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Bedtime Stories

True Crime

From Ballen Studios, welcome to Bedtime Stories. From the paranormal to the supernatural, unsolved mysteries, strange deaths, cryptids, and the most disturbing of true crime, we’ll bring you stories from around the world, all told in a unique and bone-chilling way. New episodes every Wednesday. To submit story ideas, email:


United States


True Crime


From Ballen Studios, welcome to Bedtime Stories. From the paranormal to the supernatural, unsolved mysteries, strange deaths, cryptids, and the most disturbing of true crime, we’ll bring you stories from around the world, all told in a unique and bone-chilling way. New episodes every Wednesday. To submit story ideas, email:



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Shadows and Dust

Story One – The Blackbird of Chernobyl When researching the numerous major catastrophes which have occurred throughout human history, it is not uncommon to find testimony from observers who claim to have been pre-warned about the looming tragedy by some form of vision or ominous portent. In this chapter, we examine one such example of this. What was the Blackbird of Chernobyl? Story Two – The Shadow of the Aswang Since time immemorial, in cultures all over the globe, there have been stories of malevolent creatures and spirits, which emerge from the shadows long after the sun has set, stalking the streets and highways, intending to bring harm to those who cross their path. The idyllic islands of the Philippines are no exception, their inhabitants forever living in the shadow of the Aswang. MUSIC Tracks used by kind permission of Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Tracks used by kind permission of CO.AG


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Nautical Mysteries

As a species, we have long considered ourselves the most dominant on the planet, laying claim to the territories and natural resources we discover. And yet, over two thirds of the world remain beyond our reach, hidden deep beneath seemingly endless stretches of water. What do those depths hold for those who succumb to their hidden dangers? MUSIC Tracks used by kind permission of Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Tracks used by kind permission of CO.AG


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Story One – The Secret of Scape Ore Swamp In an isolated rural corner of South Carolina, there is an area of swampland that has come to gain no small amount of notoriety. Is this inhospitable region home to one of North America’s most infamous cryptids? Join us in this story, as we delve into the secret of Scape Ore Swamp. Story Two – The Lurking Horror In previous episodes, we have examined stories of oversized creatures, whose mere existence appears to defy belief, and in this story, we will be looking at perhaps the most horrifying of these alleged beasts. A gigantic species of spider, known to those who have survived encounters with it as the lurking horror. MUSIC Tracks used by kind permission of Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Tracks used by kind permission of CO.AG


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Chariots of the Gods

Story One – The Mystery of Aurora America has played host to numerous high-profile UFO incidents, perhaps the most notorious of which took place in New Mexico during the summer of 1947. But the reported discovery of a downed alien spacecraft near Roswell was by no means the first such incident, with an equally mysterious crash having allegedly taken place in the neighbouring state of Texas, fifty years earlier. This week, we visit the mystery of Aurora. Story Two – The Ariel School Encounter One of the most common reasons that alleged encounters with Unidentified Flying Objects are often dismissed, is that they usually involve only one or two witnesses. But how has society reacted when such occurrences have taken place involving large groups of onlookers? This week, we examine one such incident. Join us, as we delve into the mysteries of, the Ariel School Encounter. MUSIC Tracks used by kind permission of Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Tracks used by kind permission of CO.AG


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Story One – The Hoosac Tunnel Haunting In the northernmost regions of the United States, a train tunnel stands as a haunting monument to the many workers who perished during its construction, their blood soaked into its very foundations. Eerie encounters with ghostly entities have been reported since its creation, persisting right up to the present day. What secrets lurk within this tunnel of the dead? Story Two – The Tsarichina Entity On the outskirts of a small village in Eastern Europe, there lies a three-decade old mystery, which still disturbs the servicemen and women who were involved to their core. Why did the Bulgarian army spend two years excavating the foothills of the Balkan Mountains, only to hide all evidence of their activities? The answers lie buried, along with the entity of Tsarichina. MUSIC Tracks used by kind permission of Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Tracks used by kind permission of CO.AG


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Take Me Home, Country Roads

We have examined several encounters with strange entities, which took place in remote North American communities. In many of these cases, the bizarre nature of the incident has gone on to immortalise not only the being itself but also the location in which it was seen. In this episode, we explore two such encounters, which took place in West Virginia. This mountainous region was the backdrop for the infamous Mothman sighting during the 1960s, which we have already covered. This week, we take a look at both the Flatwoods Monster and the Grafton Monster. MUSIC Tracks used by kind permission of Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Tracks used by kind permission of CO.AG


