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Dalai Lama
Premium Audiobooks
100 citações do Dalai Lama
A linhagem do Dalai Lama é a linhagem mais importante da reencarnação postulada no budismo tibetano e na história do Tibete. O Dalai Lama, para além da sua autoridade espiritual, exerceu o poder temporal à frente do governo tibetano. Estas 100...
100 citas del Dalai Lama
El linaje del Dalai Lama es el más importante linaje de reencarnación postulado en el budismo tibetano y en la historia del Tíbet. El Dalai Lama, además de su autoridad espiritual, ejercía el poder temporal a la cabeza del gobierno tibetano. Estas 100...
100 citat från Dalaï Lama
Linjen av Dalai Lama (eller Dalai Lama) är den största postulerade reinkarnation härstamning i den tibetanska buddhismen och tibetanska historia. Dalai Lama, utöver dess andliga auktoritet, utövas världsliga makten i spetsen för den tibetanska...
100 citaten van Dalaï Lama
De afstamming van de Dalai Lama (of Dalai Lama) is de belangrijkste afstamming van de reïncarnatie die in het Tibetaanse boeddhisme en in de geschiedenis van Tibet wordt gepostuleerd. De Dalai Lama oefende, naast zijn spirituele autoriteit, de...
100 citazioni Dalai Lama
Il lignaggio del Dalai Lama è il più importante lignaggio della reincarnazione postulato nel buddismo tibetano e nella storia del Tibet. Il Dalai Lama, oltre alla sua autorità spirituale, esercitava il potere temporale a capo del governo tibetano....
100 sitater fra Dalai Lama
Avstamning av Dalai Lamas (eller Dalai Lama) er den største postulerte reinkarnasjon avstamning i tibetansk buddhisme og tibetansk historie. Dalai Lama, i tillegg til sin åndelige autoritet, utøvet verdslig makt på hodet av den tibetanske regjeringen....
100 Zitate des Dalai Lama
Die Linie des Dalai Lama ist die wichtigste Reinkarnationslinie, die im tibetischen Buddhismus und in der Geschichte Tibets postuliert wird. Der Dalai Lama übte neben seiner spirituellen Autorität auch die weltliche Macht an der Spitze der tibetischen...
L'art du bonheur au travail
Après le succès planétaire de L'art du bonheur, le Dalaï-Lama poursuit son exploration inspirée du but ultime de l'existence. Aiguillonné par les questions pertinentes de Howard Cutler, Sa Sainteté aborde la plus humaine des activités, celle qui...
Loving Kindness and Active Peace
Recipient of the 1989 Nobel Prize for Peace, the Dalai Lama has emerged as one of the great spiritual figures of this century. Here, in an exclusive interview with Michael Toms, he speaks of his positive impressions of Costa Rica, the purpose of...
Make Peace, Not War: Day One
In this first day of the conference, we also hear H.H. the Dalai Lama of Tibet, Alice Walker, Angeles Arrien, Gay Luce and Edward James Olmos, speaking of the causes and deeper cures of violent behavior. "There’s no reason for hopelessness or...
Make Peace, Not War: Day Three
When those who spend their lives practicing and teaching ways to inner peace come together with those who devote their lives to political peace and justice, the abstract concept of world peace suddenly begins to crystallize into specific attitudes and...
Make Peace, Not War: Day Two
High-level inspiration and practical means for change catalyze each other in an incredible confluence of voices here in this second day of the conference. Author - Dalai Lama. Narrator - Michael Toms. Published Date - Thursday, 19 January 2023.
The Art of Happiness
Book summary by Loudly, this is an abridged version of the original title."The Art of Happiness" explores the pursuit of happiness through a blend of Eastern wisdom and Western psychology. It delves into practical advice and philosophical insights on...
Towards A New World Culture: The Synthesis Dialogues: Part 4
In the fall of 1999, forty innovative thinkers from around the world gathered with H.H. the Dalai Lama of Tibet at his home in Dharamsala, northern India, for a special invitation-only dialogue about the future of humanity and the planet. In this the...