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How to Study the Bible - Bible Study Made Simple

Life Audio

As Christians, we want to experience God through the Bible… we really do! But our good intentions fall flat when reading the Bible just doesn’t seem to help us experience God in a real way. What should feel dynamic and important and alive often feels confusing and boring and irrelevant. But it doesn’t have to feel this way. In this bible study podcast, pastor and Bible teacher Nicole Unice brings life back to reading the Bible by walking listeners through her Alive Method of Bible study, helping us personally encounter God through His Word by giving us a practical, clear road map for understanding, interpreting and applying Scripture to our lives. Topics covered in this podcast: 💡 Three Common Obstacles to Understanding the Bible 💡The Basics of Bible Study (Observation, Interpretation) and How to Apple the Bible to Your Life 💡Deep Dive into Bible Studies by Books of the Bible (We've covered Ecclesiastes, Romans, Matthew, and more!) 💡 Topical Bible study lessons on Joy, Contentment, Prayer and more 💡 Spiritual Rhythms: Creating New Rhythms in Your Life 💡 4 Principles You Need to Interpret Difficult Scripture To find more from Nicole, visit


United States


As Christians, we want to experience God through the Bible… we really do! But our good intentions fall flat when reading the Bible just doesn’t seem to help us experience God in a real way. What should feel dynamic and important and alive often feels confusing and boring and irrelevant. But it doesn’t have to feel this way. In this bible study podcast, pastor and Bible teacher Nicole Unice brings life back to reading the Bible by walking listeners through her Alive Method of Bible study, helping us personally encounter God through His Word by giving us a practical, clear road map for understanding, interpreting and applying Scripture to our lives. Topics covered in this podcast: 💡 Three Common Obstacles to Understanding the Bible 💡The Basics of Bible Study (Observation, Interpretation) and How to Apple the Bible to Your Life 💡Deep Dive into Bible Studies by Books of the Bible (We've covered Ecclesiastes, Romans, Matthew, and more!) 💡 Topical Bible study lessons on Joy, Contentment, Prayer and more 💡 Spiritual Rhythms: Creating New Rhythms in Your Life 💡 4 Principles You Need to Interpret Difficult Scripture To find more from Nicole, visit



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From Wedding Joy to Temple Righteousness: Unpacking Jesus' Signs in John 2 and 3

Exploring the Signs of Jesus' Glory in the Book of John In the podcast episode, Nicole Unice delves into the significance of Jesus's signs in John 2 and 3. These signs not only reveal Jesus' divine nature but also illustrate profound themes of hospitality, justice, and personal transformation. The First Miracle: Water into Wine The episode begins with the account of Jesus' first miracle at a wedding in Cana, where He turns water into wine. This event is significant for several reasons: Celebration and Hospitality: Weddings in Jewish culture are grand celebrations that can last several days. The absence of wine would have been a major social faux pas, reflecting poorly on the hosts. By performing this miracle, Jesus demonstrates His concern for joy and hospitality, emphasizing that He cares about the everyday moments of life, not just dire circumstances. Abundance: The miracle is characterized by abundance; Jesus doesn't just provide a little wine but an overwhelming amount, showcasing His generosity. This theme of abundance recurs throughout the Book of John, highlighting that Jesus offers more than what is necessary. Revelation of Glory: The miracle serves as the first sign through which Jesus reveals His glory. Interestingly, it is not the wedding guests who recognize this glory, but His disciples, who come to believe in Him as a result. This points to the idea that true understanding and faith often come from being close to Jesus and witnessing His works firsthand. The Cleansing of the Temple Following the wedding miracle, the narrative shifts dramatically to Jesus cleansing the temple. This event reveals another facet of Jesus' character: Righteous Anger: Jesus' actions in the temple demonstrate His passion for justice. He is angered by the exploitation of the poor, who come to the temple to make sacrifices. The money changers and sellers are taking advantage of their need, turning a sacred space into a marketplace. This act of cleansing the temple shows that Jesus is not only a figure of hospitality but also one who stands against injustice. Challenge to Religious Authority: When the religious leaders demand a sign to validate His authority, Jesus responds cryptically, foreshadowing His death and resurrection. He indicates that true worship will not be confined to a physical temple but will be found in Him. This confrontation sets the stage for ongoing conflict between Jesus and the religious authorities, illustrating that following Him may lead to challenges and opposition. The Conversation with Nicodemus The episode concludes with Jesus' conversation with Nicodemus, a Pharisee who comes to Him at night. This dialogue introduces the concept of spiritual rebirth: Spiritual Transformation: Jesus tells Nicodemus that one must be "born again" to see the Kingdom of God. This idea of spiritual rebirth is central to understanding the transformative power of faith in Christ. It emphasizes that entering into a relationship with Jesus requires a fundamental change in one's life and perspective. The Sign of the Cross: Jesus references the story of Moses lifting up the serpent in the wilderness, drawing a parallel to His own impending crucifixion. Just as the Israelites were healed by looking at the serpent, so too will people find eternal life by looking to Jesus on the cross. This connection underscores the simplicity and depth of the Gospel message: belief in Jesus leads to salvation. God's Love for Humanity: The well-known verse John 3:16 encapsulates the essence of the Gospel: God's immense love for the world and His desire for all to have eternal life through faith in His Son. This message of love and hope is a cornerstone of Christian belief. Journal your questions: Talk to God about how it feels to know the very first sign of his glory was at a party and sparked joy. Do you experience joy and hospitality in your life? How can you invite someone into that? What signs are you asking for? When have you seen...


