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Allen Jackson Ministries

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Welcome to the Allen Jackson Ministries weekly podcast. Our mission is to help people become more fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. To learn more about Pastor Allen Jackson, World Outreach Church, or our ministry, visit our website at or download the Allen Jackson Ministries App. To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world, follow this link:


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Welcome to the Allen Jackson Ministries weekly podcast. Our mission is to help people become more fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. To learn more about Pastor Allen Jackson, World Outreach Church, or our ministry, visit our website at or download the Allen Jackson Ministries App. To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world, follow this link:



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#580: War in Heaven and Earth

Something is happening in our world that can’t be fully understood in terms of nation-states, politics, and economies. There’s another force—a spiritual conflict—at work in the earth. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses spiritual realms and spiritual forces that affect us daily. He draws from the teachings of the Apostle Paul in the book of Ephesians to illustrate how we need to lean on God as our Protector in these uncertain times. Satan will try to attack us and distract us, but deliverance is possible through God. Only He can truly secure our peace and joy! To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world, visit this link:


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#579: Live Generously

We're told the most secure thing we can have is silver or gold, but our true stability comes from strengthening our faith in Jesus. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses the importance of generosity. He also talks about the reality of God’s faithful provision as we increasingly learn to trust Him with our resources. God calls us to plant seeds—being generous with our time, resources, and attention—as an expression of hope and confidence in His ability to provide. We will see a harvest as we do so. It’s not about the amount we give, but cultivating a heart that’s willing to give sacrificially. To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world, visit this link:


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#578: Money & Power

What’s the best way to prepare for the uncertain future ahead of us? Trust God with our resources! In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson talks about the biblical principles surrounding the money, resources, and possessions God has entrusted to us. He discusses the “Financial Ten Commandments”—biblical teachings about money, tithes and offerings, working, debt, contentment, and generosity. He also shows how these ideas connect with our current culture and economy. If we want to secure our futures, both on Earth and in Heaven, we need to depend on God as our Provider. To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world, visit this link:


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#577: Ephesians: Faith Under Pressure

Is it possible to experience a significant move of God without disruption, difficulty, and determination? In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses the history of the church in Ephesus, illustrating the reality of spiritual opposition in the world, both then and now. He draws from Acts and the Apostle Paul’s letters to show how spiritual forces are influencing our culture—and how God can help us fight back. Our communities, cities, and nations are divided, but with the Holy Spirit’s help, we can have the courage to speak the truth in love. To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world, visit this link:


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#576: Legacy, Eternity & You

The Devil will try to convince us we were disqualified from God’s purposes by circumstances that are completely beyond our control. But in this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses the lives of two of Israel’s kings, David and Solomon, to illustrate how the circumstances of our births don’t define the impact our lives can have for the Kingdom of God. Pastor Allen teaches about the importance of obedience and repentance. He also asks us to consider what legacy we want to leave and how we want to stand before God on Judgment Day. It doesn’t matter where we were born, what family we come from, or how many resources we have—we want to be known as a generation that pleases God. To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world, visit this link:


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#575: A Change of Heart — The Shadow of Paganism

Our generation is presiding over one of the most precipitous declines of Christian influence in the history of the Church—but we can change that. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses our need for repentance, or truly turning away from our sins. He teaches about the spreading influence of paganism and false gospels in our culture, such as Pelagianism and the gospel of cheap grace. Pastor Allen reads from Matthew, Luke, and other books to emphasize upholding a biblical definition of marriage and the importance of protecting children. If we want to see change in the culture around us, we ourselves must have a change of heart. To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world, visit this link:


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#574: A Change of Heart — Forgiveness & Resentment

Resentment is a dangerous filter to view the world through. It can grow into anger, hatred, bitterness, and all sorts of destructive things—but there’s an alternative: forgiveness. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses the damaging effects of resentment versus the freedom found in forgiveness. He teaches about transactional faith as opposed to transformational faith— “using” God to get our ways versus letting Him change our lives. Pastor Allen emboldens us to have the courage to forgive others and to speak out about our faith, even in the face of criticism. During this season of increasing division, it's time to have a change of heart and let go of our unforgiveness. To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world, visit this link:


