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The Way of the Master

Steve Porter

My dear friend, may I offer you a divine story in lieu of my customary writing? You see, we’ve been invited to an incredibly special performance! Not just any performance, might I add, but a special theater. I have our tickets in my hand as we speak. Do you want to spend a memorable evening at a beautiful playhouse? I heard we will both be able to discover divine wisdom and new revelations right here, right now! Let’s hurry inside, as they are already turning down the lights. I don’t want either of us to stumble to our front row seats in the dark! Can you hear the orchestra already tuning up? Everyone is quiet, anxiously waiting for the beginning. Shall we go now? This story is told by Steve Porter in his first ever teaching tale. He has also included a very personal letter from his heart. May this profound story touch hearts deeply as we give all glory to God. Read on. Steve and his wife Diane founded Refuge Ministries and a presence-driven publishing company, Deeper Life Press. Steve is a regular contributor to many prophetic publications, including the Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and the Identity Network. His writings have been read worldwide by hundreds of thousands of people. Steve's books, maturity tracts, articles, and videos have touched countless lives around the world. The Porters reside near Rochester, NY. Duration - 1h 29m. Author - Steve Porter. Narrator - Shane G Casey. Published Date - Sunday, 22 January 2023. Copyright - © 2021 Steve Porter ©.


United States


My dear friend, may I offer you a divine story in lieu of my customary writing? You see, we’ve been invited to an incredibly special performance! Not just any performance, might I add, but a special theater. I have our tickets in my hand as we speak. Do you want to spend a memorable evening at a beautiful playhouse? I heard we will both be able to discover divine wisdom and new revelations right here, right now! Let’s hurry inside, as they are already turning down the lights. I don’t want either of us to stumble to our front row seats in the dark! Can you hear the orchestra already tuning up? Everyone is quiet, anxiously waiting for the beginning. Shall we go now? This story is told by Steve Porter in his first ever teaching tale. He has also included a very personal letter from his heart. May this profound story touch hearts deeply as we give all glory to God. Read on. Steve and his wife Diane founded Refuge Ministries and a presence-driven publishing company, Deeper Life Press. Steve is a regular contributor to many prophetic publications, including the Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and the Identity Network. His writings have been read worldwide by hundreds of thousands of people. Steve's books, maturity tracts, articles, and videos have touched countless lives around the world. The Porters reside near Rochester, NY. Duration - 1h 29m. Author - Steve Porter. Narrator - Shane G Casey. Published Date - Sunday, 22 January 2023. Copyright - © 2021 Steve Porter ©.



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