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The Real Life Radio Show with Evangelist Anh Le

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Real Life Radio show is about testimonies of people with real problems who found answers in a Real God! You will hear from a variety of people who never believed in Jesus Christ, but how they found Real answers and encounters with a Real God. You will hear from former atheists,prostitutes, drug dealers, and many more; and how they all experienced powerful solutions in coming in relationship and faith in Jesus Christ. Maybe Faith really does work. Listen in...Real Life Starts now....


Denver, CO


Real Life Radio show is about testimonies of people with real problems who found answers in a Real God! You will hear from a variety of people who never believed in Jesus Christ, but how they found Real answers and encounters with a Real God. You will hear from former atheists,prostitutes, drug dealers, and many more; and how they all experienced powerful solutions in coming in relationship and faith in Jesus Christ. Maybe Faith really does work. Listen in...Real Life Starts now....





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Former Satanist: From Occult to Jesus. Derek Grosskurth full show with Anh Le

Today, we are going to talk about supernatural powers, and how many Americans through movies are deeply desiring supernatural powers and are wondering if there is power in the occult. And if there is power in the occult, where is this power coming from, and is it dangerous? We are going to have Derek Grosskurth, who was into the occult of Satanism, and at first fantasized about having supernatural powers, but then found himself diving headfirst into discovering what the occult of Satanism could do for him, until he reached a point of emptiness.


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Former sex addict: NFL player comes to Jesus. David Rocker full show with Anh Le

Today we are going to be talking about sex addiction, and how it acts like a drug of choice. A lot of people say that real manhood or womanhood, is quickly losing your virginity and having as much sex as possible. But is that the right way? Today, we will have former NFL football player Dave Rocker, who played for the Los Angeles Rams, who will tell us of how his life of many women turned into a sex addiction, and how he learned about the negative consequences of those choices.


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Former Atheist: Atheist turned Christian. David Heizer full show with Anh Le

Today we are going to talk about how a former atheist came to believe in Jesus as his Lord and Savior. In our last show, David Heizer shared with us his lifestyle as an atheist was plagued with anxiety and depression, in which he would use alcohol to numb the pain and uncertainty. He came from an atheist family, and he was well educated in atheism, and everything was going well in his life, until his 42nd year as an atheist, his life went through great turmoil where he went through a high conflict divorce and was diagnosed with cancer at the same time. He shared in the last show that his perspective on life was like running up a hill, chasing after boxes, one after another, but every box was empty.


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Former addict: He thought he was too bad to be forgiven. Daniel Jacobsen full show with Anh Le

Today we will be talking about the concept of whether or not if our futures are already pre-determined by our past upbringing. You see, the way people are raised plays a huge role in someone's life. But what if our pasts are troubled, does that mean our futures have to be troubled? Well, today we will have on our show Daniel Jacobsen who grew up around methamphetamine, and similar drugs, and he got hooked on drugs himself. His past dictated his future, until he had a change in coming to know Jesus Christ.


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Former Jehovah‘s witness: Now I know Jesus is God. Dan Robbins full show with Anh Le

Today we are going to be talking about how someone who was raised as a Jehovah's witness, could suddenly experience Jesus Christ and understand that Jesus is the Son of God. Jehovah's witnesses are a religious group that is distinct, and is separate from the beliefs of mainstream Christianity, specifically believing that there is no Trinity, and that God is only One. There are over 8 million Jehovah's witnesses around the world, and today we have someone who grew up as a Jehovah's witness.


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Former addict: He finally found hope. Dan Robbins full show with Anh Le

Today we are going to be talking about the evils of drug addictions, how it starts, and what it leads up to. Sometimes in life, we can think that we would never end up as an addict, and that addicts are "those" people. But I believe that addicts are just the type of people that Jesus would come minister to today.


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Former gang member: Violence, accused of capital murder, but God. Corey Douglas full show with Anh Le

We are going to talk about if there is any hope for those who go to jail for being violent men/women. Well, anger and violence is a tough thing to overcome, but you are going to hear from Corey Douglas today, who grew up in a very abusive environment, and lived his life trying to re-enact that abuse to men around his life and ended up in prison. But in Prison, he had something amazing happen that changed the course and direction of his life and his destiny. Corey, welcome to the show.


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Human Trafficked: I was offered as a bride of Satan. Christa Coon full show with Anh Le

Today we are going to talk about the occult, about satanic witchcraft, right here happening in America. Listener discretion is advised as some of the things we will be talking about are intended for mature audiences only. Honestly, satanic witchcraft is celebrated in our culture as if it is something that is entertainment, and is something that is good for young people today. But what is the reality of all of that? Today, we will have a woman who was called to be the bride of Satan as she was born in a family where her father was an occultic satanic high priest.


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Rape victim: Drugs, rape, homelessness, Jesus saved me from it all. Chrissy Espy full show with Anh Le

Today we are going to talk about how the evils of this world can destroy someone's life in literally a quick moment of decision. How many of us who are older can say, our dreams at some time in our lives have been shattered by some life changing traumatic event that occurred. So many of us have realized that we are not in control of our lives. But it is how we react to traumatic events that can sink us, or shape us for better. Today you are going to hear from Chrissy Espy, who went through a horrific tragic even of rape when she was a young adult, and it almost ruined her life unto suicide.


