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Reading to Kids Podcast
I have a confession to make.... I used to dislike reading to my kids. I mean REALLY, really dislike it. I hated it so much that I used to make up the words to make it go by faster. If this is you, WELCOME! Today, I can find the joy in reading to my...
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NSFW ASMR ~ Free Erotic ASMR
Welcome to https://Audiodesires.com! We create short, NSFW ASMR and Erotic ASMR stories for women and couples. Bringing your most intimate fantasies to life. Erotic NSFW ASMR strories are on the rise and we couldn’t be happier about it. Putting any...
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Rich Dad Poor Dad With Garv
Rich Dad Poor Dad is Robert's story of growing up with two dads — his real father and the father of his best friend, his rich dad — and the ways in which both men shaped his thoughts about money and investing.
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Brief Audio Book
Brief Audio Book Non-fiction book summary briefly ( #BriefAudioBook )
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Books on Books
Amanda BenDor and Anna Volbrecht share about the books they're reading.
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Listen daily to some of the best books about energy, law of attraction, quantum physics and goal achieving.
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Trump - Biden
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Baked Brats
Live and unfiltered, two neurospicy besties take some "chill" and regale you the listener with what we hope is comedic relief from the seriousness of the struggle!
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The Story Bear of Baluchistan
Daddy and F2 read some of our favorite stories. Also, original kid-authored potty humor that is not recommended… for anyone.
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Let's go hunt
Baby shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo Baby shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo Baby shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo Baby shark
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Old MacDonald Song
Old MacDonald song
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The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a very well-known and popular story concerning American youth. Mark Twain's lively tale of the scrapes and adventures of boyhood is set in St. Petersburg, Missouri, where Tom Sawyer and his friend Huckleberry Finn have...
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Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884) by Mark Twain is one of the truly great American novels, beloved by children, adults, and literary critics alike. The book tells the story of “Huck” Finn (first introduced as Tom Sawyer’s sidekick in The...
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Medhanie Aliem Geez Rite Eritrean Community
ኣስተንትኖ ቃል ኣምላኽ 1 - ሚያዝያ 2020
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@kibaar_al_ulama آيات الأحكام من تفسير السعدي كبار علماء !! الشيخ عبدالرحمن بن ناصر السعدي
United States
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Calm Calm Sleepytime
shh, I make calm calm go sleepytime
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Bhagwat Geeta Shloks
Here you can find shloks from various chapters of the holy book Bhagwat Geeta.
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Audio Book Club Podcast
Mail+Audio Book club offers free audio versions of the book extracts in the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday to listen to anywhere via your favourite podcast apps or via the Mail + website. Tune in for your weekly instalments of the latest books, and...
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Journey to the West: The Podcast
Join us each week as we take listeners through one of China's most beloved novels. Meet Sun Wukong the Monkey King, his Buddhist master, Xuanzhang, the lustful monster Pigsy aka Zhu Bajie, and the reformed sand demon, Sha Wujing, and journey with them...
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Golpo Gujob
Bengali Stories, Novels and Discussions. Bengali AudioBook. Bangla Golpo , Upnayash and Alochona. Please Share this Podcast in your Known Circle to spread the happiness.
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Dracula - Bram Stoker
The classic vampire story by Bram Stoker revolves around a struggle between good and evil, tradition and modernity, and lust versus chastity. The author didn’t invent vampires, but his novel has so captured the public’s imagination that he is rightly...
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Bhagvad Geeta
Bhagvad Geeta
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The Mariah (Book) Report | The Meaning of Mariah Carey
Starting Sunday Oct 4th, 2020, Join us as we discuss The Meaning of Mariah Carey chapter by chapter. Subscribe now for notifications. Artwork by Sean Marks @seanny_m
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The Cinderella Story - for Gracin
Gracin, I wanted to read this story to you both because of my love for it, and because of my love for you. I hope you can use this when you need help falling asleep or if you ever need to hear my voice. You will always be my Cinderella. I love you....
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“Big Bang”
We tell stories about interesting people and events happening all around the world! So please tune in and follow us! Thank you
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A Story of Light
Hi there, I'm Luke Slott from Dublin. Throughout my life as a musician, I've always loved sharing the stories behind my songs. In this podcast, I focus on sharing stories from the history of the Bahá'í Faith, my main source of creative inspiration....
Shakespeare For All
Shakespeare For All is an engaging, accessible introduction to the life and work of William Shakespeare, featuring world-class scholars and performers. You’ll learn who Shakespeare was and what historical events shaped his writing. You’ll be guided...
