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Tech Talker's Quick and Dirty Tips to Navigate the Digital World

Quick and Dirty Tips

Tech Talker demystifies technology and cutting edge devices so that even the most tech illiterate can understand what's going on with their computer or smartphone - and what to do when something goes wrong.


New York, NY


Tech Talker demystifies technology and cutting edge devices so that even the most tech illiterate can understand what's going on with their computer or smartphone - and what to do when something goes wrong.




c/o Macmillan Publishers, LLC 18 West 18th St., 7th Floor New York, NY 10011

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242 TT 4 Puzzling Technology Questions from Listeners

Tech Talker answers some burning listener questions. Read the full transcript here:


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142 TT How to Start a Podcast

Tech Talker walks you through creating, recording, and releasing your very own podcast. Visit the website:


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241 TT The Fascinating History of Tetris

Are you a Tetris fanatic? Hear more about the history of Tetris in this interview with Box Brown. Read the full transcript here:


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240 TT Everything You Need to Know About Snapchat

Snapchat is a photo sharing service that posts pictures only for a certain amount of time that you specify. There are hundreds of points I could talk about for Snapchat, but today I’m just going to give you the basics of how it works and why it’s used. This is definitely something your kids are using and it’s imperative you understand it and how it works even if you’re not interested in using it yourself. Read the full transcript here:


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239 TT How to Protect Yourself in Light of the Yahoo Hack

In this week’s episode I’ll be discussing what to do with this new information, and how to safeguard your information going forward whether or not you were affected by this hack. Read the full transcript here:


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238 TT How to Watch Infinite TV (Without Paying for Cable)

This week I’m going to cover how to cut the cable TV cord, how to continue watching your favorite shows and how to save a ton of money in the process. Hundreds of thousands of American’s are cutting the cable television cord in favor of other forms of media in order to find more content they want at lower prices. There are a ton of other ways that consumers especially the individuals in their 20’s and 30’s are consuming content, through phones connected to periscope, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Vine, Facebook, and so many other outlets. TV (cable TV specifically) is going the way of the dinosaurs. Read the full transcript here:


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237 TT Everything You Need to Know About the iPhone 7

This week we're going to talk about the iPhone 7. What's important and what hype to ignore. Apple introduced a new Apple Watch, iPhone 7 and the iPhone 7 Plus on September 7th 2016. There are some awesome features that Apple has never included in a phone that I’m excited to discuss! Read the full transcript here:


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236 TT 6 Ways to Boost Your Instagram Following

Gaining more followers means that more people will see you photos and potentially interact whether that’s through comments, becoming more familiar with your brand, or just liking a photo. It may not seem straight forward on the surface how to get other people to follow you. Let’s dig into it! Read the full transcript here:


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235 TT How to Use Google Photos to Organize Digital Media

If you’re a new parent, grand parent, student, or just have a giant collection of pictures I’m sure that you suffer from a huge problem of keeping tabs on all of your pictures. I used to spend hours categorizing, organizing, and sorting all of mine and my family’s pictures. I’ve arrived at a full proof method of organizing any number of pictures. Read the full transcript here:


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234 TT Internet or World Wide Web: What's the Difference?

The internet is 25 years old today, well actually I mean the world wide web is 25 years old. You may be thinking to yourself what is the difference? Well in this episode I’ll talk about the technologies that underpin the age of Facebook, Spotify, Google and every other tech giant and the humble beginnings that they came from! Read the full transcript here:


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233 TT How to Buy the Best Laptop for Your Back-to-School Needs

In this week’s episode we’ll cover just what features you should look for in a new laptop for school or just in general. By answering a few simple questions you’ll be on your way to finding yourself an awesome laptop. Read the full transcript here:


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232 TT 5 Gadgets to Take Back to School

This week I’m going to cover 5 awesome gadgets to help you back at school. I remember the good old days of going back to school. There was so much optimism, and always filled with the resolution that this year I’m going to stay on task and organized! Read the full transcript here:


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231 TT What to Expect at DEFCON 2016

Hey everyone this week I’m going to be talking about the hacker conference DEF CON. The day that this episode airs I will be in Las Vegas for the annual hacker conference DEF CON. When people hear about this, I get a lot of questions about what hackers do at a conference. Read the full transcript here:


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230 TT How to Keep Your Devices Charged All the Time

Hey everyone this week I’m going to show you how to keep your devices topped off and ready for use no matter if you’re in the wilderness or driving to work. Read the full transcript here:


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229 TT What Is Pokémon Go?

The Pokémon Go craze is sweeping the world and in this week’s episode we are going to be covering the ins and outs! Read the full transcript here:


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228 TT How to Pick a Phone Case

In this episode I’ll be covering what some of the best cases are and what features make them the best in my opinion. Read the full transcript here:


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190 TT How to Make Money on YouTube

Tech Talker explains the anatomy of a viral video... and how to make money uploading one. Read the full transcript here:
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227 TT How to Prevent and Beat Ransomware

It seems like every time you turn on the news there is a new company hacked, or another case of ransomware taking over a company, hospital, police department, you name it. Now if you yourself have been hit by a ransomware attack you know exactly how devastating it can be. Read the full transcript here:


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226 TT What Is an Internet Domain?

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about how to start building a website, and specifically how to buy and use domains. In this week’s episode I’ll be covering just what a domain is, how to use it, and how to get one that represents you or your company the way you want it to. Read the full transcript here:


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225 TT How to Understand Digital Video Terms

In this podcast I’ll define some of these terms and highlight things you should care about when taking or editing your digital videos. Read the full transcript here:
