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The Laughing Warrior

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

A living exploration on facing the hardest life has to offer and coming out the other side grinning and powerful. Together TEDx speaker and serial entrepreneur Rob Wang and Men's coach Scott Pagliaccio unravel how to escape the mindset of a boy, and powerfully seek (and get) the love and success you want. New episodes Monday 11:00 am Eastern.


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A living exploration on facing the hardest life has to offer and coming out the other side grinning and powerful. Together TEDx speaker and serial entrepreneur Rob Wang and Men's coach Scott Pagliaccio unravel how to escape the mindset of a boy, and powerfully seek (and get) the love and success you want. New episodes Monday 11:00 am Eastern.



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91 - How to UNF*CK your life.

Ever feel stuck in a cycle of unfulfilled potential? This episode cuts through the noise of self-help platitudes to offer real, actionable advice on breaking free from self-imposed limitations. Learn how to identify your motivational archetype, harness the power of discomfort, and create sustainable change in all areas of your life. It's time to align your actions with your aspirations and unfuck your life for good.


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90 - Why she keeps breaking up with you.

How to stop dating the wrong women & break the breakup cycle. Learn practical tips for managing anxiety in relationships, the pitfalls of expecting partners to "fix" your emotions, and how developing a stronger relationship with yourself can lead to healthier, more fulfilling romantic partnerships. Whether you're struggling with constant breakups or simply want to improve your relationship skills, this episode offers insights and actionable advice for personal growth and better connections.


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89 - listen when you're ready to change

Tired of scrolling through Instagram, feeling like a hot mess, while everyone else seems to have their life together? In this episode we spill the tea on how to actually get your sh*t together - no expensive seminars or dragon-slaying required. Learn why your phone might be secretly sabotaging your brain power, why vulnerability is your new superpower, and how taking your shoes off might just change your life. Warning: This episode contains zero motivational quotes and may cause sudden urges to turn off your phone and touch grass. Side effects may include improved sleep, better friendships, and the realization that your "mess" might actually be your message. Listen at your own risk.


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88 - Hard Truths I needed to learn before I found 'The One'

Warning: this episode contains zero tips on pickup lines or how to trick someone into loving you. Instead, brace yourself for some uncomfortable truths about personal growth, the art of difficult conversations, and why finding "the one" is probably much different than you think. Side effects include improved self-awareness and a drastically reduced tolerance for BS in relationships. In this episode, Rob and Scott, two recovering "Las Vegas stripper chick" enthusiasts, spill the tea on their journey from relationship disasters to something resembling functional adulthood. Learn why you keep dating that one toxic ex instead of your perfect 10. If you're interested in Extreme Ownership, you can find it here: If you'd like to work with Rob or Scott, you can find their info below: Scott: Rob:


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87 - Why you still suck at dating (and how to stop)

Ever felt like you're fumbling through the dating world like a drunk octopus with 8 left feet? You're not alone. Rob and Scott dive into their own cringe-worthy dating histories, from waiting for the "perfect 10" to show up magically, to following sketchy pickup artist techniques. They explore the top reasons why men suck at dating, and the surprising antidote to social anxiety, fear of failure, and awkwardness. Whether you're a seasoned Tinder merc or still practicing your "Hey" in the mirror, this episode offers a humorous and heartfelt look at the journey from awkward to awesome. Plus, learn why being called a "creep" might actually be a sign you're on the right track. Intrigued? Give it a listen - your future self (and maybe your future partner) will thank you.


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86 - "Just going with the flow" is killing your relationship

Ever find yourself agreeing to go along with something you have zero interest in, just to avoid hurting someone's feelings? You might be a people pleaser, and it's costing you more than you think. In this episode, Scott and Rob dive into the murky waters of setting boundaries - from the awkward "no" to a hug, to the art of slowing down a relationship without torpedoing it. Together we'll explore where your inability to say "no" came from (spoiler: it usually is), and how to stop reflexively agreeing just to avoid rocking the boat. Whether you're a recovering people pleaser or just someone who's tired of feeling resentful, this episode offers practical tips to start setting boundaries without being a jerk. Who knew saying "no" could be so liberating? Tune in, and maybe you'll finally have a good way to skip that book club.


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85 - How to Change People Without Being a Dick

Ever tried to 'help' someone and ended up pissing them off instead? Yeah, us too. In this episode, Rob and Scott spill the beans on how to inspire change without coming off as a know-it-all jerk. Inside: Whether you're a dad trying to create a real connection with your distant kids or a boss aiming to level up your team, we've got you covered. Tune in for some real talk on being a better man, leader, and human - without the macho BS.