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#573: A Change of Heart - To Forgive or Not Forgive

The condition of the hearts of the people of God play a role in determining God's response to that generation. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses the importance of forgiveness in finding freedom and initiating change in our spiritual journeys. He relates instances from the lives of Joseph, Daniel, and Jesus, demonstrating what forgiveness looks like, even in the hardest situations. Pastor Allen also provides insight on the effects of unforgiveness we see in our culture today. We want to be a generation that pleases God, so it’s time to have a heart change—it’s time to forgive. To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world, visit this link:


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#572: A Change of Heart - Transformed Lives

If we’re truly following God, we should look different—not strange or silly, but different in the choices we make and the values we keep. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses the escalating spiritual conflict present in the earth and how we need to respond. He offers insight into false gospels and false churches currently surrounding us, including social gospels, socialist gospels, and universalism. Drawing from the books of Galatians, 2 Corinthians, Acts, and others, he also shares the importance of growing up and maturing spiritually. Deception is on the rise, but so is the Spirit of God. Through Christ, we have access to a power, Kingdom, and authority higher and greater than anything in this world. To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world, visit this link:


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#571: A Change of Heart

When the Spirit of God moves, disturbances to our routines, our communities, our nations, and the earth are inevitable. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses our need for a change in our attitudes, our desires, and our understanding. He shares moments from the books of Acts and Galatians to demonstrate the necessity for a greater awareness to spiritual forces moving in the earth—false gospels, prophets, and churches, and spiritual forces that are shaping history and influencing current events. Pastor Allen talks about the difference between living our lives based on human instincts versus being guided by God’s Spirit. If we want to see change in our world, it must start with us—and as we pursue God, He will be faithful to produce that change within our hearts. To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world, visit this link:


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#570: A Mission Without Borders: An Interview with Chad Robichaux

“I am praying for a restoration in our country, a revival in our country. And I believe that starts with us—not in D.C. It starts with us here,” said Chad Robichaux. Join Pastor Allen Jackson for this interview with Robichaux, who is a USMC Force Recon Veteran and a Department of Defense Contractor. They discuss topics including the current US election cycle, the war in Ukraine, the war in Israel, and the role of the Church in the world. Robichaux also gives insight on recent political and military events, inspiring us to be brave with our faith, our voices, and our votes. It's time for us to stand with courage! To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world, visit this link:


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#569: Time to Lead

God is actively recruiting people who are willing to be an influence and make an impact for the Kingdom of God. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson addresses our assignment to “stand in the gap” in our culture and our communities. We, like Ezekiel, can lead those around us toward the purposes of God. Pastor Allen offers several ways we can expand our influence, including looking for ways to serve others daily and intentionally aligning our values with God’s. He emphasizes the importance of children and cultivating a childlike faith in the Kingdom of God. He also discusses the reality of the spiritual realm and why it’s vital to pay attention to who or what you’re serving. After all, when we decide to serve God, Heaven itself unlocks our potential. To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world, visit this link:


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#568: A Life That Triumphs Over Evil

With deception increasing around us, we need to learn how to confront evil. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses strategies for overcoming the expressions of evil we encounter. He uses events from Jesus’ ministry and the history of the Church to illustrate the need to invite God into every circumstance of our lives. Pastor Allen emphasizes the power we have to speak truth into other peoples’ lives through our testimonies. He also offers four biblical lessons he learned from his mother—trust in Jesus, tell the truth, practice prayer, and demonstrate hospitality—that can help us triumph over evil in our daily lives. To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world, visit this link:


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#567: Great Darkness, the Light & the Truth

