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Anatole France
Premium Audiobooks
100 citações de Anatole France
Anatole France é um escritor francês, considerado um dos maiores do período da Terceira República, do qual foi também um dos mais importantes críticos literários. Tornou-se uma das consciências mais significativas do seu tempo ao comprometer-se com...
100 citas de Anatole France
Anatole France es un escritor francés, considerado uno de los más grandes del período de la Tercera República, del que fue también uno de los más importantes críticos literarios. Se convirtió en una de las conciencias más significativas de su tiempo...
100 citat från Anatole France
Anatole France är en fransk författare, anses vara en av de största av en tid präglad av den tredje republiken, var han en av de största litterära kritiker. Han blev en av de mest betydelsefulla samvete av sin tid lockar många sociala orsaker och...
100 citaten van Anatole France
Anatole France is een Franse schrijver, die wordt beschouwd als een van de grootste van de Derde Republiek, waarvan hij ook een van de belangrijkste literaire critici was. Hij werd een van de belangrijkste gewetensbezwaren van zijn tijd door zich aan...
100 citazioni Anatole Francia
Anatole France è uno scrittore francese, considerato uno dei più grandi del periodo della Terza Repubblica, di cui è stato anche uno dei più importanti critici letterari. Divenne una delle coscienze più significative del suo tempo impegnandosi in...
Anatole France - A Short Story Collection
François-Anatole Thibault was born on the 16th April 1844 in Paris, France, the son of a bookseller and bibliophile.He studied at the Collège Stanislas, a private Catholic school, and after graduating joined his father in the bookstore, which...
Gods are Athirst
The Gods Are Athirst (French: Les dieux ont soif, also translated as The Gods Are Thirsty or The Gods Will Have Blood) is a 1912 novel by Anatole France. The story follows the young Parisian painter Évariste Gamelin, who rises speedily from his humble...
In the Reign of Terror
Anatole France (1844 - 1924) was a leading French poet and writer who was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1921. "In the Reign of Terror" is a short story describing a daring spur of the moment escape by an aristocratic woman, when the mob...
Los Dioses Tienen Sed
Anatole France creo una de las grandes novelas, que sobre el fondo de los anos posteriores a la Revolucion Francesa y el desarrollo del Terror, muestra un punto de vista diferente sobre ese hecho historico. El protagonista de la obra, el pintor...
Penguin Island
The novel (original French title -- L'Île des Pingouins) is a satire on human nature. The first publication was in 1908. These penguins are mistaken for humans by the 97-year-old priest, Father Mael, because of his bad eyesight. He baptizes them, and...
François-Anatole Thibault was born on the 16th April 1844 in Paris, France, the son of a bookseller and bibliophile.He studied at the Collège Stanislas, a private Catholic school, and after graduating joined his father in the bookstore, which...
The fourth century ascetic Paphnuce, journeys from his remote desert hermitage to urban Alexandria determined to locate the stunningly beautiful and libertine actress, Thais. He earnestly desires that she convert to Christianity. Gaining an audience...
The Dark Masters - Volume 3
Life is to be lived. Experiences gained, pleasures sampled. But, troublingly, when you are a classic author your thoughts sometimes lean towards darker thoughts. Within the space of a few paragraphs these literary masters shape a new world; more...
The Daughter of Lilith
François-Anatole Thibault was born on the 16th April 1844 in Paris, France, the son of a bookseller and bibliophile.He studied at the Collège Stanislas, a private Catholic school, and after graduating joined his father in the bookstore, which...
The Devil - The Europeans - A Short Story Collection
Where there is good there is Evil. Whether you buy into that or not it makes for excellent literature. Authors have always explored the subject with abandon, able to unleash dark fears from the page without summoning them into reality or hearing them...
The Red Egg
François-Anatole Thibault was born on the 16th April 1844 in Paris, France, the son of a bookseller and bibliophile.He studied at the Collège Stanislas, a private Catholic school, and after graduating joined his father in the bookstore, which...
The Revolt of the Angels
Anatole France, in his satirical and allegorical fashion, weaves a tale of fantasy which finds a mischievous guardian angel stealing books from his earthly charge, who happens to be an archbishop in possession of a plethora of literature, mostly...
Under the Rose
THE greater part of the unpublished remains of Anatole France consists of Dialogues which he intended to entitle Under the Rose.He liked that old-fashioned expression. In the course of an essay on the Emperor Julian in Life and Letters, he says :“ One...