Calvary Bible Church
Religion & Spirituality Podcas
Calvary Bible Church is a small church from Greig, NY. We are a bible believing, King James Version only church. Pastor Jim Jenkins has been the pastor here for 33 years. Feel free to e-mail us at We would love to hear from you.
United States
Calvary Bible Church is a small church from Greig, NY. We are a bible believing, King James Version only church. Pastor Jim Jenkins has been the pastor here for 33 years. Feel free to e-mail us at We would love to hear from you.
Baptism of the Dead
We have peace in our belief in Christ. Even if we get to the end and He doesn't exist, He still has helped our lives by believing. However, He does really exist, and we have the peace that passes all understanding. That in itself is a testament that He is real. Old Testament is the Old Covenant, blood sacrifice once every year. New Testament, New Covenant, Christ's blood sacrifice, once for all.
Acts 10
In the Old testament, God dealt directly with His people. In person, through objects (burning bush, cloud, fire, angels, ark),priests, and prophets. God dealt with people in Jesus' time through Jesus. He deals with people now through: holy spirit, Word, church, circumstances, and answering prayers. The church age was ushered in through Jesus Christ. We are that time where God is about to come back and get us. No one knows the time or the season. When He comes back, then He will deal with the Jews again, He's not done with them yet. There will be 144,000 sealed Jews. How are they sealed? The same way we are, through the blood of Christ. This all begins for gentiles in Acts 10.
Swing Low Sweet Chariot - When the Saints Go Marching In
Pastor Brent Smith performs "Swing Low Sweet Chariot - When the Saints Go Marching In" for special music Sunday evening at Calvary Bible Church.
I Found It All
Audrey Burbank Sings "I Found it All" for special music Sunday evening at Calvary Bible Church.
I Surrender All
Carryn Olesky performs "I Surrender All" for special music Sunday evening at Calvary Bible Church.
God Leads Us Along
Pastor Brent Smith Sings "God Leads Us Along" for special music Sunday evening at Calvary Bible Church.
Bubble Up and Stick to Them
We read an account from the bible about Jesus overthrowing the tables in the temple. These are not bible stories, they are scriptural accounts, they actually happened. Jesus stated that His father's house should be known as a house of prayer. We need to pray in the last times! In this time in history, we're living out prophecy. The government is trying to do away with any controversial issues that are coming up. The Bible contains the truth! These are controversial issues. There are those who do not want to embrace truth. You are either embracing truth or falsehood, that's it. If you have your own truth, and it goes against the truth, then you are embracing falsehood.
Jesus Paid it All
Kaleb and Haylie Maxam sing "Jesus Paid it All" for special music Sunday morning at Calvary Bible Church.
Who's Your Father
Eve was the mother of all living. Eve means "living". Some people believe that Satan is the father of Cain. The bible clearly says in Genesis 4:1 that Adam was Cain's father. It was not Satan. A lot of people approach the bible, seeing what they want to see. A good solution to that is to go directly to the bible and read it. John writes in John 8 that Jesus said that they were of their father, the devil. It's who you follow. When we are saved, Jesus becomes our father. The bible is true, the bible is literal, and it is not in contradiction to itself. If it appears that way, we need to dig deeper and get a better understanding of what the bible is saying. If it goes against the word of God, it's wrong!
Acts 9 Part 2
No matter where you are, God has brought you through things to get you here. It's training ground. When God allows someone to have it placed on their heart, to speak to the Pastor about something, that's valuable. We are learning, and then there is a learning curve until we go home. When people are afraid or when they are ill, having something to do with them, might bring about some sort of damage or ill to your own finances, health, etc. what should be do before we go? Pray. Press forward.
Build That Ark
The Bible tells us that the world will become as the days of Noah, when the Lord shall return. There is a countdown clock and we cannot be certain of how much time is left. The earth was corrupt, the earth was filled with violence. "And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth." He then instructed Noah to build the ark and gave him specific measurements and ways to build it. He told him to bring his family with him along with animals in the direction of which He said. He will make it rain. Noah proved faithful and righteous for all those years, in the face of constant ridicule.
No Pops With God
David is surrounded by a greater number than is actually physically surrounding him. His grief of heart is eating him alive, and he has great discouragement surrounding him. Selah means pause and consider. They then would tune their stringed instrument to another key. The devil will always be the voice of discouragement. God is always the voice of encouragement. With faith in God, it doesn't matter what the devil can do to us. The worst he can do is kill us, but if we're saved, we know we're going to be in Heaven.
Jesus is Enough
Jesus turning water into wine at the marriage, was a public miracle. It was the "beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee" (John 2:11). When Jesus said "Woman" to His mother, it was not a form of disrespect, like the tone would be interpreted now. God works through emptiness and obedience. How much success do we find when we're still relying on self. CS Lewis said, the only way to fill the God shaped hole is with God (paraphrase). Once you have Jesus, you don't need anything else to fill that hole.
Grace Bailey, Carryn Olesky, and Brianna Olesky sing "Hallelujah" for special music Sunday morning at Calvary Bible Church.
There are 146 instances that the number 40 is used in scripture. 5 means grace. 6 is number of man. 7 is number of perfection. 3 is completion. 666 is the number of the beast/complete imperfection. Jonah was a prophet, he was disobedient, and he thought he could hide from God.
Finders Keepers
If things aren't going the way you expected them half way through the year, God is still in control. We must "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." We need to have this as our priority more than anything else in life. We need to crave it so deeply, we should be thinking about it and explore it. We are to seek first. What is it that we're supposed to be seeking? The kingdom of God and His righteousness. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. There is only one gospel. To teach that there is one gospel for the Jews and one for everyone else, is to go against what the Bible says.
Paul's Testimony
Jesus was telling Saul that he was in rebellion against Him. Jesus instructed Ananias to go and meet up with Saul. He was nervous/scared to do this because he had heard unpleasant things about him. The religious leaders went about trying to kill Saul in the same way that he went about trying to kill the Christians earlier. In Acts 22, Paul is giving his own testimony. Repentance is necessary for salvation. Religion is man trying to reach up to God. Christianity is God reaching down to have a fellowship with us.
The 3m's of Evangelism Part 3
The Lord is always at work around you, your field of evangelism. By nature, no one seeks after God, they run from Him. God pursues us. Salvation is God's work. God has give us His work! That should be a motive. He's entrusted that work to us. God's dealing with His children is always in love, even when he chasten us. He loves us with a perfect love. It's unconditional, it's unnatural, it's sacrificial, it's a perfect love. The same love that He had for His son and His son for Him. It's the essence of Christianity. He saved us so that we could express His love. Join us live Sundays and Wednesdays at This video and more are available for download, and you can subscribe to our podcast.
Petty Pity Partier
Continued from last Sunday's program, Pastor revisits the parable of the prodigal son. Today, he speaks on the older brother. Like the prodigal son, we have strayed from our father. We cannot keep the law. We sin. Each of us are guilty. One thing we are certain of, is that we deserve death. For the wages of sin is death. However, God still wanted fellowship with us. He came in the physical form of His son, Jesus Christ. He was tempted to sin, but never sinned. He lived His life drawing people, to His father. He died in our place on the cross, to pay for our sins.
People Need the Lord
Evangelist Tony Saxton sings "People Need the Lord" for special music Sunday afternoon at Calvary Bible Church.