Bigfoot and the Baby: a novel by Ann Gelder
Follow the adventures of devout homemaker Jackie Majesky as she searches for God and finds...someone else. Set in an alternative version of the 1980s, Bigfoot and the Baby is a satirical novel about faith, commerce, and the power of love. The novel...
India Booked
India Booked is a podcast that uses literature as a lever to bring multiple facets of India alive. A perfect podcast for bibliophiles, trivia junkies and people interested in learning more about India. Every episode focuses on a different theme and...
Philo sans stylo
C'est une expérience de deux étudiants américains de français qui explorent les idées des grands philosophes à travers l'oeuvre Candide de Voltaire, une conversation qui inclut leurs perspectifs sur des extraits littéraires classiques et modernes.
Father Bother
Sick of the same bedtime stories? Join Leon and Nathan, two writers with young children, as they use silly characters and awful tropes to twist classic books into the perfect toddler tales.
Go Rogue
Sixth Grade students from Eastgate Team Rogue.
The Fireplace Series
Interdisciplinary Conversations from Queen’s University Faculty of Arts and Science. Recorded live around a fireplace in Queen’s Stauffer Library, this series aims to spark interdisciplinary thought and ideas about all sorts of places that matter....
Rebel Robin: Surviving Hawkins (A Stranger Things Podcast)
October, 1983. There’s a monster lurking in Hawkins, Indiana. Chewing people up, spitting them out, changing them in terrible ways. Yet for some reason, everyone is acting like it's all perfectly normal. Except for Robin Buckley. She alone knows...
Maulana Fajri
Untuk kalian para pendengar dan untuk masa depanku
English Learning Mine
It’s Your Life.Share it. Celebrate it. Build it.AND HAVE FUN!
Read Wine Podcast
Come read and drink wine with us! New episode every Wednesday
Emeka Ekwunife
Kingdom perspectivesRevealing structures of a new society a new nation Systematic delivery of apostolic doctrines
Sebuah lembaran yg kutulis sejak lama, lalu kemudian kubuat menjadi sebuah podcast. Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/debye-refiana/support
El Silmarillion
J.R.R. Tolkien
El Quijote entero
En esta versión completa de “El Quijote”, leído sin faltarle una coma, encontrarás una voz para cada personaje y una edición de audio muy refinada. En el total de los 126 capítulos que suman las dos partes han participado más de 70 voces elegantemente...
這是《我的第二堂西語課》這本完全針對台灣人所寫的初級西語教材所有音檔免費聽買書搭配,完整學習→博客來訂購連結 https://reurl.cc/LbL9yK電子書讀墨Readmoo平台訂購連結 https://reurl.cc/1od0yY收聽兩位作者Yolanda & Fernando老師的超人氣podcast頻道台瓜夫妻 Esta pareja...
Relatos Imperecederos es un podcast dedicado a las obras y novelas de J.R.R Tolkien. Un podcast en el cual se narran pasajes, relatos y capítulos de la inmensa biblioteca del Maestro de Oxford. Sumérgete en el mundo creado por Tolkien. Bienvenido a...
Machtige Marchen
Geht es Dir auch so? Bist Du schon als Kind mit Märchengeschichten aufgewachsen?! Wurde Dir auch vorgelesen? Ich bin groß geworden mit den Gebrüdern Grimm, mit Hans Christian Andersen und vielen anderen (unzähligen) Märchen aus der ganzen Welt. Und...
L'ultima speranza dei Vertex
Gea. Quella che una volta era la Terra è ora devastata e inospitale, il cielo è una coltre grigia che nasconde il Sole.I superstiti del Grande Buio si sono col tempo raccolti in gruppi più o meno organizzati.Mentre l'umanità stenta a sopravvivere, il...
FM Black & Sweet
催眠电台 | 睡前读诗 | 无伴奏安眠曲 QH1009.NET
China, dat ver land, voor de meesten van ons compleet onbekend. Behalve dan Alibaba, camera's en robots. In deze minireeks praat videomarketer en podcast-producer Dimitri Stuer (motionbuilders.be) met Chinakenner Pascal Coppens. Hij is auteur van...
【いい声の語りを聴きながら、本を読むとストーリーが豊かになる、Voice & Books プロジェクト】。クリエイティブディレクター高崎卓馬の SF 小説『グレープフルーツムーン』(小説集『はるかかけら』中央公論新社刊・収録作) を俳優・向井理の声で聴くプログラム。『グレープフルーツムーン』2012 年刊行の小説集『はるかかけら』(中央公論新社刊) に収録された高崎卓馬初の SF 小説。ほろ苦く、笑えて切ないSFラブコメディ。2246...
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A Word in Your Ear
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Confiance, Come and Call for Hope