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Cary Tennis: Stories, Poems, Works in Progress

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United States


From the fertile mind and rich voice of "Since You Asked" writer Cary Tennis comes fiction, memoir, poetry and song. ------"The Traveler, or, Meditations of a Company Man" illuminates the inner life of an assassin trained as a child in the art of murder and employed by a shadowy company whose national allegiances are forever cloaked in mystery. ------"The Stones of Le Santucce" tells the true tale of two beautiful Italian twin sisters whose trip by train from Orvieto to Milan in 1952 starts a cascade of events that transform a family, a town and a medieval convent. A memoir of fate, coincidence and snap decisions that shape people's lives for generations. ------"Famous Actress Disappears," a novel about a teenage runaway who becomes America's biggest sitcom star until, trapped by the machine of Hollywood money and power, she must once again rebel to find her authentic self.



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