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Science Fiction & Fantasy
Top Sci-Fi & Fantasy Audiobooks
Mind Over Magic
Adventure On THe Airship
Academy of Magical Creatures: Books 4-6
The Binding Tempest
The Watchmaker's Daughter
The Iron Crown
The Librarian of Crooked Lane
The Rostikov Legacy
My Queendom for a Horse
Wizard's Masquerade
Edge of Collapse
Premium Audiobooks
...And The Magician Disappears
A magician disappears without a trace and must be found. Blake, also known as The King Of Death, mysteriously vanishes.He is wanted dead or alive for a violent shocking crime, a frame-up, his family suspect. It is suspected he has gone on the run by...
A Bad Time to Meet the Family
"In wine, there's truth. That's why they keep it locked in cellars."After they barely got away with their necks intact in A Bad Place to Be a Hero, unlikely friends Thessa and Corlis are each facing challenges of their own. While Thessa is having...
A Change of Reign
Once upon a time, unicorns endured a reign of fear and oppression. Following a 400-year period of peace, a menacing new threat emerges—a demand for precious resources to sustain their magical abilities. The ancient order, once thought vanquished, now...
A Crown for the Cursed
The crown that answers to blood isn’t one you want.After Anova killed for the fae she thought she loved, she wakes to her worst nightmare. Her life is tied to the all-powerful blood crown. If she doesn’t destroy the cursed fae object before it’s too...
A Dawn of Strength
The people of The Shade are no strangers to storms. But the army of black witches racing toward their shores now is a cyclone unlike any the island has weathered before.Either victory or defeat awaits the Novaks at the end of the night... A new dawn...
A Faerie's Tale
"Mommy, tell me a story. A fairy story."Jill has a very real fairy story to tell her daughter. Actually she has two: the one she recites at bedtime and the one that is the truth.Once upon a time there was a faerie whose life was contained in the...
A Foreboding of Woe
The Raven Queen...Siobhan didn't choose this name.But now she will take control of it.The secrets of this world are deeper and darker than Siobhan knew, and those she once trusted seem strange and sinister. But her Will is as abyssal as the ocean, and...
A Forest Of Vanity And Valour
An aggressive debt collector banished from the kingdom. Now his life depends on his ability to help the less fortunate…Vireo Reinhold relishes collecting his monarch’s proper dues. Working hard to prolong and fund the king’s never-ending war, the...
A Genie Ruins Everything
Phenomenal Cosmic Power... Itty Bitty Moral Compass.With paranormal activity at an all-time high, Arturo Brooks and Edward Smith decide to stop working for others and form their own paranormal detective agency. They're not the only ones. The market is...
A Heart of Fire and Flame
A dark Rumpelstiltskin retelling.The balance within the realm has shifted, and one must rise to fight the emerging darkness.But what would happen if the one meant to rise, joins the darkness instead of standing against it?Not everything is as it...
A House Of Powder And Plot
An isolated inventor burdened by loss. Can his newfound invention bring justice or will it plunge the kingdom into chaos?Morvin Torhold has spent years in solitude, haunted by the death of his wife and son in the Great War. A dwarven inventor, he...
A Lich's Love
In a world shattered by conflict and haunted by the specter of an ancient foe, Anthony and his valiant companions face their ultimate reckoning. Their journey has been filled with laughter, love and loss.With each step they have strived to unite a...
A Pangolin Slept on Buddha’s Lap
A captivating tale about the wonders of wildlife and the trials of conservation. Wolf Vandengetz has the ideal post for an adventurous scientist, researching prides of lions. Then he gets a promotion. With a heavy heart, he leaves his fieldwork in the...
A Pirate's Life for Ri
Two siblings set out in search of a legendary treasure. But will the quest cost them their lives?After faking their deaths, Clif and Ri embark on a thrilling quest to find the legendary City of Diamonds–a bounty no one else dares to attempt. But...
A Reign of Vipers
A broken kingdom with a past of nightmares and deceit.The creatures of the past, said to be only tales to scare children, are lurking.The once-powerful Slyvaxian family has been all but eradicated from Nivainia. Now, they reside in Vulture Perch with...
A Shade of Blood
When Sofia Claremont was kidnapped to a sunless island, uncharted by any map and ruled by the most powerful vampire coven on the planet, she believed she’d forever be a captive of its dark ruler, Derek Novak.Now, after months of surviving an endless...
A Shade of Vampire 14: A Dawn of Strength
The people of The Shade are no strangers to storms. But the army of black witches racing toward their shores now is a cyclone unlike any the island has weathered before.Either victory or defeat awaits the Novaks at the end of the night... A new dawn...
A Shade of Vampire 3: A Castle of Sand
What Sofia has with Derek feels like a sandcastle; temporary and something that the waves of life and time will soon ruin...Since the return of Gregor Novak, the island has turned several shades darker. His hatred toward Sofia and thirst for fresh...
A Shade of Vampire 4: A Shadow of Light
Since the implosion at The Oasis and Derek's stay at Hawk Headquarters, The Shade has fallen into a state of utter chaos. To make matters worse, the citizens of Derek's kingdom have become suspicious of his loyalties and accuse him of siding with the...
A Shade of Vampire 5: A Blaze of Sun
Welcome back to The Shade..."Of course you know who I am. I'm a daughter of the darkness just as surely as you are his son..."Ever since his brief encounter with Emilia at The Shade, Derek's thoughts and dreams have been haunted with images of the...
A Shade of Vampire 7: A Break of Day
The greatly anticipated conclusion of Derek and Sofia's journey!Everything Sofia believed to be true has crumbled before her very eyes...Secrets will be revealed, loyalties tested and trust broken.Are you ready to return to The Shade? Duration - 5h...
A Shade of Vampire 9: A Bond of Blood
Prepare for your return to The Shade... Derek will rip Caleb's heart out the moment he lays eyes on him for what he's done.Rose is convinced that the vampire is innocent. But my daughter has been fooled. Nobody but Caleb could have stolen away our...
A Shifter's Rage
"I never go to bed angry. I stay awake and plot my revenge."Imprisoned for killing Silas, Briar's only chance of surviving is to rely on her roommates and Luke, the sexy shifter she loves to hate. But getting free won't solve her problems. She still...
A Skeleton and a Lich
In a world where magic and mayhem reign, Anthony and Claire are back, and their love story is still as epic as ever. Star-crossed lovers? The mage and her knight? The Fool and the Genius, the world’s oddest couple? Their tale has all the twists and...
A Skeleton's Duty
In the wake of Anthony's tragic demise, the world he once cherished lies in ruins, ravaged by the relentless fires of war. Humanity and the beast-kin teeter on the precipice of annihilation, their once-unbreakable bonds irrevocably severed. The very...
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