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Shining Bright


Shining Bright with Regina Sisco, is a journey from self-doubt to self-worth. Are you wondering if there is more to life than what you are currently experiencing? Are you worth it? Do you deserve it? Do you believe you can have it? The answers are, “yes you can!” You will learn that you are the creator of your life. Your daily life choices are important and can make all the difference. We will explore both fresh and timeless insights into holistic self-discovery for those who are just beginning and those who are more experienced on the path of finding their true selves. Shining Bright is about sharing experiences and being exposed to the endless possibilities of how to live and create your life. You are in the driver’s seat of creation. The tools and techniques shared by the authors, experts and celebrities are intended to help you heal, grow and create a joy filled life!


Denver, CO




Shining Bright with Regina Sisco, is a journey from self-doubt to self-worth. Are you wondering if there is more to life than what you are currently experiencing? Are you worth it? Do you deserve it? Do you believe you can have it? The answers are, “yes you can!” You will learn that you are the creator of your life. Your daily life choices are important and can make all the difference. We will explore both fresh and timeless insights into holistic self-discovery for those who are just beginning and those who are more experienced on the path of finding their true selves. Shining Bright is about sharing experiences and being exposed to the endless possibilities of how to live and create your life. You are in the driver’s seat of creation. The tools and techniques shared by the authors, experts and celebrities are intended to help you heal, grow and create a joy filled life!







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Freeing Yourself To Love

What is holding you back from having love in your life? Have you opted out or just given up? I will share stories and experiences of how others have been able to heal those inner road blocks to love. Do challenges like not feeling good enough, inability to speak your truth or stand in your power stop you? These are common patterns of behavior women have learned over a lifetime. The good news is these patterns can be transformed into new habits that feel good. You will begin to understand the value of self-care, self-acceptance and self-love. This will be a powerful show that will guide you on how to begin to free yourself to love. Join me next Friday January 4 2013 at 10:00am pacific time as I share this useful information with you to start the new year bright.


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The Journey To Me - My Personal Story of Growth and Transformation

I will share my personal story of growth and transformation. From growing up in a small blue-collar town in Michigan, to being the youngest of 7 of a strict Catholic family-- my adventures began early in life. Lots of us have survived severe trauma in our lives. It may have taken a while to understand because we don’t’ realize the effects until we become an adult. I will share my personal journey of overcoming a traumatic childhood, and the drive and “knowing” that kept me going and my dark knight of the soul experience that did change my life. All of our experiences are a blessing and a gift and I didn’t always see the “hurts” that way until a few years ago. This life is a spiritual journey of finding our true selves. For me that means living and creating a life of passionate service so that others can see and be their true selves too. Join me next Friday December 28, 2012 at 10:00am pacific time.


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How To Create A Great Life in 2013

Dr. Richard London is a visionary leader, mentor and coach who assists individuals in improving the quality of their life--a life that revolves around abundance, love and joy. He will share tips on how to create a plan for the type of life you want in the new year which includes how to shift your thoughts and energy. By shifting your thoughts you change your focus and your energy. When you shift your energy you can create in a new way. Richard will also talk about creating balance, wellness and wealth in your life so you can thrive as you implement your plan throughout the year. Look out world here you come! Join us on Friday December 21, 2012 on 10:00am pacific time.


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The Power of “Imagination” For The New Year

Wendy Gayle is a healer, channel and teacher. For more than 20 years she has studied and been certified in various healing modalities and works closely with the Angelic realm. For several years she had worked with Archangel Metatron. Today, Wendy and Metatron work in co-creation to offer spiritual guidance and life path assistance. It is their goal to assist the awakening soul through love, self-discovery, and empowerment. I will talk with Wendy and Archangel Metatron about the power of imagination for creating new pathways in the new year. He will talk about the expectations that people have around the 12/12 ~ 12/23 time period. Metatron/Wendy would like to encourage people to let go of the expectations of outer shifts and actually create the shift within the self. He has a meditation he is bringing forward called The Soul Light meditation. Don’t miss the show if you have questions for the new year. Join us on December 14, 2012 at 10:00am pacific time.


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How To Use Natural Herbs For Healing

Joyce Graham is the author of two natural healing books. The Healer, is novel set in New Mexico where ‘Angela’ the central character finds herself on a mystical journey of learning about the power of natural healing. Joyce’s other book The Path is a handbook of herbs and holistic healing. She will share her experience as a holistic counselor and homeopath to tell us how natural remedies are far superior to many of the over-the-counter medicines we can buy. Joyce will share some tips on how to use natural herbs to heal some common ailments that we experience in every day life. Join us Friday December 7, 2012 at 10:00am pacific time.


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A Magical Life

William Whitecloud, author of Australia's number one bestselling metaphysical book, The Magician's Way, will talk about his latest book The Last Shaman. The story of The Last Shaman tells us we are all being guided by a higher power. William can attest to that. In the late 80’s, with his life at rock bottom, he was compelled to embark on a quest to discover what it would take to create what he truly wanted - a life rich in health, wealth, love and creative expression. He learned the alchemical principles of hermetic philosophy and has created powerful techniques for self-transformation which he has used to transform his own circumstances from terminal illness and suffering, to living a magical and fulfilling life. William now makes it his life's work to teach the practical tools of magic to people everywhere. Join us on Friday November 30, 2012 at 10:00am pacific time.


