is an idiot & my predictions for America

The Tom Renz Show – The world is falling apart without America leading the fight for freedom and America itself is on the verge of collapse. We found a new Kamala Harris song, and I'm looking forward to sharing it on today's show. The song is representative of the abject stupidity that VP Harris embodies. This is good because if we don't laugh we are in trouble...


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Life Time Fitness supports delusions over women’s safety

The Tom Renz Show – A man who likes to pretend he is a woman has been using the women's locker room in a Life Time Fitness facility in Missouri. The women he is exposing himself to are uncomfortable, and this man now appears to be insinuating threats of violence. Is this the type of business Life Time Fitness wants to be? Why does this company not care about the rights of these women?


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Kamala is still VP under the most corrupt administration in history

The Tom Renz Show – As we see the mainstream move to kissing Kamala's rear, it's almost as if we are supposed to forget that she is still VP under the most corrupt President in history and doing nothing to stop his crooked agenda. As someone who is supposed to be an attorney, she seems quite unwilling to denounce the mind-blowing unconstitutional proposals Biden just made regarding the SCOTUS and is also doing...


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Cancer, COVID, mRNA vaccines, and healthcare today with Dr Syed Haider

The Tom Renz Show – Dr. Haider is one of the doctors who was a hero during COVID - meaning he stood for actual science rather than just following the Fauci lies. He has since started (use Renz at checkout) and is continuing to help people by approaching health from a holistic approach. Today, we are discussing COVID, mRNA, long COVID, and cancer, and it is a big show...


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Child Trafficking with Craig ‘Sawman’ Sawyer

The Tom Renz Show – Craig "Sawman" Sawyer is a special forces vet and a warrior in the fight against child trafficking. He is one of many "under the radar" heroes working in this unseen war. Child trafficking in the United States is out of control, and Craig's story is crucial. Don't miss this.


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New mRNA EUA & freedom warrior Tina Peters

The Tom Renz Show – This show dives into two critical topics: the persecution of election official Tina Peters, who reveals evidence of 2020 election fraud, and the new EUA for bird flu vaccines, with the AMA adding a CPT code. Tina Peters faces severe persecution akin to Donald Trump, while the urgency of preparing for Disease X is highlighted.


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Blexit: Leaving the plantation with Yadusha Williams

The Tom Renz Show – We MUST move past the idea that the color of your skin matters more than the content of your character and embrace the ideal that everyone bleeds the same color and deserves the freedom to succeed without government interference. Freedom and equality under the law are one and the same and it is something we MUST fight for. Democrats have long been the party of segregation...


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Was the Trump assassination an inside job?

The Tom Renz Show – Rep Cory Mills even stated that it is hard to believe that the Secret Service is so incompetent that the attempt on President Trump's life could have occurred by accident. While I do not think we have enough evidence to state that this was intentional or an inside job, there is absolutely enough evidence to say that the question should be investigated... and NOT by an FBI that could be influenced in the investigation...


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Tom Renz and the true path to stopping the disease with Dr. Henry Ealy

The Tom Renz Show – Dr. Henry Ealy joins us today, and we talk about science, health, and the true path to stopping disease. Henry is a legitimate scientist working with an incredible team to apply science to healthcare and cures that big pharma does not want anyone to look at...


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Hunter got high… then he ran the country… welcome to the new America!

The Tom Renz Show – Reports are continuing to leak about who is really running America. Joe clearly is incapable based on his mRNA brain damage, and we know Obama has a hand, but on a daily basis, who's in charge? There have been a lot of stories about Jill pulling the strings, but a new report indicates that Mr. Hookers and Blow himself may be involved (of course, those are only rumors... right?). America is in trouble... let's discuss...