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"What Do You Want?" Exploring the Invitation of Jesus in John 1

In this episode, we dive into John 1 and discover the richness of God's relational nature as revealed in the Gospel of John. John's Gospel emphasizes the relational aspect of God, who asks us, "What do you want?" This question serves to engage us in a personal relationship and invites us to explore our desires and needs. This theme is beautifully illustrated in the opening chapters of John, where the nature of Jesus as the Word is introduced, highlighting His divine identity and His intimate connection with humanity. Exploring the Invitation of Jesus: "What Do You Want?" In the podcast episode, the host delves into the profound question posed by Jesus: "What do you want?" This question is not just a casual inquiry; it serves as a pivotal moment in the Gospel of John, inviting listeners to reflect on their own desires and spiritual journeys. The Context of the Question The question arises in John chapter 1, where two of John the Baptist's disciples begin to follow Jesus. When they approach Him, Jesus turns and asks, "What do you want?" This moment is significant because it marks the beginning of Jesus's ministry and His first interaction with those who would become His followers. The disciples' response, "Rabbi, where are you staying?" is somewhat unexpected and highlights the often complex nature of human desire and understanding. The Relational Nature of God The host emphasizes that this question from Jesus is deeply relational. It reflects God's desire to engage with humanity on a personal level. Unlike other religions that may present a distant deity, Christianity offers a God who is intimately involved in the lives of individuals. The act of asking questions is portrayed as humble and vulnerable, showcasing God's willingness to connect with us. The Deeper Meaning Behind Our Desires As the discussion unfolds, the host encourages listeners to dig deeper into their own desires. When faced with the question "What do you want?" it is essential to consider what lies beneath the surface. For many, the immediate response may revolve around alleviating pain or changing circumstances. However, the host urges listeners to explore what these desires represent. At the core, many of our desires stem from fundamental human needs: the need to be known, loved, and to have a sense of belonging and purpose. The podcast suggests that these deeper longings are what God seeks to fulfill in our lives. The Invitation to "Come and See" Following the question, Jesus invites the disciples to "come and see." This invitation is extended to all listeners, regardless of their familiarity with the Bible or their relationship with Jesus. The host encourages everyone to explore who Jesus is and what He offers. This invitation is not merely about gaining knowledge; it is about experiencing the abundant life that Jesus promises. The host reiterates that the overarching goal of studying the Gospel of John is to understand that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing in Him, we can have life in His name. The question "What do you want?" serves as a powerful starting point for self-reflection and spiritual growth. It invites individuals to consider their deepest desires and to recognize that these longings can lead them to a more profound relationship with God. As listeners engage with the Gospel of John, they are encouraged to accept Jesus's invitation to "come and see," exploring the richness of life that He offers. This journey is not just about understanding Scripture but about experiencing the transformative power of faith in everyday life. THIS WEEK'S RESOURCES: Help! My Bible is Alive! Nicole’s Newest Book: Not What I Signed Up For When you go to you'll get the intro, first chapter and a free prayer guide! Find all of Nicole's books and resources on Amazon or Barnes & Noble Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at...


