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America Today


America Today is all about National issues making the news and discussed from a kid’s point of view. McKenzie is already into politics and world news. She’s ready to discuss the issues with you, and maybe a few extra points as well. Tune in to America Today on the VoiceAmerica Kids Channel.


Tempe, AZ




America Today is all about National issues making the news and discussed from a kid’s point of view. McKenzie is already into politics and world news. She’s ready to discuss the issues with you, and maybe a few extra points as well. Tune in to America Today on the VoiceAmerica Kids Channel.




4602 E University Dr. Suite 170 Phoenix, Arizona 85034 (480) 837-1676

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America Today show - Jason Collins and current issues for May 9, 2013

Conversations about Jason Collins and homosexuality in sports. Plus Microsoft products for Video Games. Listen to all of this as your host McKenzie stimulates your mind.


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Microsoft Live Remote, Scottsdale Fashion Square

On this episode of America Today hosted by Mackenzie, her guests include Microsoft's Product Director, and Ray Ellis Program Diredctor for Voice America Sports and former NFL player for the Philadelphia Eagles and Clevceland Browns. Mackenzie's topics covered Microsft products, Microsofts Technology and Madden 13. This was an amazing show that was super informative and entertaining. Especially when Ray gives a play by play of MADDEN 13 being played in front of the broadcast by the kids playing the game. The show is very insightful and showcases Mackenzie's strengths as a host and knowledge. The show ended with the kids joining Mackenzie to talk about their experience play a few games of Madden 13.


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Presidential Vacation-Teen Photo Choice Denied for Yearbook

This is show is about choices and decisions. McKenzie talks about President of the United States vacation. Additionally, she goes deep into conversation about a High School teen's choice of a yearbook photo that was not allowed. Listen and decided what should have been done.


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America Today Thursday, June 30, 2011

On this episode, McKenzie talks about growing up with Harry Potter and will it be as powerful a memory in the future as the Star Trek franchise and or Star Wars. McKenzie also talks about the Twilight series, and watch out she really gets passionate when discussing US Airways and weighs in on the man in lingerie versus the man in baggy pants and who got kicked off their perspective flights. This is episode will get your attention and as always, McKenzie does not hold back!


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America Today Thursday, June 23, 2011

On this episode of America Today, McKenzie covers many topics, some pretty controversial. Get ready as she talks about infomercial scams and the top 10 infomercial products that have made it big, lets see how many of the top 10 are in your home. Also during the show McKenzie will share with you her feelings about racial profiling the TSA, airport security and Arizona’s controversial law SB 1070. This show falls under Voice America Teens and it covers some pretty intense issues.
