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Welcome to Mission Forge where we engage one another, empower each other, and elevate the real estate world around us.



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Because I like to read thank you cards

There are no show notes for this one. It was a representation of the organic redevelopment of my answer the question why are you in business.


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Insider Tips for Buyer Viewing Homes

Insider tips for buyers who want to look at homes preceeded by a quick overview of the settlement landscape. 1. Proceed to look at open houses 2. Call the listing agent 3. Proceed unrepresented 4. Work with the agent that you already have a relationship with. This will probably represent the majority of consumers 5. Locate and utilize a showing service. 6. Interview potential buyer's agents and try to select one who best fits with your personality and also displays the ability to deliver good service.


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Summary of New Laws and Real Estate Forms for July 2024 in Tidewater Virginia

On July 1st new laws took effect in the state of Virginia some of them impacting the world of real estate and the forms that we use. Please enjoy this summary of those changes.


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Commissions and Undisclosed Dual Agency

In thIs podcast I dig into the reasons why lis ing agents and sellers offer different cooperative commissions. My advice is that listing agents should stay focused on advising the seller what commission rate or flat fee will get the job done depending on the current market conditions. Listing agents should avoid making decisions and giving advice to sellers based on duties to buyer's agents and reactions of others in the industry. Losing focus of the best interest of the seller by focusing on what others may think could be an example of undisclosed dual agency.


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A Fire Burns Through

I had the chance to walk through a forest near Luray, VA that had recently been burned in a fire. I was left with so many thoughts of comparison to our industry of real estate which feels as though it's on fire right now. Please listen and share.


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Insider tips on Negotiating a Commercial Lease.

Five insider tips to negotiate a commercial lease. Number one understand the needs of the owner. Many times perspective tenants don't understand that the value of the lease directly impacts the value of the building. Number two the length of the lease is critical to the owner, and longer is better. This gives you the ability to negotiate in the earlier phases of the lease which leads to number three annual increases in rent. You can use the lease duration to increase later and take your breaks earlier on. Step 4 build out and repairs are generally not something an owner wants to take on so plan to complete these repairs on your own. Repairs specific to your business would not create a negotiation point however repairs generally improving the property could be another source of negotiating with the property owner. Number five repairs during the lease should be expected to be the responsibility of the tenant especially when they are smaller. Owners would likely be expected to pay large repairs. Make sure this is spelled out in your lease terms. Pay attention to your ability to bring traffic that could positively impact your neighbors. be proactive in offering to cross-promote other businesses. Keep in mind the owner of the building wants everyone to be successful. In a successful climate he can minimize or she can minimize vacancy and maximize the value of the building through higher lease rates.


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Commercial Real Estate Model is not right for Residential

A shift towards something already in place Commercial real estate has operated this way for a long time. Commercial listings generally do not offer compensation to cooperating brokers of buyers. It does not mean that buyer representatives are not paid. It means that buyers must ask the listing broker if there is any cooperative compensation available. In the event the answer is no, then the agent must consult with the buyer and refer to the exclusive right to represent form. Clear differences exist between commercial and residential. Immediacy is generally not present in commercial as it is common in residential. Rapid moving residential markets can be impeaded or slowed by this added layer of discussion (assuming the offer to compensate is withdrawn from the MLS. Now the process has an extra layer of discussion which could retard the process and flow when time is of the essence. In addition, residential buyers have financing concerns that play into compensation that are not there in the commercial world. For instance, buyers with VA loans are not able to make payments to the agent or to a vendor for repair. That could be very harmful to some of our most important buyers. It is potentially a dramatic erosion of one of their signature benefits. Often times consumers will call the sign in commercial real estate and proceed with no buyer agent. In some cases they may ask the listing firm for dual representation and other times they may proceed unrepresented. Residential real estate has methodically and purposefully moved away from this and comfortably gotten to a situation where buyer agency is clear and defined and common, while seller agency remains intact. Both sides have agency and compensation did not increase. One really questions the benefits to the residential process that will result from the decoupling of advertising compensation in the MLS. The theory on the ground is that since compensation is still permitted from the seller to the buyer’s agent that it will still take place largely as normal and hopefully with more transparency than before. The fear is that our most prized and vulnerable buyers will be sidelined, and may resort to calling the sign, perhaps out of desperation and frustration and perhaps in the hopes of trading representation for perceived savings to make a deal work. The ramifications of thousands of unrepresented buyers who are financially sensitive could be devastating if they don’t have capacity to negotiate repairs, oversee important disclosures, review documents, navigate extensions, deadlines, review repairs and verify payments to vendors. It really could be lambs to the slaughter in some cases---sadly out of needless desperation caused by the DOJ.


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Common Sense Term Limit Ideas for the Congress of the United States

To be elected, a representative must be at least 25 years old, a United States citizen for at least seven years and an inhabitant of the state he or she represents. The Constitution sets three qualifications for service in the U.S. Senate: age (at least thirty years of age); U.S. citizenship (at least nine years); and residency in the state a senator represents at time of election. Members of the House of Representatives serve two-year terms and are considered for reelection every even year. Senators however, serve six-year terms and elections to the Senate are staggered over even years so that only about 1/3 of the Senate is up for reelection during any election. Congressional districts are the 435 areas from which members are elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. There are 100 Senate seats, 2 for each state. The compensation for most Senators, Representatives, Delegates, and the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico is $174,000. These levels have remained unchanged since 2009. Term limits at the federal level are restricted to the executive branch and some agencies. Judicial appointments at the federal level are made for life and are not subject to election or to term limits. The U.S. Congress remains (since the Thornton decision of 1995) without electoral limits. My suggestion for reasonable term limits would be to attract more people to serve, remove incentives for a life in politics, roll implementation in the House to mirror the Senate. This will preserve institutional knowledge which is critical. To attract a higher quantitiy of everyday Americans to do the unthinkable run for congress leave their family leave their business I suggest increasing the pay to something very substantial, such as $$350,000 per year. In addition, there would be heavy incentives and benefits to protect juobs and business during service so the Congressperson could return home to what they left. Senators would be limited to 2 terms and Representatives to 6 terms.