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What Does It Mean to Have Abundant Life? A Journey through the Book of John

Nicole is back! This fall, we're going to study the book of John together as we ask ourselves: what does it look like to be set free? What does it look like to be rooted and to have abundant life? This fall, we're going to talk about what Jesus did, what it means, what it means for you, and how you can experience a rooted, feet-on-the-ground firmness so that when the storms of life hit, you are not uprooted. THIS WEEK'S RESOURCES: Help! My Bible is Alive! Nicole’s Newest Book: Not What I Signed Up For When you go to you'll get the intro, first chapter and a free prayer guide! Find all of Nicole's books and resources on Amazon or Barnes & Noble Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at


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How to Calm Anxiety in Times of Uncertainty & Feel God's Peace in Your Heart

What do you do when anxiety strikes during uncertain times? In this bonus episode of "Breathe: The Stress Less Podcast" Host Bonnie Gray explores practical ways to calm your mind and heart when faced with the unknown. Learn to anchor your soul in God’s promises and discover simple, effective strategies to reduce stress and embrace peace. "How to Study The Bible" & Nicole will be back soon! Until then, we hope you enjoy this bonus episode of "Breathe: The Stress Less Podcast". If you like what you hear, consider subscribing to "Breathe" on Apple or Spotify. To find more Christian based podcasts go to LINKS & RESOURCES - Subscribe to FREE weekly Breathe Newsletter: - Take a FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your wellness assessment! - Get Bonnie's Bestseller book "Breathe: 21 Days to Stress Less": - Ask Bonnie Questions at - Join Soul Care School: - Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at


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A Prayer to Dwell in the Lord's Presence (Summer Prayer Series #9)

What does it mean to dwell? It certainly means to live, to occupy a house or apartment, but we also use the word to mean to point attention toward. If you dwell on something, you focus on it steadfastly, not wavering or casting about for something else. But why should we? Because He makes clear the path of life, helping us to know where we should step. He fills us with joy as we spend time in his presence, and who doesn't need more joy? Do you know what it means...what it feels like to dwell in the Lord's presence? Listen to today's episode from Laura Lee Groves, based on Psalm 16:11. GO DEEPER FREE RESOURCE:How to Pray God's Word for Your Children, by Brooke McGlothlinThe 5-Day Praying for Girls and Boys ChallengeFREE:Join the Everyday Prayers Podcast Facebook Group Hey friends- Nicole here. As you know, I am taking a break for the summer to rest and recharge, calling it my monastic summer. And I hope that you're going to get some rest this summer too. It's something worth fighting for, for sure. But while I'm gone, the team at LifeAudio and I want to have something for you. So we've prepared a summer series for you that I think you're going to really enjoy. We're calling it our Summer Prayer Series, and it features prayers from another show on our network, which is called Everyday Prayers for Million Praying Moms. The host of Everyday Prayers is Brooke McGlothlin, and she is a best-selling author and speaker. Her passion is to help you discover the power of prayer to change your life. She'll be sharing prayers that anyone can pray to help give their summer a much-needed focus on God and His goodness toward all of us. So I know you're going to enjoy these episodes and take these prayers into your own quiet time so you can connect with God in a deeper way this summer. And I'll see you in the fall. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at


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A Prayer to Choose the Good Portion (Summer Prayer Series #8)

“But the Lord answered her, ‘Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her’” (Luke 10:41-42). Most of my life, especially since becoming a mom, I have been in what feels like a constant rotation of busyness, overwhelm, anxiety, and frustration over all there is to do. Marthas, like myself, like to push back against the idea of resting because someone has to do it all. But the truth is that sometimes we need to slow down and sit at Jesus’ feet. ~ Amber Palmer Do you struggle to be intentional about making space to get with Jesus and receive His peace? If so, this episode of Everyday Prayers with Million Praying Moms is for you. Tune in now to listen to today's entire devotion and start your day off praying God's Word for your family! LINKS: Get today's devotion and prayer in written form to keep for future use! Support the ministry with your $5 monthly gift through Patreon. Visit Today's Show Notes Hey friends- Nicole here. As you know, I am taking a break for the summer to rest and recharge, calling it my monastic summer. And I hope that you're going to get some rest this summer too. It's something worth fighting for, for sure. But while I'm gone, the team at LifeAudio and I want to have something for you. So we've prepared a summer series for you that I think you're going to really enjoy. We're calling it our Summer Prayer Series, and it features prayers from another show on our network, which is called Everyday Prayers for Million Praying Moms. The host of Everyday Prayers is Brooke McGlothlin, and she is a best-selling author and speaker. Her passion is to help you discover the power of prayer to change your life. She'll be sharing prayers that anyone can pray to help give their summer a much-needed focus on God and His goodness toward all of us. So I know you're going to enjoy these episodes and take these prayers into your own quiet time so you can connect with God in a deeper way this summer. And I'll see you in the fall. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at


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A Prayer for Wisdom in the Moment (Summer Prayer Series #7)