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Find Your Soul Mate Through Palm Reading

Have you ever had your palm read? If so, you were told about your life line, how many times you would be married, and how many kids you would have right? Myrna Lou Goldbaum has been reading palms for 60 years and she would say that there is much more to it than that! She will tell us about her book SOUL MATE CONNECTIONS Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Relationships, Love, Romance and Soul Mates. There is a great deal of information she can tell about you just by looking at your palm. She will share her Relationship IQ test on the air and you can grade your compatibility factor for love relationships. Join us for this fun and informative show on Friday November 16, 2012 at 10:00am pacific time.


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The Power Of Peace

Marlise Karlin, Author of The Power of Peace In You, has created The Simplicity of Stillness, method that teaches you how to integrate Life-Force Energy into every day life, bringing more hope, healing and happiness into everyday. Synthesizing evolutionary schools of thought with ancient wisdom and healing traditions, these transcendent yet practical tools have transformed people’s lives of every age and culture. She will share her personal story of transformation, which includes being a teen runaway and falling to substance abuse. Later in 2001, she had life altering energetic experiences that brought her to her path of service and of sharing her unique gift with others. Join me on Friday November 9, 2012 at 10:00am pacific time.


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Special Encore Presentation: Transformation – Tossed and Found!

Barb Tobias has spent a lifetime transforming trash into treasure. She is a master at creating stunning interiors, dressing clients like supermodels and turning the forgotten into the unforgettable—for a fraction of the cost. Barb is a professional speaker, an inspiring coach, and renovates lives by sticking her curious little nose into other people’s “thrifty business.” Barb will talk about her book, Tossed and Found, that is not only a journey of personal transformation, it teaches a newly frugal nation how to purchase, purge and profit from thrift. She will also share her experiences of personal transition and transformation – what happens when life knocks you down? Barb shares “You pull yourself up and start again.” Join us for this inspiring and entertaining show on Nov 2, 2012 at 1:00pm eastern time.


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How Fixing This Simple Problem Could End Countless Serious Illnesses

Dr. Carolyn Dean is ready to shout her warning to millions of Americans from your airwaves: “Low magnesium levels are putting you at risk for heart issues, diabetes, asthma and bone health issues like osteoporosis!” She is the medical director of the nonprofit Nutritional Magnesium Association, on your show to share how increasing your intake of magnesium can eliminate the need for multiple medications, help your body absorb your daily vitamin intake, and much more, saving countless lives in the process. Carolyn is challenging the status quo with her revelations about the miracles of magnesium including facts about: how to beat insomnia and save yourself from becoming one of the sleep-deprived walking dead with something as easy as a magnesium drink at bedtime. Or how taking magnesium supplements can replace a medicine cabinet full of drugs. She will offer her top three ways to achieve balance on Friday October 26, 2012 at 10:00am pacific time.


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How Can Children of Alcoholics Form Healthy Adult Relationships?

Tian Dayton, Ph.D., will talk about kids who grow up with alcoholic or addicted parents—who are often abused or neglected, and often carry their suffering into adulthood where they recreate their original pain. As both a psychologist and child of an alcoholic, she knows the helplessness these adult children face as well as what they must do to grieve, retrieve their buried pain, and achieve acceptance so they can heal. Tian will talk about her latest book The Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA) Trauma Syndrome, and how post traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) is connected. She will share valuable insights to help free the pain of the past and can assure the future is bright for those effected. Join me next week at Friday October 19, 2012 1:00pm eastern.


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40 Days of Living In A Monastary – The Monks and Me

While not everyone would think visiting a Buddhist monastery would hold the answers to a life crisis, Mary Paterson discovered that was exactly what she needed. Unsettled by the deaths of her parents and accompanied by a too-heavy suitcase, she bravely entered Plum Village in France, the monastery of Noble-Prize nominated monk Thich Nhat Hanh. Mary is the author of The Monks and Me, and shares her healing process in dealing with the death of her parents and how she found her way to back to herself. She will entertain and enlighten as she reveals what she learned after spending six weeks living with the Sisters and Brothers. Mary will share the way a monk washes his face and why it’s important and what an 84-year-old monk taught her about finding refuge from life’s storms. Join us for this thoughtful and humorous show on Friday October 12, 2012 at 1:00pm eastern time


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Is Online Dating Working For You?

Many people are giving up on online dating because they don’t seem to be having any luck meeting serious people for dating and ultimately a relationship. Amy Schoen is today’s top online dating expert and her client track record shows that she has cracked the code to online dating and can help your audience wade through the jerks and liars to find Mr. or Ms. Right. She says that many people waste too much time looking for online love. She can show them how to easily find people who are eager to take the next step and get married. Amy will talk about the top seven Internet dating mistakes people make and what you need to do differently if you are looking for a spouse as opposed to a date. Join us on Friday October 5, 2012 at 1:00pm eastern time.


