Learn Hebrew from a Messianic Perspective - Holy Language Institute-logo

Learn Hebrew from a Messianic Perspective - Holy Language Institute

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

What if you could get closer to Yeshua of Nazareth by learning about the Hebrew language and the Jewish context of the Bible? I think you can, and so does our global tribe! Shalom, I'm Izzy, the founder of Holy Language Institute. We're a Messianic Jewish ministry with thousands of students in over a hundred countries. We love the Bible and offer spiritual experiences in Hebrew, the language of the Torah/Old Testament. If our focus on following Yeshua in a Hebrew way resonates with you I invite you to subscribe, LEAVE A POSITIVE REVIEW, and check out the perks of membership at holylanguage.com.


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What if you could get closer to Yeshua of Nazareth by learning about the Hebrew language and the Jewish context of the Bible? I think you can, and so does our global tribe! Shalom, I'm Izzy, the founder of Holy Language Institute. We're a Messianic Jewish ministry with thousands of students in over a hundred countries. We love the Bible and offer spiritual experiences in Hebrew, the language of the Torah/Old Testament. If our focus on following Yeshua in a Hebrew way resonates with you I invite you to subscribe, LEAVE A POSITIVE REVIEW, and check out the perks of membership at holylanguage.com.



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Hebrew Quest Lesson 37 | Psalm 45 | HaTikvah - Israeli National Anthem | Terms of Love and Friendship 3 - Expressions of Affection

Read the most romantic Psalm in Hebrew. Learn to sing the national anthem of Israel, about the hope of the return of the people of Israel to the land of Israel. Romantic expression of affection. Sweet Hebrew nothings to whisper in the ear of your spouse.
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Hebrew Quest Lesson 36 | 1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath 2 | Terms of Love and Friendship 2 - Expressions of Endearment

Read the second half of the action packed story of the deadly conflict between David the poet shepherd and Goliath the hardened professional soldier. Endearing Hebrew terms and petnames.
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Hebrew Quest Lesson 35 | 1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath 1 | Terms of Love and Friendship 1 - Friendship and Brotherhood

Read the first half of the epic showdown between young King David and Goliath the warrior giant. Solid Hebrew terms of friendship and brotherhood.
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Hebrew Quest Lesson 34 | Exodus 20 - Giving of the Torah

Continue reading about the glorious revelation of God to Israel on Mount Sinai and learn the underlying principles and practical applications of the Ten Commandments or Eser HaDibrot.
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Hebrew Quest Lesson 32 | Psalm 145 | Proverbs 16 and 17

Read the paramount Psalm from the whole book of Tehillim in the Jewish tradition. Sixteenth and seventeenth section reading through Mishlei, Proverbs.
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Hebrew Quest Lesson 31 | Revelation 1 | Proverbs 15

Read the sweeping opening lines of the book of Revelation and the breathtaking description of the glorified Mashiach in the Delitzsch Hebrew translation of the New Testament. Fifteenth section reading through Mishlei, Proverbs.
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Hebrew Quest Lesson 30 | Psalm 1 | Psalm 27 | Proverbs 13 | Proverbs 14

Read about the happiness and prosperity that results from constant Torah study as you read through Psalm 1 in Hebrew. Learn to sing Psalm 27, which is prayed every day from the first of Elul to Yom Kippur on the tenth of Tishrei in the Jewish tradition. Thirteenth and fourteenth section reading through Mishlei, Proverbs.
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Hebrew Quest Lesson 27 | Numbers 15 - Fringes | Proverbs 10 | Titles of Messiah 6

Read about radical devotion to God expressed in the mitzvah of tzitzit, or fringes in Numbers 15. Tenth section reading through Mishlei, Proverbs. Sixth and final section learning the titles of Mashiach in the writings of the prophets of Israel and the Apostles of the early Yeshua movement.
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Hebrew Quest Lesson 26 | Psalm 19 | Proverbs 9 | Titles of Messiah 5

Contemplatively read about the glory of God and the perfection of the Torah in Psalm 19. Ninth section reading through Mishlei, Proverbs. Fifth section learning the titles of Mashiach in the writings of the prophets of Israel and the Apostles of the early Yeshua movement.
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Hebrew Quest Lesson 25 | Matthew 13 - Parables 2 | Proverbs 8 | Titles of Messiah 4

Read through the parables of Yeshua in the Gospel of Matthew. Eighth section reading through Mishlei, Proverbs. Fourth section learning the titles of Mashiach in the writings of the prophets of Israel and the Apostles of the early Yeshua movement.
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Hebrew Quest Lesson 24 | Matthew 13 - Parables 1 | Proverbs 7

Read through the parables of Yeshua in the Gospel of Matthew. Seventh section reading through Mishlei, Proverbs.
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Hebrew Quest Lesson 23 | Numbers 6 - Priestly Blessing | Proverbs 6 | Titles of Messiah 3

Learn to sing the Priestly Blessing in the original Hebrew for your family and congregation. Sixth section reading through Mishlei, Proverbs. Third section learning the titles of Mashiach in the writings of the prophets of Israel and the Apostles of the early Yeshua movement.
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Hebrew Quest Lesson 22 | Blessings for Meals | Proverbs 5 | Titles of Messiah 2

Learn the blessing that Yeshua said before breaking bread. Sing the blessing that the early believers sung for the cup of the fruit of the vine. Learn an abbreviated Hebrew version of birkat hamazon, grace after meals. Fifth section reading through Mishlei, Proverbs. Second section learning the titles of Mashiach in the writings of the prophets of Israel and the Apostles of the early Yeshua movement.
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Hebrew Quest Lesson 21 | Genesis 22 - Binding of Isaac | Titles of Messiah 1

Read through the famous story of the the Binding of Isaac. First section learning the titles of Mashiach in the writings of the prophets of Israel and the Apostles of the early Yeshua movement.
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Hebrew Quest Lesson 20 | Matthew 7 - Lords Prayer | Proverbs 4 | Names of God 5

Learn to sing the Lords Prayer in Hebrew from the Gospel of Matthew. Translated by Franz Delitzsch, famous Christian Hebraist and Talmudist. Practical insights into the Lords Prayer. Fourth section reading through Mishlei, Proverbs. Fifth section of the Hebrew names and titles of God.
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Hebrew Quest Lesson 19 | Deuteronomy 6 - Shema | Proverbs 3

Learn to read and sing the famous Shema Yisrael passage from Deuteronomy that Yeshua said was the greatest commandments. Insights into the Shema for your relationship to God and your relationship to your spouse. Third section reading through Mishlei, Proverbs.
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Hebrew Quest Lesson 18 | Proverbs 2 | Hebrew Names in the Apostolic Scriptures | Names of God 4

Second section reading through Mishlei, Proverbs. Hebrew names of the Jewish cast of the New Testament, including Ababus, Ananias, Anna, Barabbas, Bartholomew, Cephas, James, Elizabeth, Jesus, John, Joseph, Judas, Mary, Lazarus, Mary, Matthew, Nathaniel, Nicodemus, Saul, Salome, Sapphira, Simeon, Simon, Susanna, Thaddeus, Thomas, Zaccheus, and Zacharias. Fourth section of the Hebrew names and titles of God.
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Hebrew Quest Lesson 17 | Genesis 1 | Names of God 3

Clay lamp lighting and reading from Genesis 1. Third section of the Hebrew names and titles of God.
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Hebrew Quest Lesson 15 | Why Hebrew 6 - Language of Heaven | Why Hebrew 7 - Practical Applications | Complex Verbs | Names of God 1

Hebrew names of angels Michael and Gabriel. Employment of Jewish liturgical terms including Amen and Hallelujah in heaven. Calling on the name of Yahweh. Hebrew in praise and worship. Learning Hebrew to navigage in Israel. Using Hebrew in artistic applications like art and cards. Using Hebrew in sermons, homilies, and teachings. Using Hebrew as an ancient and exotic language to impress your spouse. Hebrew as an attractive feature on the marital resume of single people. Complex Hebrew verb...
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Hebrew Quest Lesson 14 | Yisrael s Hebrew Journey | Kal Verbs | Why Hebrew 5 - Figurehead of a Move of God

Izzy s Hebrew journey, featuring a Baptist Pastor Grandpa and Alliance Pastor Dad, upbringing in Tanach stories, fascination with Hebrew names, revelation of the Jewishness of Jesus, a Hebrew Bible, a Langenscheidt pocket Hebrew dictionary, thousands of hours of tenacious study and poring over the text, reading through the Torah on the annual cycle, and reading through the Tanach several times. Overview of simple Hebrew verbs. Romans 9 to 11 Israelology of Paul and the Messianic Jewish move...