"...but Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way" (Daniel 1:8). Have you ever been in the middle of an ordinary situation, whether all alone or perhaps at a more social event, and sensed God's quiet voice nudging you in one way or another? Maybe a warning as simple as, do not say what you're about to say, or don't eat that. The question is, what do you do when it happens? ~ Monica Swanson Do you choose God's voice over excuses or justification? If so, this episode of Everyday Prayers with Million Praying Moms is for you. Tune in now to listen to today's entire devotion and start your day off praying God's Word for your family! LINKS: Get today's devotion and prayer in written form to keep for future use! Visit Today's Show Notes Hey friends- Nicole here. As you know, I am taking a break for the summer to rest and recharge, calling it my monastic summer. And I hope that you're going to get some rest this summer too. It's something worth fighting for, for sure. But while I'm gone, the team at LifeAudio and I want to have something for you. So we've prepared a summer series for you that I think you're going to really enjoy. We're calling it our Summer Prayer Series, and it features prayers from another show on our network, which is called Everyday Prayers for Million Praying Moms. The host of Everyday Prayers is Brooke McGlothlin, and she is a best-selling author and speaker. Her passion is to help you discover the power of prayer to change your life. She'll be sharing prayers that anyone can pray to help give their summer a much-needed focus on God and His goodness toward all of us. So I know you're going to enjoy these episodes and take these prayers into your own quiet time so you can connect with God in a deeper way this summer. And I'll see you in the fall. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at


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A Prayer for Spiritual Discipline (Summer Prayer Series #6)

“Rather train yourself for godliness; For while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come" (1 Timothy 4:8). Somewhere along the way, the Christian life gained a reputation for being shiny, easy, and perfect. “If you just give your life to Jesus, everything will magically fall into place,” people say. You may see someone who has peace in all situations or seems to have the perfect quiet time every single day or is always joyfully serving everyone around her, and think, "wow, it comes so easily to them. Why isn't it easy for me? I'm doing it all wrong." ~ Erin Mohring Have you wondered why things seem to come so easily to others, but not to you? If so, this episode of Everyday Prayers with Million Praying Moms is for you. Tune in now to listen to today's entire devotion and start your day off praying God's Word for your family! LINKS: Get the podcast devotion & prayer in written form! Visit Today's Show Notes Hey friends- Nicole here. As you know, I am taking a break for the summer to rest and recharge, calling it my monastic summer. And I hope that you're going to get some rest this summer too. It's something worth fighting for, for sure. But while I'm gone, the team at LifeAudio and I want to have something for you. So we've prepared a summer series for you that I think you're going to really enjoy. We're calling it our Summer Prayer Series, and it features prayers from another show on our network, which is called Everyday Prayers for Million Praying Moms. The host of Everyday Prayers is Brooke McGlothlin, and she is a best-selling author and speaker. Her passion is to help you discover the power of prayer to change your life. She'll be sharing prayers that anyone can pray to help give their summer a much-needed focus on God and His goodness toward all of us. So I know you're going to enjoy these episodes and take these prayers into your own quiet time so you can connect with God in a deeper way this summer. And I'll see you in the fall. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at


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A Prayer for God to Shield Us (Summer Prayer Series #5)

“But you, O Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head" (Psalm 3:3). In a time of danger, David believed in the power and desire of God to be the shield he desperately needed. The opposition said, “there is no salvation for him in God,” but God's peace proved them wrong. How have you experienced unfairness or disgrace? What would you say to God the shield if you confided your need for protection to him? What would it take for you to lay down and rest in total peace? ~Julie Sanders Tune in now to listen to today's entire devotion and start your day off praying God's Word for your family! LINKS: Get today's devotion and prayer in written form to keep for future use! Visit Today's Show Notes Hey friends- Nicole here. As you know, I am taking a break for the summer to rest and recharge, calling it my monastic summer. And I hope that you're going to get some rest this summer too. It's something worth fighting for, for sure. But while I'm gone, the team at LifeAudio and I want to have something for you. So we've prepared a summer series for you that I think you're going to really enjoy. We're calling it our Summer Prayer Series, and it features prayers from another show on our network, which is called Everyday Prayers for Million Praying Moms. The host of Everyday Prayers is Brooke McGlothlin, and she is a best-selling author and speaker. Her passion is to help you discover the power of prayer to change your life. She'll be sharing prayers that anyone can pray to help give their summer a much-needed focus on God and His goodness toward all of us. So I know you're going to enjoy these episodes and take these prayers into your own quiet time so you can connect with God in a deeper way this summer. And I'll see you in the fall. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at


