

Christian Vandergroot

The only deadly sin that is not a sin of commission. Sloth, or laziness, is not something we do; rather, it’s NOT doing something we should that makes it so sinful. The Latin words “tristitia” or “acedia” mean “without care.” When we stop caring, things go wrong. How come laziness is so destructive, especially when we are not actually doing something wrong? What does the Bible say about sloth? Is it even mentioned there? Is there such a thing as “good laziness?” What modern-age faces of sloth do we get confronted with? How do we avoid becoming lazy, especially when it has become easier to give up and miss out on life? In holy writ, life is sometimes referred to as a spiritual war. This analogy can have a lasting effect on our attitude. When we look at it this way, we must figure out how to become a better soldier for the right cause, and to actively get engaged in good projects and activities that make the world a better place. This is exactly the kind of thinking you will learn about when you pick up this audiobook. It will help you avoid excuses, see the sin of sloth for what it really is, and motivate you to become a better person. Buy this audiobook today! Duration - 1h 8m. Author - Christian Vandergroot. Narrator - Joseph D Weaver. Published Date - Friday, 13 January 2023. Copyright - © 2019 Christian Vandergroot ©.


United States


The only deadly sin that is not a sin of commission. Sloth, or laziness, is not something we do; rather, it’s NOT doing something we should that makes it so sinful. The Latin words “tristitia” or “acedia” mean “without care.” When we stop caring, things go wrong. How come laziness is so destructive, especially when we are not actually doing something wrong? What does the Bible say about sloth? Is it even mentioned there? Is there such a thing as “good laziness?” What modern-age faces of sloth do we get confronted with? How do we avoid becoming lazy, especially when it has become easier to give up and miss out on life? In holy writ, life is sometimes referred to as a spiritual war. This analogy can have a lasting effect on our attitude. When we look at it this way, we must figure out how to become a better soldier for the right cause, and to actively get engaged in good projects and activities that make the world a better place. This is exactly the kind of thinking you will learn about when you pick up this audiobook. It will help you avoid excuses, see the sin of sloth for what it really is, and motivate you to become a better person. Buy this audiobook today! Duration - 1h 8m. Author - Christian Vandergroot. Narrator - Joseph D Weaver. Published Date - Friday, 13 January 2023. Copyright - © 2019 Christian Vandergroot ©.



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