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Chalcedon Foundation
Premium Audiobooks
An Informed Faith
Our faith should be an informed one because the God who created all things speaks to every sphere of life, and all facts should be studied in light of the revelation of God in Scripture. This is the foundation of Christian dominion.For R. J....
By What Standard?
An introduction into the problems of Christian philosophy. It focuses on the philosophical system of Dr. Cornelius Van Til, which in turn is founded upon the presuppositions of an infallible revelation in the Bible and the necessity of Christian...
Chariots of Prophetic Fire
There is a marked resemblance between our time and that of Elijah and Elisha. Theirs was a time of judgment; ours is as well. But there is a deeper resemblance. Their day was an age of syncretism, of radical compromise between the worship of the Lord...
As the last installment of R.J Rushdoony's commentary series on the Pentateuch, it stands as one of the more dynamic expositions in the series in that it addresses God's demands upon man, family, church, and state. In short, Deuteronomy is the...
Strong women are integral to building a godly culture. However, many Christian circles are riddled with unsound doctrines, humanistic stereotypes, and hidden abuses that cripple the influence of women in their homes, churches, and communities. In...
Essentially, all of mankind is on some sort of exodus. However, the path of fallen man is vastly different from that of the righteous. Apart from Jesus Christ and His atoning work, the exodus of a fallen humanity means only a further descent from sin...
Sermons in 1 & 2 Corinthians
Rushdoony’s Sermons in First and Second Corinthians are the last of his Biblical commentaries—delivered shortly before his passing—but it represents a fitting close to his teaching ministry. He said Paul’s letters are difficult to preach on because...
Sermons in Zephaniah, Haggai, and Zechariah
We live in an age of practical atheism where men pay lip service to God and then do as they please. Our time is marked by a failure to meet our responsibility while believing that nothing will happen—that God will not judge His church as He’s judged...
The "Atheism" of the Early Church
Early Christians were called "heretics" and "atheists" when they denied the gods of Rome, in particular the divinity of the emperor and the statism he embodied in his personality cult. These Christians knew that Jesus Christ, not the state, was their...
The American Indian
Long before state health care or food stamps, before the creation of welfare ghettoes in our major cities, America’s first experiment with socialism and government dependency practically destroyed the American Indian.Government experts created the...
The Biblical Philosophy of History
For the orthodox Christian who grounds his philosophy of history on the doctrine of creation, the mainspring of history is God. Time rests on the foundation of eternity, on eternal decree of God. Time and history therefore have meaning because they...
The Cure of Souls
Hypocrisy replaces virtue when men cover their sins rather than confess them to God. This is all too common when men do not preach and practice a Biblical doctrine of confession. The challenge is first to restore the meaning of confession as taught in...
The Death of Meaning
For centuries on end, humanistic philosophers have produced endless books and treatises which attempt to explain reality without God or the mediatory work of His Son, Jesus Christ. Modern philosophy has sought to explain man and his thought process...
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