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Lisa Marshall
Premium Audiobooks
Becoming a Dad
Do you want to learn more about pregnancy and childbirth?You may be worried about how your new baby is going to affect your life. You may also feel inadequately prepared for such a huge responsibility.Don't panic anymore!This survival manual for...
Easy Newborn Care Tips
How much do you know about your baby and newborns in general? Would you like to know more? Then you need to keep reading...The first year of your child’s life is critical for healthy development. You may face hundreds of parenting decisions in the...
Memory Improvement For Kids
Discover a Perfect Toolbox Filled With Proven Methods to Boost Your Child's Memory and Intelligence!If your little one struggles to remember things or seems uninterested and absent while learning new things, there is no reason for panic.There are so...
Newborn Care Basics
Are you prepared to take care of your newborn baby?Here a step-by-step book designed to cover EVERYTHING you need to take care of your Newborn Baby...There are many tips out there that will point you in the direction of caring for a newborn, however,...
Toddler Discipline Tips
Are you dealing with any of these common parenting issues? Consistent tantrums, disobedience, constant whining and complaining, or a lack of confidence.You only need the right tips to keep your kids back on track. This audiobook will help you...
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