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Former Satanist: I Tried to become God. Carl Weyant full show with Anh Le

Today We will be talking about Happiness. What makes a person truly happy? What makes someone truly satisfied and even joyful even if things don't go well for them? Today we will be talking to someone who even went so far as to pursue more than 7 different religions, before he found the one.


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Former womanizer: I gave into addictions constantly. Cameron Arnett full show with Anh Le

I was taught when I was younger, boys will be boys, and so I lived a life where girls were my addiction when I was single young man, I became so relation ally numb and I never felt fulfilled though I had everything a young man would want.


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Former Criminal: Facing 384 years in prison. Bryan Dawson full show with Anh Le

Today we are going to talk about if criminals who are habitual criminals, could truly change for the better. Our society tends to believe that people can't change, and though we hope for people to change, many never see it happen for family members or friends who go down the wrong path in life. But today on our show, we are going to have Bryan Dawson talk about his past of being a habitual criminal who lived his life with his identity as a criminal, and planned to go to prison for life.


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Former porn star: It was not pretty. Brittni De La Mora Full show with Anh Le

We are going to talk to Real People, who had real problems, but found answers in a Real God. today we are going to talk to someone who was a porn star but then left the porn industry. The Porn industry gives this projection that their industry is glamorous, and attractive for young woman to become a part of, but Brittni De La Mora will share with us the truth of what she discovered as she walked through this lifestyle.


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Rape victim: I was raped by my father‘s best friend. Bobbie Merritt Full Show with Anh Le

Today we are going to talk about how our guest Bobbie Merritt, who was raped as a young girl, suffered tremendous trauma her whole life, and grew up looking for ways to control her life and be able to control others through witchcraft.


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Suicidal: Saved from Suicide. Blake Riccard Full show with Anh Le

Today we are going to talk about the relation of feeling valued as a person and thoughts and feelings of suicide. Now just so you know, some of the things we will be talking about today are real and raw, and may be too much for some to hear. But I encourage you to bear through this if suicide has greatly affected you somehow, and I believe God is going to touch you in a positive way. Some suicidal thoughts can sounds like this, I have no purpose, I don't bring anything good to this earth, I should just end my life. We are going to learn the roots of where suicide starts. Some wonder, how can someone kill themselves? It doesn't make sense. But all suicides have something in common, it starts with a thought. Something called suicidal ideation, which are the thoughts and ideas of wanting to kill oneself. We are going to have Blake Riccard on the show, who at a young age, grew up feeling like he had no value, and he almost tried to commit suicide at a very young age as an adolescent.


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Former LGBTQ: Working for Hollywood stars didn't satisfy. Becket Cook Full Show with Anh Le

Today we are going to talk about same sex attraction and what to do with it. "There are certain individuals who from a young age have same sex attraction, and try to hide it, but later on in life express that attraction in their adult relationships. We will be interviewing Beckett Cook, who was heavily involved in the LGBTQ community in California, in Hollywood, and reveals the truth about his experience as a former homosexual. Beckett, welcome


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Near Death Experience: I was stabbed over and over. Arnold Harvey, Full show with Anh Le

Today we are going to talk about whether there really is life after death. There are some who say that there is no life after death, that our consciousness just vaporizes into thin air. There are others who believe in life after death, but many have different ideas and beliefs on what that actually is. So today on our show we will have Arnold Harvey who didn't believe in God had a near death experience, and the experience changed his life forever.


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Former prostitute: Call girl to called by Jesus. Annie Lobert Full Show with Anh Le

We are going to talk about the life of call girls, or prostitutes who choose that lifestyle when they are introduced to that. Now, listener discretion is advised as some of the contents are intended for mature audiences only. Some women choose this lifestyle of stripping or being a call girl because of the lure of money behind it. Not all, but there are some, and I am not talking about those who are being human trafficked. I am talking about those who choose this industry and choose to do it as a career. Today you will hear from Annie Lobert who grew up with some hardships, and then discovered the power of making money by selling her body. Annie, welcome


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Former addict: God restored my life. Andrew Chalmers Full Show with Anh Le

Today we will be talking about how addictions to drugs will make you so desperate, you will become like a ravaged animal in order to get that next fix. In our last show, Andrew Chalmers shared her horrific story of how something as innocent as prescription painkillers lead to a path of always seeking his next high. He went from those painkillers, to becoming a heroine addict. He became so addicted to heroine, that even though he almost died from an overdose, after he went to the hospital, he told us of literally getting his next high right after he got back from the hospital. He became like an animal, where his family had to cut him off, but one day, his father came to him and reached out to him and found him. He told us of the story how he was so living for the heroine, that he threatened to kill his own father, if his father would try to stop him. His father had the grace to not stop him, and just sat there and watched his own son shoot up. today, Andrew is going to share what happened next with his father. Andrew, welcome


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Depressed: She had to take care of the family after the wreck. Amber Butaud Full Show with Anh Le

When my dad died, our family fell apart, and so did I.