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A Prayer For Handling Frustrations (Summer Prayer Series #4)

“For you are my rock and my fortress; And for your name's sake you lead me and guide me" (Psalm 31:3). When you are going through difficulty do you cry out to God? He promises to lead us and guide us because he is our rock, our fortress and our strength. When we are experiencing difficulty and simultaneously fully relying on God, then the difficulty doesn't stay with us. It isn't ours to fix or to handle. We take it in and pour it out on our Savior, and he takes it all on himself. ~Becky Daye Tune in now to listen to today's entire devotion and start your day off praying God's Word for your family! Visit Today's Show Notes Hey friends- Nicole here. As you know, I am taking a break for the summer to rest and recharge, calling it my monastic summer. And I hope that you're going to get some rest this summer too. It's something worth fighting for, for sure. But while I'm gone, the team at LifeAudio and I want to have something for you. So we've prepared a summer series for you that I think you're going to really enjoy. We're calling it our Summer Prayer Series, and it features prayers from another show on our network, which is called Everyday Prayers for Million Praying Moms. The host of Everyday Prayers is Brooke McGlothlin, and she is a best-selling author and speaker. Her passion is to help you discover the power of prayer to change your life. She'll be sharing prayers that anyone can pray to help give their summer a much-needed focus on God and His goodness toward all of us. So I know you're going to enjoy these episodes and take these prayers into your own quiet time so you can connect with God in a deeper way this summer. And I'll see you in the fall. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at


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A Prayer for God to Shield Us (Summer Prayer Series #3)

“But you, O Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head" (Psalm 3:3). In a time of danger, David believed in the power and desire of God to be the shield he desperately needed. The opposition said, “there is no salvation for him in God,” but God's peace proved them wrong. How have you experienced unfairness or disgrace? What would you say to God the shield if you confided your need for protection to him? What would it take for you to lay down and rest in total peace? ~Julie Sanders Tune in now to listen to today's entire devotion and start your day off praying God's Word for your family! Visit Today's Show Notes Hey friends, Nicole here - As you know, I am taking a break for the summer to rest and recharge, calling it my monastic summer. And I hope that you're going to get some rest this summer too. It's something worth fighting for, for sure. But while I'm gone, the team at LifeAudio and I want to have something for you. So we've prepared a summer series for you that I think you're going to really enjoy. We're calling it our Summer Prayer Series, and it features prayers from another show on our network, which is called Everyday Prayers for Million Praying Moms. The host of Everyday Prayers is Brooke McGlothlin, and she is a best-selling author and speaker. Her passion is to help you discover the power of prayer to change your life. She'll be sharing prayers that anyone can pray to help give their summer a much-needed focus on God and His goodness toward all of us. So I know you're going to enjoy these episodes and take these prayers into your own quiet time so you can connect with God in a deeper way this summer. And I'll see you in the fall. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at


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A Prayer to Ask God for His Wisdom (Summer Prayer Series #2)

“Wisdom is good with an inheritance, an advantage to those who see the sun. For the protection of wisdom is like the protection of money, and the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom preserves the life of him who has it" (Ecclesiastes 7:11-12). The Hebrew word for wisdom is, “chokmah,” and is used 145 times in the Old Testament. It means skill in war, administration, shrewdness, prudence in religious affairs, wisdom both ethical and religious. It carries with it an implication that leads to action. Chokmah impacts our decisions and how we serve God. There is also a God-given natural flow of chokmah that brings with it profit, protection, and preservation. ~Stacey Thacker Tune in now to listen to today's entire devotion and start your day off praying God's Word for your family! LINKS: Get today's devotion and prayer in written form to keep for future use! Support the ministry with your $5 monthly gift through Patreon. Visit Today's Show Notes Hey friends- As you know, I am taking a break for the summer to rest and recharge, calling it my monastic summer. And I hope that you're going to get some rest this summer too. It's something worth fighting for, for sure. But while I'm gone, the team at LifeAudio and I want to have something for you. So we've prepared a summer series for you that I think you're going to really enjoy. We're calling it our Summer Prayer Series, and it features prayers from another show on our network, which is called Everyday Prayers for Million Praying Moms. The host of Everyday Prayers is Brooke McGlothlin, and she is a best-selling author and speaker. Her passion is to help you discover the power of prayer to change your life. She'll be sharing prayers that anyone can pray to help give their summer a much-needed focus on God and His goodness toward all of us. So I know you're going to enjoy these episodes and take these prayers into your own quiet time so you can connect with God in a deeper way this summer. And I'll see you in the fall. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at