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Is your brokerage like a roundabout or a two-way street?

You are an independent contractor if you practice real estate. How much freedom do you have to direct your business the way you want to direct it? Do you have the ability to direct your business the way you know it needs to operate or is it inconsistent with the policies of your brokerage? Have you ever thought of leaving your brokerage but worry about the terms and penalties associated with relocating? I'd appreciate the opportunity to hear about your business and share everything I know about our brokerage with you. To arrange a consultation please email me at BobbyJ@remax.net.


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Dynamic Pricing for Wendy's and Real Estate Commissions

Wendy's really made a splash when they announced a new pricing model which was compared to, probably improperly, Uber's surge pricing model. The leaders of Wendy's restaurant have clarified that it's called dynamic pricing and it's not the same as surge pricing. It's a very interesting idea and I wonder if you've thought about it in your real estate business for your commission structure.


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HVAC Changes are Coming in the US.

R454B refrigerant has been designated as a replacement for R410A. This change is coming over the next year for Virginia and you need to be aware of it as you repair and replace your systems. Be wary of deals, as you may be purchasing good quality equipment that is being phased out. Also be on the look out for May-December split HVAC systems that are being married together. Those may be problematic for you.


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Tinkering with Your Breakfast

Tinkering with your business is a key component to adjusting to the needs of the marketplace. If you dial into the needs of the customer you will spot areas your business can adjust to improve the experience and be more productive. When we think of Chic Fila today, we think of efficient high volume drive through experiences. Did you know that the drive through was a modification to the business plan that many executives did not agree with? Credit goes to Uncommon Influence founder Keving Harrison for this message. You can find more at his website uncommoninfluence.com.


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Wood versus Vinyl Fencing

Wood versus Vinyl fencing: which is cheaper, which is easier to maintain, repair, replace? I have a few insights that are of value to pass along. I would like to know your experiences, so please share.


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NAR President Tracy Kasper Resigns and should be Applauded

NAR President, resigned and reported to authorities that someone was trying to blackmail her to compromise her position at NAR. The former president of the National Association of Realtors should be applauded for her courage in standing up to the criminal bad actors. I want to know what they wanted her to do. I want to know who wanted her to do it. I want to know who else was compromised and what directions they carried out to save themselves embarrassment. I want to know what other organizations are compromised.


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RE/MAX Capital turns 26

Cheers! We are turning 26! RE/MAX Capital has grown beyond Williamsburg to include offices in Yorktown and Hayes. Our agent-focused model is the bedrock of our office. We have a positive culture where supportive staff engage with our professional Realtors to foster their business. Bobby Jankovic invites you to share your business goals with him and learn about affiliating with his full service brokerage.


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AI compared to Youtube, Yellow Pages and Mapbooks

Here are four comparison points to help think of what life may be like as AI unfolds in our lives. a) Youtube to solve a problem b) Google Maps to navigate c) Yellow Pages to find a business d) Cell Phones for communication In the last generation all of these things have changed our lives, largely for the better. While there are downsides to everything, the changes have increased efficiency, safety, enjoyment, knowledge, and quality of life. Let's seek, expect, hope, and demand the same from Artificial intelligence as it unfolds into our everyday lives.


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2023 State of the Commonwealth of Virginia

As published by the Cardinal news, this opinion piece by Dwayne Yancey discusses the 2023 ODU State of the Commonwealth report. There are real problems brewing out there. They are summarized here: ODU report warns again that Virginia is increasingly split between haves and have-nots The report also warns that Virginia is losing young adults and continues to lag behind North Carolina in multiple economic metrics. However, Southside and Southwest have seen the state’s highest income growth. https://cardinalnews.org/2023/12/18/odu-report-warns-again-that-virginia-is-increasingly-split-between-haves-and-have-nots/


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Looming Change in the Lending Industry: Worth a Watch

Could Government changes to banking rules cause borrowers to end up footing the bill for higher costs? Regulators are worried banks and lending institutions are not resilient enough and want them to hold more capital to weather difficult market conditions. This could lead to higher costs to sell loans on the secondary market and those costs could be pushed to the consumers. One prediction is that rates could be pushed higher by thirty percent.


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New Twist on Commisison Lawsuits

Shouldn't sellers have to refund the proceeds of the victorious lawsuit back to people who bought their houses? The buyers are owed money. The sellers are burning the candle at both ends. They are trying to get a refund on a bill that was paid by the buyer. The buyers should be able to claim damage equal to the amount awarded back.


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11 Insider Tips for being a Property Manager

1 you have to learn to manage expectations. 2. you need to really learn what it means to work with somebody intricately whom you do not represent. 3 talk to your broker and make sure your compatible with the allowances and systems that they have. 4 be aware of all current laws. 5 Undergo necessary training. 6 spend time learning the forms what they mean and when you should use them. 7 learn the tools that your office has to leverage your work. 8 consider working with an experienced property manager to learn the ropes. 9 Make sure you fully understand how your new knowledge as a property manager can assist your business by helping your existing residential real estate clients. 10 develop a system for dealing with prospects unavailable rentals and stick to it. Don't vary or make exceptions to your rules. 11. Circling back to the beginning. Make sure you manage those expectations of your owner regarding your adherence to the law. A good for instance on that is animals in the home on the lease.