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Full Moon In Venus – The Galactic Center

Estaryia Venus is an internationally recognized sound healer who leads vibrational healing workshops, sound healing rejuvenation retreats, yoga retreats, and sacred site tours worldwide and is based in Hawaii. She incorporates the science of sound, sacred geometry and meditation in her work. Estaryia will talk about her sound healing work and her upcoming dolphin and sound retreat which takes place with the full moon in Venus- the Galactic center- which will be providing balancing and harmonizing energy for us and the planet. She will tell us about the portal of the heart--self-love, and why that is important for us now. Estaryia will share a meditation technique with the listeners. Join us for this cutting edge show on Friday September 28, 2012 at 10:00am pacific time.


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Astrological Matches – A Match Made In Heaven?

Astrologer Judi Vitale is on a mission to help people improve all their relationships through the understanding and insight of basic astrology. Judi will illustrate how every relationship can be improved when the people involved become more sensitive and aware to essential needs and personal preferences. A person’s zodiac sign reveals much about their true nature, and provides the key to understanding how to bring out the best traits of all of the parties involved, so the most satisfying relationships can be formed and maintained over the course of a lifetime. Once Judi knows the birthdays of the people in question, she can help you benefit from business relationships that spur success and prosperity. How to find love and perpetuate love, passion and romance and discover new ways of relating to family members and friends, even the ones who can be a bit “difficult.” Join us on Friday September 21, 2012 at 1:00pm eastern time.


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Activating Your Higher Brain

How do we get our life to be the way we really want it to be? Is it possible to truly have what you've always wanted and needed? Lots of us say ‘yes’ though most people still struggle with life and it only gets worse as we age. What gives? Dr. Jeff Skolnick has advanced training in Neuropsychology, and has developed a technique called the SatoriWest Method, which is learning how to activate your higher brain. He will share that by activating your higher brain it can take you out of the deep grooves of thinking, feeling and seeing that cause you to suffer and stress. Dr. Skolnick will tell us about his ‘brain exercises’ called Neural Inshifting, that can help to open you up to the greater possibilities of life. Join us for this fascinating show on September 14, 2012 at 10:00am pacific time.


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Kindness Across America

Dr. Kirk Sinclair—The Hiking Humanitarian—has gained a new appreciation of Americans and their compassion towards others while hiking across America. He and his wife recently completed a remarkable 5,000-mile walk across America. He’ll talk about what he’s learned about Americans and the power of kindness and some simple tips for promoting community kindness. This journey revealed what “regular people” can do to find solutions to entrenched social problems. And why community kindness has become more important now than ever before. Join me next Friday Sept 7 at 10:00am pacific time for this inspiring journey.


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Simple Solutions For Health and Fitness

Exercise doesn’t have to mean spending hours in the gym or on the treadmill or does it? Denise Locsin will share her Triple Threat workout that saved many of her busy clients lots of time. She is the author of Strategic Health Solutions. Denise offers a simple system that fits into your life no matter where you are on the health and fitness spectrum. She shares powerful strategies to get you started, keep you organized and on track for a healthier, more fulfilling life. Denise reveals why she doesn’t believe in counting calories or spending hours at the gym, and what healthy is supposed to look like and what it means for you. She’ll discuss her powerful, yet simple Hi5 Health System and what five days, five piers and five weeks can do for your overall health and well-being. Join us on Friday August 31, 2012 that can help to improve your overall wellness.


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Using Dowsing To Connect To Your Superconsciousness

David and Erina Cowan will talk about their book Dowsing Beyond Duality, and the “how to’s” of dowsing. They will explain that dowsing involves using a pendulum to bridge communication between the conscious and superconscious mind. There are many uses for dowsing in our personal lives like clearing our homes of negative energies, releasing addictive mental patterns and behaviors, gaining clarity in career and personal life choices and optimizing abundance. Erina and David will share techniques and some impressive stories of how dowsing has helped to transform their client’s lives. They will be taking calls to answer any questions you have about using a pendulum and dowsing. Join us on Friday August 24, 2012 at 10:00am pacific time.


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Making A Difference – Easy Volunteering for the Time Challenged

Have you thought about volunteering and never thought you had the time? Tammi DeVille is the author of CHANGING THE WORLD ON A TUESDAY NIGHT. She has extensively researched opportunities for volunteering that don’t take up much of a person’s time. But her point is that it doesn’t take a lot of time or even specialized expertise to make a genuine difference in people’s lives. An expert on volunteering for the time challenged, Tammi will describe how ordinary people like them can make a huge difference even if they only have as little as five minutes or a couple of hours a month or week to spare. It may sound too good to be true, but she’ll explain how you can change the world on a Tuesday night while holding a full-time job. She’ll also share how to leverage what you already know and love to help kids, the environment, raise puppies and more. Join me for this dynamic show on Friday August 17, 2012 at 10:00am pacific time.