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A Prayer for Living in God's Truth (Summer Prayer Series #1)

Hey friends- As you know, I am taking a break for the summer to rest and recharge, calling it my monastic summer. And I hope that you're going to get some rest this summer too. It's something worth fighting for, for sure. But while I'm gone, the team at LifeAudio and I want to have something for you. So we've prepared a summer series for you that I think you're going to really enjoy. We're calling it our Summer Prayer Series, and it features prayers from another show on our network, which is called Everyday Prayers for Million Praying Moms. The host of Everyday Prayers is Brooke McGlothlin, and she is a best-selling author and speaker. Her passion is to help you discover the power of prayer to change your life. She'll be sharing prayers that anyone can pray to help give their summer a much-needed focus on God and His goodness toward all of us. So I know you're going to enjoy these episodes and take these prayers into your own quiet time so you can connect with God in a deeper way this summer. And I'll see you in the fall. The enemy will always try to get us to believe things that aren’t true. He’s the father of lies. All he does is lie. And his mission is to destroy us. I’ve learned over the years to replace his whispers with shouts of truth, just as Jesus did when Satan tried to tempt him. Instead of being overcome with fear, we can remember that we don’t have to be strong because Christ is our strength. He can do all things so we can trust in him. ~Brooke McGlothlin Tune in now to listen to today’s entire devotion and start your day off praying God’s Word for your family! Visit Today's Show Notes Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at


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Embracing Restoration: The End of Joseph's Story and Its Relevance Today

Hey friends, welcome to the final episode of our series on Joseph's story in the book of Genesis. Over the past few weeks, we've explored themes of growth, betrayal, victory, faithfulness, redemption, and God's sovereignty. If you haven't listened to the previous episodes, I encourage you to go back and catch up before diving into today's discussion on restoration and sovereignty. Before we get started, I want to thank you all for your reviews and for sharing this podcast with your friends and family. It's been a joy to be part of this growing community. I also want to let you know that I'll be taking the summer off for a restorative period and will be back in the fall, so be sure to bookmark this podcast for updates. In today's episode, we wrap up the story of Joseph. We discuss how Joseph reveals himself to his brothers, shows them grace, and makes a place for his family in Egypt during a time of famine. We delve into the emotional reunion between Joseph and his father, Jacob, and the subsequent blessings Jacob bestows upon his children before his death. A significant part of our discussion focuses on the brothers' fear of retribution from Joseph after Jacob's death. Despite Joseph's forgiveness, they still live under the guilt of their past actions. This mirrors our relationship with Christ, where we often struggle to live in the grace we've received. We explore the promises of redemption and restoration that God offers us, both in this life and in eternity. We reflect on the reality that while we may experience brokenness and suffering now, the fullness of redemption will be realized in heaven. THIS WEEK'S RESOURCES: Nicole’s Newest Book: Not What I Signed Up For When you go to you'll get the intro, first chapter and a free prayer guide! Find all of Nicole's books and resources on Amazon or Barnes & Noble Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at


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What Does Redemption Mean? Lessons from Joseph’s Family Reunion (A Bible Study on Genesis 42)

This week, we continue our journey through the story of Joseph from the book of Genesis, as outlined in Nicole's new book and study, Not What I Signed Up For. Today, we delve into the themes of restoration and redemption in Joseph's story and how they apply to our own lives. We start by recapping Joseph's tumultuous journey, from being sold into slavery by his brothers at age 17, to rising to power as the second in command in Egypt. Despite the hardships, Joseph remained faithful to God, which eventually led to his elevation by Pharaoh after interpreting his dreams. As the famine predicted in Pharaoh's dream unfolds, Joseph's brothers come to Egypt seeking food, unaware that the powerful man they bow before is their long-lost brother. Joseph recognizes them but chooses to conceal his identity, putting them through a series of tests. This process reveals their guilt and remorse over their past actions, particularly their betrayal of Joseph. Repentance and redemption are inextricably linked. Repentance means to turn away from sin and towards a new path. Joseph's tests are not acts of revenge but a means to gauge his brothers' character and repentance. Over time, the brothers demonstrate significant personal growth and a willingness to make sacrifices for their family, contrasting sharply with their earlier selfishness and jealousy. The climax of the story occurs when Judah offers himself as a sacrifice to protect his family, prompting Joseph to reveal his identity. This revelation leads to a heartfelt reunion and the beginning of the family's redemption. Joseph's faithfulness and sacrifice not only redeem his own life, but also bring healing and restoration to his entire family. In this episode, we reflect on how God's process of redemption often involves repentance and a transformation of our beliefs, behaviors, and feelings. By trusting in God's goodness and submitting to His process, we allow Him to align our lives with His truth and love. THIS WEEK'S RESOURCES: Nicole’s Newest Book: Not What I Signed Up For When you go to you'll get the intro, first chapter and a free prayer guide! Find all of Nicole's books and resources on Amazon or Barnes & Noble Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at