To walk in God’s light, we need to be willing to repent. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses the battle between truth (light) and deception (darkness) that’s present in our world today. There are several things we can do to protect ourselves from deception, including choosing the truth, praying, and practicing repentance. Pastor Allen offers Scripture to show how Jesus wasn’t shy about proclaiming the truth, and we shouldn’t be, either. Women play a significant role in God’s Kingdom, and Pastor Allen highlights several godly women in Scripture to show the impact of their faith. He also discusses the importance of godly parenting. It’s time to surrender our dreams—and our dreams for our children—to God. As we commit our paths to Him, He will use our lives to bring His truth to our generation. To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world, visit this link:


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#566: Overcoming Evil & Serving God

“The great duty of your life is the pursuit of Almighty God,” Pastor Allen Jackson said. “Everything else is secondary to that.” In this sermon, Pastor Allen discusses the importance of knowing and understanding the character of God. He shares lessons from history—stories from the Old Testament centered around the life of Joshua, as well as insights on early Church reformers and more contemporary figures—to demonstrate how we can courageously follow our assignments to honor God. Overcoming evil is one of the best ways to please God! To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world, visit this link:


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#565: The Power to Overcome (Evil)

How can we overcome the challenges that inevitably arise in our lives? In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses Joshua and the lessons in overcoming we can learn from his life. He shares the importance of trusting in God’s promises, which is demonstrated in the story of the Exodus, when God led the Israelites from captivity in Egypt to freedom in the Promised Land. Pastor Allen shares stories of several early Church reformers, inspiring us to stand firm in our assignments—even in the face of fear. He calls us to respond with greater obedience to God, reminding us we can both rely on the power of God for deliverance and rejoice in our sufferings. To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world, visit this link:


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#564: One Nation, Under God — Heroes Emerging

God is calling forth a new generation of heroes. Will you be one of them? In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses what it takes to be a true hero: standing for a biblical, Judeo-Christian worldview; acknowledging Jesus is Lord; and learning to say “no” to ungodliness and “yes” to godliness. He offers several examples of what this looks like from the Bible and our world today. Following God requires obedience, and when we choose to stop looking for the applause of men and instead seek to please God, He meets us with peace, strength, and courage. Pastor Allen also offers several ways we can trade in our own perspectives for God’s, which leads to greater freedom. To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world, visit this link:


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#563: One Nation, Under God — A Price?!

The goal of enduring is not just endurance—it’s triumph. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses what it takes to be a hero in our generation. Heroes consistently face strong opponents, adversity, and challenges—but it doesn’t stop their mission. Instead, they allow those obstacles to make them stronger. We see this truth throughout American History and the Bible. Following Jesus comes with a cost, and Pastor Allen offers several examples of people in the Bible who made great sacrifices to follow the Lord—and their obedience changed the course of history. To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world, visit this link:


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#562: One Nation, Under God

To understand America’s history, you must acknowledge the blessings of God. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses how the Christian faith has impacted our nation. The Declaration of Independence acknowledges God’s sovereignty, stating we are “endowed by (our) Creator with certain unalienable rights.” We need to invest in developing our character—and our children’s character—so we’re prepared to protect our freedoms and liberties with the same kind of tenacity previous generations held. Pastor Allen provides insight on what it means to be a hero. Heroism doesn’t come from being a celebrity or a movie star. True heroism comes from the Spirit of the living God within us, who will help us do mighty things—overcoming, persevering, and honoring Him in any circumstance. To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world, visit this link:


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#561: Great Leaders Bring God's Blessing

At the end of the day, the best leaders are the ones who bring the blessings of God upon the people around them. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses the behaviors that will help us lead effectively in the approaching season. Instead of relying on “how we’ve always done it,” we need to become more interdependent on God—intentionally learning, growing, and being open to new things God wants to show us. A heart that's willing to grow and change comes through cultivating humility, recognizing and repenting for our own pride, and choosing to be obedient—even when it’s difficult or doesn’t make sense. Investing in these character traits will help us to hear God and carry out His purposes more effectively as we move forward. To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world, visit this link:
