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20 Hrs. 40 Mins
“Log Book: Instrument flying. Slow descent, first. Going down fast. It takes a lot to make my ears hurt. 5000 now. Awfully wet. Water dripping in window. Port motor coughing. Sounds as if all motors were cutting. Bill opens her wide to try to clear....
A Tour On the Prairies
“I found myself thus afloat, on the skin of a buffalo, in the midst of a wild river, Author - Washington Irving. Narrator - Andre Stojka. Published Date - Thursday, 19 January 2023.
A Tramp Across the Continent
Adventurous author, pioneering reporter, workaholic newspaper editor, passionate Indian rights activist, librarien, poet, anthropologist and archeologist, Charles Fletcher Lummis was a great colorful individualist who explored and popularized the...
Camps and Trails in Old China
A famous naturalist and his photographer wife explore China in 1916, then a medieval counjtry torn apart by revolution, the Japanese military and the onset of World War One. Traveling by mule train, they find themselves in conflict with Mandarins, the...
Death Valley in 1849
Death in the desert under a relentless sun. This is an eyewitness account of wagon train pioneer families in 1849, who faced the horrifying heat of what is now known as Death Valley, California and survived the ordeal through an act of incredible...
High Adventure
War in the Sky for the first time in history! The first military Air Force, the French Lafayette Escadrille, accepts Americans to train and serve as pilots prior to America's entyr into World War One. James Norman Hall, on of these young men,...
Jungle Peace
Naturalist, ornithologist, marine biologist, entomologist, explorer and gifted writer, William Beebe escapes from the violence of World War One into the jungles of Brittish Guiana. Beebe's curiosity and patience magnifies natures raw details revealing...
Lincoln's Last Hours
“I grasped Mrs. Lincoln’s outstretched hand in mine while she cried piteously to me, “Oh, Doctor! Is he dead? Can he recover? Will you take charge of him? Do what you can for him. Oh, my poor husband!”A young Union Army Doctor, attending a play at...
My Attainment of the North Pole
A wild epic journey by an American phusician and two Inuit companions struggling to be the first humans to reach the North Pole. The adventure continues with a year long, near dath journey back to civilization and concludes with the wrath of an angry...
Narrative of the Most Extraordinary And Distressing Shipwreck of the Whaleship Essex
“I saw the whale ahead of us, coming with twice his ordinary speed, and with tenfold fury and vengeance in his aspect. The surf flew in all directions about him and his coursetoward us was marked by a white foam which he made with continual violent...
Reminiscences of a Ranger
Daily gunfights, daily murders, frequent public hangings. Welcome to Los Angeles,California in the 1850’s. This amazing first person account of adventures, revolutionhistory and tales, REMINISCENCES OF A RANGER was written by Major HoraceBell, who was...
“Stickeen…pushed his head past my shoulders, looked down and across, then looked me in the face and began to mutter and whine; saying as plainly as if speaking with words, “Surely, you are not going into that awful place.”As the darkness of a freezing...
The Cruise of the Snark
Jack London, one of the most popular American writers, produced over 50 books of fiction and non-fiction during his lifetime. In 1906, without studying navigation, he and his wife Charmian with a small crew set out for Hawaii, hoping not to get lost....
The Exploration of the Colorado river and its Canyons
The great unknown of the American Southwest is conquered by a one-armed man and his crew of adventurers, placing the Colorado River and the Grand Canyon on the map of the American continent. John Wesley Powell lost his arm at Shiloh in the Civil War...
The Voyage of the Liberdade
A tall ship if trapped on a sandvar in 1885, broadsided by heavy seas and doomed to destruction and break-up on a lonely Brazilian beach. This is just the beginning of an incredible sea adventure by a North American sea Captain, his wife and two sons....
Through The Brazilian Wilderness
Theodore Roosevelt was a naturalist, exploer, authoir, hunter, governor, soldier and 26th President of the United States. In 1913 he joined with Brazilian explorer Candido Rondon to explore portions of Brazil and to bring back animal specimens for the...
To Cuba and Back
“The Master is a policeman as well as a Judge. His revolver and rife are always loaded.He has his dogs, his trackers and seizers. No man rides unarmed.”Join Abolitionist Richard Henry Dana, as he explores Spanish Cuba of 1859, where kidnapped Black...
To the South Seas
Soon we could see the outline of the great fish through the dark water, as it swam slowly along. It was like a barn door just under the surface, a big barn door, with cavernous mouth and two arm-like feeders.Giant Sea Bats, Land Crabs, Lap Dragons,...
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