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Finding Hope in the Midst of Suffering: A Guide to Biblical Lament

This week, we continue our journey through the life of Joseph, focusing on the importance of lament as a way to engage with God about pain, disappointment, and confusion. Lament is a significant concept in scripture that is not only accepted but also invited by God as a means to process the inevitable pain and loss that humans experience in a broken world. Nicole highlights that lament is a way to bring specific pain, complaints, and petitions to God, ultimately leading to a place of trust and communion with Him. 4 Steps to Lament Throughout the episode, Nicole discusses the four key steps of lament as seen in scripture: turning towards God, complaining, asking for His mercy and deliverance, and ultimately trusting in Him. She encourages listeners to be transparent with God, inviting Jesus into their sorrow and discomfort. By engaging in lament, individuals can confront their complicated emotions, such as anger, despair, and disappointment, and bring them before God for healing and comfort. Turning Towards God: The first step in the process of lament is to turn towards God. This involves actively seeking God's presence, acknowledging His sovereignty, and approaching Him with confidence. By coming before God's throne of grace, individuals can open themselves up to a conversation with the Creator of the universe, recognizing that God welcomes them into His presence. Complaining: The next step in lament is to express complaints and grievances to God. This involves naming and articulating the specific pain, confusion, and disappointment that one is experiencing. By voicing these concerns to God, individuals can release their emotions and be honest about their struggles. Asking for Help: After expressing complaints, individuals are encouraged to ask God for His mercy, deliverance, and assistance. This step involves seeking God's intervention in the situation, requesting the support and guidance needed to navigate through challenging circumstances. By asking for help, individuals demonstrate their reliance on God's strength and provision. Trusting in God: The final step in the process of lament is to trust in God. Despite the difficulties and uncertainties faced, individuals are called to rest their case with God, affirm their confidence in His unfailing love, and rejoice in His salvation. By choosing to trust in God's goodness and faithfulness, individuals can find peace and comfort in the midst of their struggles. A Psalm of Lament: Psalm 22 Nicole draws attention to Psalm 22 as an example of lament in the Bible. In it, the psalmist expresses feelings of abandonment and despair but ultimately acknowledges God's faithfulness and trustworthiness. She also highlights how Jesus himself experienced separation from God on the cross, demonstrating an understanding of human suffering and the importance of lament in connecting with God during times of distress. By practicing lament, individuals can come before God with honesty and vulnerability, seeking His presence and comfort in the midst of pain and confusion. Through lament, believers can deepen their relationship with God, finding solace and strength in His unfailing love and goodness. Ultimately, lament serves as a powerful tool for processing emotions, seeking God's intervention, and reaffirming trust in His faithfulness. Overall, the process of lament serves as a powerful tool for engaging with God during times of hardship and seeking solace, guidance, and reassurance in His presence. Through turning towards God, complaining, asking for help, and ultimately trusting in Him, individuals can experience a deeper connection with God and find strength to endure challenging circumstances. THIS WEEK'S RESOURCES: Nicole’s Newest Book: Not What I Signed Up For When you go to you'll get the intro, first chapter and a free prayer guide! Find all of Nicole's books and resources on Amazon or Barnes & Noble Discover more Christian podcasts at...


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How God Grows Your Faith in Life's Longest, Toughest Seasons

This week, we're continuing our series on the life of Joseph by exploring the theme of integrity. Joseph consistently makes the right choices, even when faced with difficulties. Standing firm in doing what is right, even when it may not lead to immediate blessings, is the life of integrity we should strive for. Listen in to hear what it looks like to make tough choices and stand firm in difficult situations. Joseph is our model for seasons in our own life that feel confining. He perseveres in doing the next right thing, even when he finds himself in a place that feels not like what he signed up for. Anybody relate to that? When you're in a season that isn't what you wanted, what does it look like to do the next right thing? Here's the secret. The secret is not trying harder. It's not gripping more tightly to what you wish was true. It's not shaming yourself into being better. True love and true righteousness do not materialize by gripping for it. This kind of love and righteousness comes from fixing our eyes on Jesus. That's what gives us the ability to stand up against the forces of the world that often come against us. Our faith is grown in difficult seasons. And in those difficult seasons, we get a very narrow focus and we focus on one day at a time. We ask God to give us the strength to show up with humility and love for the day that he has for us. Bible Verses to Meditate on the Promises of God: Romans 12 1 Chronicles 16:34 Isaiah 40:29 Matthew 28:20 John 15:5 Philippians 4:6-7 THIS WEEK'S RESOURCES: Nicole’s Newest Book: Not What I Signed Up For When you go to you'll get the intro, first chapter and a free prayer guide! Find all of Nicole's books and resources on Amazon or Barnes & Noble Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at