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Smiling Faces

Story One – The Smiley Face Killers For the last quarter of a century, the bodies of fit and healthy young men have been recovered from the waterways which crisscross the US. Whilst their deaths were ruled accidental by the authorities, a small group of retired detectives believe that they were instead the victims of an organised group of murderers. Who are the Smiley Face Killers? Story Two – Death in Gorda Springs During the Autumn of 2003, staff at a holiday resort in California contacted the police to report having discovered the bodies of two of their guests. Uncomfortable questions still remain over the exact circumstances surrounding this tragic incident. Join us, as we investigate death in Gorda Springs. MUSIC Tracks used by kind permission of Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Tracks used by kind permission of CO.AG


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Close Encounters

Story One – The Second Kind Alleged interactions with extra-terrestrial craft and their occupants come in many forms, each providing varying degrees of evidence with which to validate their provenance. A small proportion of these cases has resulted in significant illness or injury to those involved, with no definitive explanation as to how or why the witnesses came to develop such harmful symptoms. In this story, we examine two such instances of close encounters of the second kind. Story Two – Enemies of the State We have already examined a broad range of UFO encounters reported at locations across the globe. In this story, however, we will be focussing on a series of sightings which allegedly took place within the Soviet Union. Stories in which the Soviet government had been repeatedly forced to confront and evaluate the existence of potentially unearthly enemies of the state. MUSIC Tracks used by kind permission of Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Tracks used by kind permission of CO.AG


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Story One – A Haunting in Indiana There are many accounts on record of individuals being targeted by demonic entities. But in this story we examine a case in which an entire family was allegedly driven from their home by a whole host of demons, forcing them to enlist the help of both the church and the police in an effort to save their children. Story Two – The Philip Experiment The idea of a continuing existence despite the passing of a person’s physical form is one that has long fascinated humanity. But what if it were possible to force such an entity into being via the use of nothing more than sheer willpower? In this story we examine a case in which that concept was tested and resulted in some degree of success. An undertaking which became known as the Philip Experiment. MUSIC Tracks used by kind permission of Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Tracks used by kind permission of CO.AG


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Introducing: Wartime Stories

From Ballen Studios, and hosted by Marine Corp Reconnaissance veteran, Luke Lamana, this is Wartime Stories. A weekly podcast that is a mix of horror, mystery, and awe inspiring tales. Where the strange, dark & mysterious meets the battlefield and beyond. New episodes every Monday. Listen now:


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More Strangeness in the Borderlands

Story One – Shadows in the Dark Anecdotes shared by Rocky Elmore and other former border patrol staff have shed light on the growing number of haunting incidents which have taken place in America’s southern border region. This raises questions over whether the entities that have been witnessed and encountered there, are supernatural or far more tangible in nature. Join us, as we explore more border patrol stories, and in the second half of this episode - exclusive to the podcast series - hear tales from the Mexican side of the border. MUSIC Tracks used by kind permission of Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Tracks used by kind permission of CO.AG


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Strange Beasts

Story One – The Michigan Dogman "Somewhere in the north-woods darkness, a creature walks upright. And the best advice you may ever get is don’t go out… at night." Whilst these words appear to have been born out of a harmless April Fool’s Joke, for the residents of Michigan’s heartland, they stir a deeply rooted apprehension. The fear of a mythical beast, stories of which have been passed down through the centuries. A creature known as, the Michigan Dogman. Story Two – The Beast of Gévaudan During a three-year period of the mid-18th century, a mysterious creature was responsible for the gruesome slayings of over one hundred people living in a small region of southern France. Some say the beast was eventually caught and killed, whilst others believe it is still very much at large. In this story, we examine the Beast of Gévaudan? MUSIC Tracks used by kind permission of Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Tracks used by kind permission of CO.AG


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Foul Play

Story One – The Lava Lake Murders During the early days of 1924, three fur trappers working out in the wilds of central Oregon were murdered in a brutal and savage manner. A century later, the full circumstances surrounding their deaths remain an enduring mystery. Who was responsible for the Lava Lake murders? Story Two – Lost In Las Vegas In this episode, we will be exploring a disappearance which took place in the American state of Nevada over the Christmas period of 2009. A mystery in which substantial evidence was uncovered and made accessible, yet provided little assistance to the investigators. The story of a man who became lost in Las Vegas. MUSIC Tracks used by kind permission of Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Tracks used by kind permission of CO.AG


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The Tall Men

Story One – The Legend of the Mothman In 1966, the residents of a small town in West Virginia were stalked by seven-foot-tall creature with wings and glowing red eyes. Was he real or just a figment of the imagination? And does recent photographic evidence suggest he may have returned? Story Two – Who was the Grinning Man? Alien? Humanoid cryptid? Man in Black? Hallucination? Or possibly a combination of these? This seven-foot-tall being who sports a menacing inhuman smile and terrorises people in the dead of night by watching them sleep may be known by many names, but he needs only one. Who is The Grinning Man? MUSIC Tracks used by kind permission of Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Tracks used by kind permission of CO.AG


