

Christian Vandergroot

How many individuals and corporations would steal or lie to get more money? Money can be used for so much that it’s one of the most desired things in this world. But while some people work, get paid, or run an honest business, others steal and cheat to get their hands on more. And once they have more, it’s not enough. What about you? Is there greed in you? And is greed always evil? Or does it motivate us to compete as well? What does the Bible say about greed? How does God look at greed? We’ve heard it before: The love of money is the root of all evil. Greed, or avarice, has caused many to “[E]rr from the faith”, according to Paul, who wrote to Timothy. “Flee these things,” he said, urging him - and all of us - to concentrate on Christlike qualities instead of worldly possessions and on treasures in heaven, not on earth. In this audiobook, the author sheds more light on topics like: Greed is everywhere. It is almost unavoidable. Open your eyes and see the world for how it is. It lies in sin, and one of the best ways to escape the tempter’s snares is to learn about it and be abhorred by it. Stay away from the world. John mentioned, “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world” (1 John 2:15). Author - Christian Vandergroot. Narrator - Michael Cleary. Published Date - Sunday, 22 January 2023. Copyright - © 2018 Christian Vandergroot ©.


United States


How many individuals and corporations would steal or lie to get more money? Money can be used for so much that it’s one of the most desired things in this world. But while some people work, get paid, or run an honest business, others steal and cheat to get their hands on more. And once they have more, it’s not enough. What about you? Is there greed in you? And is greed always evil? Or does it motivate us to compete as well? What does the Bible say about greed? How does God look at greed? We’ve heard it before: The love of money is the root of all evil. Greed, or avarice, has caused many to “[E]rr from the faith”, according to Paul, who wrote to Timothy. “Flee these things,” he said, urging him - and all of us - to concentrate on Christlike qualities instead of worldly possessions and on treasures in heaven, not on earth. In this audiobook, the author sheds more light on topics like: Greed is everywhere. It is almost unavoidable. Open your eyes and see the world for how it is. It lies in sin, and one of the best ways to escape the tempter’s snares is to learn about it and be abhorred by it. Stay away from the world. John mentioned, “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world” (1 John 2:15). Author - Christian Vandergroot. Narrator - Michael Cleary. Published Date - Sunday, 22 January 2023. Copyright - © 2018 Christian Vandergroot ©.



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