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Dealing With Doubts in Islam

The Sincere Seeker Collection

This book was written for the benefit of three categories of people: those close to converting to Islam but who have doubts, those who struggle with the whispers of Satan, causing them to doubt Islam, and those interested in learning more about Islam to get closer to God and invite others to the faith. It's natural to have doubts and to question your beliefs about God and Islam. Islam encourages the one with doubts to seek knowledge and understanding to cope with these feelings. Neglecting your doubts can cause confusion and great damage to your spiritual health. Yet embarking upon a journey of understanding, dealing with your doubts, and not allowing Satan's whispers to lead you astray will clear your understanding so that you can get closer to your Creator. Due to certain misconceptions about Islam, as spread through existing anti-Islamic websites, you may have been fed some concepts that make you question whether Islam is a religion of and from God. This book addresses the top misconceptions and misunderstandings about Islamic concepts. They include Aisha's age when she married Prophet Muhammad PBUH, evolution, why God created evil, why Caliph Uthman burned the Holy Quran, whether the sword spread Islam, the question of whether women are oppressed in Islam, the concept of Jihad, Jizya, different sects of Islam, female inheritance, the punishment for Apostasy, hand cutting, lashing, the question of whether Prophet Muhammad PBUH or Satan could have written the Holy Quran, and much more! The Sincere Seeker is an Islamic book publishing company and dawah organization calling people back to their Creator to fulfill their life purpose. The Sincere Seeker is designed for those who want to find their life's purpose, build a relationship with their Creator Allah (God), and gain a deeper understanding of the true Message, Wisdom, and religion of Islam so they can be guided in this world and earn Paradise in the hereafter. Duration - 4h 2m. Author - The Sincere Seeker Collection. Narrator - Austin Vanfleet. Published Date - Wednesday, 11 January 2023. Copyright - © 2023 The Sincere Seeker Collection ©.


United States


This book was written for the benefit of three categories of people: those close to converting to Islam but who have doubts, those who struggle with the whispers of Satan, causing them to doubt Islam, and those interested in learning more about Islam to get closer to God and invite others to the faith. It's natural to have doubts and to question your beliefs about God and Islam. Islam encourages the one with doubts to seek knowledge and understanding to cope with these feelings. Neglecting your doubts can cause confusion and great damage to your spiritual health. Yet embarking upon a journey of understanding, dealing with your doubts, and not allowing Satan's whispers to lead you astray will clear your understanding so that you can get closer to your Creator. Due to certain misconceptions about Islam, as spread through existing anti-Islamic websites, you may have been fed some concepts that make you question whether Islam is a religion of and from God. This book addresses the top misconceptions and misunderstandings about Islamic concepts. They include Aisha's age when she married Prophet Muhammad PBUH, evolution, why God created evil, why Caliph Uthman burned the Holy Quran, whether the sword spread Islam, the question of whether women are oppressed in Islam, the concept of Jihad, Jizya, different sects of Islam, female inheritance, the punishment for Apostasy, hand cutting, lashing, the question of whether Prophet Muhammad PBUH or Satan could have written the Holy Quran, and much more! The Sincere Seeker is an Islamic book publishing company and dawah organization calling people back to their Creator to fulfill their life purpose. The Sincere Seeker is designed for those who want to find their life's purpose, build a relationship with their Creator Allah (God), and gain a deeper understanding of the true Message, Wisdom, and religion of Islam so they can be guided in this world and earn Paradise in the hereafter. Duration - 4h 2m. Author - The Sincere Seeker Collection. Narrator - Austin Vanfleet. Published Date - Wednesday, 11 January 2023. Copyright - © 2023 The Sincere Seeker Collection ©.



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