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Altering the Fabric

Story One – Trains, Planes and Timeslips History is littered with the mysterious disappearances of individuals, who vanished from the face of the Earth whilst travelling routine journeys. Many of these instances have proven frustrating to investigate, as neither the transportation that was involved or its occupants were ever located. And in a minority of cases, tales persist of vehicles reappearing in impossible locations or timeframes, long after – and sometimes well before – they disappeared. Story Two – In the Fullness of Time In the previous story, we examined cases in which people have allegedly slipped through time, alongside common inconsistencies that are all too often associated with the reporting of such incidents. At some point in the far future, has humanity discovered the means to journey back to its distant past? Or are we so enamoured with this concept that it somehow blinds us to logic and reason? MUSIC Tracks used by kind permission of Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Tracks used by kind permission of CO.AG


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Ghosts and Beacons

Story One – Ghosts of Kadena Airbase It is common for locations that have played host to major military conflict to feature persistent manifestations of ghosts or other such paranormal entities. But the Japanese island of Okinawa is the site of a somewhat disproportionate number of supernatural sightings. Join us this week, as we walk amongst the Ghosts of Kadena Air Base. Story Two – Under the Beacons Glare Reaching far back into antiquity, seafaring civilisations have relied upon beacons and lighthouses to ensure safe passage for mariners. But all too often, these noble constructions have ended up tainted by tales of torment and tragedy. Playing host to mysterious and inexplicable events, which have played out under the beacon’s glare. MUSIC Tracks used by kind permission of Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Tracks used by kind permission of CO.AG


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Story One – Strangeness in the Borderlands For close to a century, the officers of the United States Border Patrol have traversed the foothills and valleys of the Otay Mesa, located in California’s San Diego County. But in addition to contending with an endless stream of individuals attempting to illegally enter the United States, these agents have sometimes encountered intruders of a more inexplicable nature. Story Two – Tales From Stardust Ranch We have already examined the inexplicable and haunting occurrences at Utah’s infamous Skinwalker Ranch in previous episodes. But across the border in neighbouring Arizona, lies another remote farmstead with an equally terrifying history. This week, we investigate one man’s horrifying conflict with extra-terrestrial intruders, as we pay a visit to Stardust Ranch. MUSIC Tracks used by kind permission of Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Tracks used by kind permission of CO.AG


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Strange Britannia

Story One – The Warminster Thing During the Christmas period of 1964, the inhabitants of a small town in rural Wiltshire found themselves subjected to a series of horrifying and inexplicable sonic attacks. Were these assaults a naturally occurring phenomenon? Or were they something more insidious? Join us as we look into The Warminster Thing. Story Two – The Mysterious Risley Encounter For several weeks in March of 1978, a quiet and unassuming community in the north of England became the site of a media circus, following an inexplicable incident. Who or what was the mysterious figure reported to the authorities, and did it ultimately contribute to the death of its only witness? This week, we recount the mysterious Risley Encounter. MUSIC Tracks used by kind permission of Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Tracks used by kind permission of CO.AG


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Child’s Play

Story One – The Devil in the Doll Whilst stories of haunted dolls can be traced back many generations, it was not until the arrival of Hollywood characters such as ‘Chucky’ and ‘Annabel’ that the concept of possessed puppets truly cemented itself within the wider public consciousness. In this episode, we examine three allegedly true stories of toys which seemed to have a life of their own and try to determine exactly what was behind the devil in the doll. Story Two – The Black-Eyed Children Over the past twenty years, the number of online testimonies describing encounters with phantom children have increased exponentially. Who are these nocturnal visitors? And what exactly is it that they want from those whom they unexpectedly approach? In this episode, we examine the phenomenon of the Black-Eyed Children. MUSIC Tracks used by kind permission of Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Tracks used by kind permission of CO.AG


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It Crashed on the Moors

Story One – The Mysterious Pentyrch Incident During a cold February evening in 2016, a bewildering incident would transpire on the outskirts of Cardiff, which would in time go on to become known as the ‘Welsh Roswell Incident.' Did the British military genuinely ambush a UFO in the Welsh valleys, or was this instead a misunderstanding of more earthly events? Join us, as we delve into the mysterious Pentyrch incident. Story Two – The Howden Moors Incident In March 1997, the authorities responsible for policing the UK’s Peak District, were forced to initiate a high-profile search and rescue operation. Local residents reported seeing an unidentified aircraft hurtle from the skies and impact a remote area of moorland. No survivors or wreckage pertaining to this incident have ever been officially recovered, despite numerous witnesses having observed it taking place. What was the true cause of the Howden Moors incident? MUSIC Tracks used by kind permission of Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Tracks used by kind permission of CO.AG