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84 - What every man needs to hear, to be at his best... (feat. Jose Alejandro)

In this episode, we dive deep with expert guide Jose Alejandro. Discover why proper rites of passage are essential for young men's development, how lack of initiation impacts society, and practical ways parents and mentors can support boys in their journey to manhood. Jose shares insights from indigenous cultures, personal experiences, and his work as a life coach to illuminate this vital topic. Whether you're a parent, mentor, or man seeking to understand yourself better, this conversation offers valuable perspectives on masculinity, community, and personal growth. If you resonate with what you heard, you can find more from Jose via Instagram.


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83 - Getting over your ex (Listen when you need to let her go)

Breakups are never easy. In this episode, you'll discover: If you're struggling to move on from a past relationship, or looking to build a more conscious foundation for your next one, this heartfelt conversation will give you the tools and inspiration you need to love, let go, and begin again. Tune in now for an audio journey that aims straight for the heart.


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82 - Unmotivated? No passion for life? Listen to this.

Have you ever felt lost or convinced that you'll never find your "true passion" in life? In this episode, Scott and Rob shatter the myth that passion is something you simply discover. If you're tired of chasing an elusive "dream life" and ready to cultivate authentic passion from within, this conversation will provide a much-needed dose of reality and inspiration. Join these two no-nonsense guides as they redefine what it means to find your calling – one failure at a time.


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81 - Men Aren't Monsters w/Anya Shakh

Ever feel like men and women are speaking different languages? In this episode, men's coach Anya Shakh joins us to share her unique perspective on the differences between the sexes. We talk about the power of vulnerability, the critical roles men and women play in each other's lives, and how we can bridge the gap to better understand and support one another. Whether you're in a relationship or simply curious about the age-old dynamic between men and women, this episode is for you. If you vibed with our guest today you can find her via Instagram @anyashakh


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80 - Interview with Ashley Cox (Nice Guy Reform School)

If you're interested in connecting with Ashley, you can find her via @niceguyreformschool In this powerful episode, relationship expert Ashley Cox from Nice Guy Reform School joins hosts Rob Wang and Scott Pagliaccio to explore the keys to cultivating healthy, fulfilling relationships. Ashley shares her insights on how developing strong masculine leadership, embodied through an open heart and strong spine, can transform the way men show up in their relationships. She emphasizes the importance of men taking radical responsibility for themselves first - keeping promises, respecting themselves, and healing past wounds. Through this inner work, men create an authentic foundation of trust and safety that allows the feminine to truly open and soften. The conversation also dives into setting proper expectations, choosing embodiment over performance, and embracing the messiness and conflict that actually builds true connection. Whether you're single or in a relationship, this episode will inspire you to lead yourself with integrity, communicate with clarity, and become the man you need to be to magnetize the love you desire. Tune in for profound insights that you'll want to listen to again and again.


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79 - Get What You Want: Accessing the Hidden Layers of Reality

What if the life you've always wanted is hiding just beneath the surface of your current reality? In this powerful episode, we dive deep into how our inner world shapes the reality we experience - and how to make the shift from a life filled with resentment to one where you effortlessly attract success in relationships, business and more. If you're ready to uncover the hidden layers of reality and upgrade your life from the inside out, this is a must-listen. Inside? Raw stories and transformational insights to help you release what's holding you back so you can finally access the reality you desire. Tune in now to start shifting gears in your own life!


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78 - What's the deal with Sugar Babies anyway?

Creepy waste of time or legitimate relationship? Today we delve into the world of sugar daddies and sugar babies.


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77 - Why your life feels like a chore (and how to stop it)

Ever feel like your life's become an endless check list? Like there's never any time for you (and it's incredibly boring and frustrating at the same time)? Yeah, us too. In this episode, the reason why you keep falling back into this pit, and how to help yourself out of it.


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76 - stop chasing women, do this instead

In this episode... If you resonated with Scott and want to connect you can find him via >> Instagram <<


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75 - We need to bring back rites of passage...

"The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools." -- Thucydides. We lost something important as men, when we struck down the traditions of the past. In this episode...


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74 - Bedroom Leadership

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73 - Interview with tough love dating coach Jake Maddock

In this episode... If you liked Jake you can find him here:


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72 - When everyone gets on your nerves (do this)

If you're like me, and you're sick of living in a world where people go around blaming everyone else but themselves when they don't get their way... Then this episode is for you. I realized a few years ago, that the change had to start with me. I had to stop judging and blaming. I had to stop being the victim of circumstance. No one was coming to save me. No one was going to change because I was pissed off. So if you're reading this right now, and you know everyone and everything is rubbing you the wrong way (or you have days where they do) This is an episode where we talk about how to rewire our brains and learn to completely shut down the need to blame others for our own s***.
