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Fresh Music Show

20 Favorites


Brno, Czech Republic


Adult Hits


What is FRESH MUSIC SHOW? FRESH MUSIC SHOW is a new program in which you DJ Heavy Hev and David Samuel served the latest music, regardless of the mold! Why FRESH MUSIC SHOW listen? Because of this you will not hear anywhere else! We have so many genres that we can not enumerate all of a sudden! The program world-class, exclusive premieres of songs in Czech ether, it is FRESH MUSIC SHOW! FRESH MUSIC SHOW, it is your musical refreshment!Only in FRESH MUSIC SHOW will learn the most current news about music from around the world! Ahead of you interviews with interesting producers, DJs and other people who have something to say. You will be informed of parties and concerts, where it is worth to go and will also be a competition for tickets and CDs. Now we know who the mood for Wednesday's party! From ten to midnight on Kiss Hady listen FRESH MUSIC SHOW!



This show will be available on Wed, Mar 19 at 5PM.