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Navigating Life's Unexpected Seasons: Lessons from Joseph

we continued our series on navigating unexpected seasons in life, focusing on the biblical story of Joseph and how his experiences can inspire our faith today. We delved into Joseph's long journey of unexpected challenges, from being sold into slavery to eventually rising to a position of power in Egypt. Despite the silence he might have felt from God during his trials, Joseph's story is a powerful testament to maintaining faith in times of uncertainty. We also explored the concept of faith through the story of a woman in the New Testament who, despite suffering for 12 years, believed that touching Jesus' cloak would heal her. This story contrasts with the lack of faith seen in Jesus' own hometown, where familiarity bred contempt and limited the miracles He could perform. This episode aims to encourage you to reflect on your own faith during difficult times. Are you moving toward God or away from Him? It's normal for faith to fluctuate, but the goal is to emerge with a stronger, more resilient faith. We wrapped up by reminding everyone that God's presence is a constant, even when answers are not clear. The challenge is to seek daily sustenance from God, allowing our faith to grow step by step. THIS WEEK'S RESOURCES: Nicole’s Newest Book: Not What I Signed Up For When you go to you'll get the intro, first chapter and a free prayer guide! Find all of Nicole's books and resources on Amazon or Barnes & Noble Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at


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Not What I Signed Up For: How to Think about Life’s Hardest Seasons (A Bible Study on Joseph)

What do we do when we find ourselves in seasons that are unexpected or uncertain? Or when we find ourselves anxious about the future or regretful about the past? How do we handle a season when we feel uncertain about where it's going and we don't know how long it's going to last? If that sounds familiar to you, my dear friend, then you are going to find comfort and encouragement and direction through the story of Joseph. Here is a truth: when we get into a place where our faith is being tested, and we feel under pressure because of some circumstance or pain in our life, we often will feel bad about ourselves. But we need to remember that the reality is, we're just learning who we really are, and God loves us in this journey. God desires to transform us in the deepest places of our hearts, our minds, and our souls so that our emotions and our thought patterns will actually be transformed by being renewed. It's a time to get honest with ourselves because when we're honest with ourselves, there is room now for growth. So today, we come to the story of Joseph, who faced incredible circumstances that he did not sign up for. We’ll see what we can learn from Joseph's faith in times when he did not know how things were going to turn out. We’ll talk about what it looks like to really give our lives over to God, even the hard circumstances or the ones that you thought were about to change, and then they didn't change. THIS WEEK'S RESOURCES: Nicole’s Newest Book: Not What I Signed Up For When you go to you'll get the intro, first chapter and a free prayer guide! Find all of Nicole's books and resources on Amazon or Barnes & Noble Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at


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Is It Okay to Seek Signs from God? (A Bible Study on Judges 6-8)

What does it mean to have faith? And what does faithfulness look like over a lifetime? And, is it okay to ask or desire to see signs or proofs of God? We’ll cover all of that in today’s episode, the second part of our two part bible study on Gideon, found in Judges 6-8. Is it okay to ask God for signs, as Gideon did? God knows we long for signs, and has answered that in the person of Jesus. It says in Scripture: You will be given a sign. This will be a sign among you. The virgin will give birth to a baby, and we will call him Jesus. The sign that we have that God can overcome and that God is the one who orders our steps, orders our days, and controls life and death is in Jesus. Gideon's story is a powerful reminder of the human nature of faith, which can falter and require reassurance. God's responses to Gideon's requests for signs teach us about His patience and willingness to strengthen our faith, even when we doubt. When we remember what God has done for us in the past, it can strengthen our faith in him in the present and for the future. THIS WEEK'S RESOURCES: Nicole’s Newest Book: Not What I Signed Up For When you go to you'll get the intro, first chapter and a free prayer guide! Find all of Nicole's books and resources on Amazon or Barnes & Noble Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
