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Maple Spring Publishing
Premium Audiobooks
A Farewell to Arms
Hemingway’s Enduring ClassicWritten when he was only only thirty years old, Ernest Hemingway’s classic novel of love during a time of war was heralded as the best American novel to emerge from World War I.This semiautobiographical tale features an...
A Star Is Born
I'm going out and have a real life.I'm going to be somebody. - Esther BlodgettFew Hollywood films have had the impact of the original version of A Star Is Born. Released in 1937 and starring Janet Gaynor and Fredric March, it was nominated for nine...
All Quiet on the Western Front
One of modernity’s greatest novels—fully reset with a newintroduction by PEN Award-winning historian Mitch HorowitzHistory offers few records of war as vivid, haunting, and evocative as Erich Maria Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front. Burned by...
All Quiet on the Western Front (Original Classic Translation by Arthur Wesley Wheen)
In 1928—only 10 years after the end of World War I—Erich Maria Remarque’s classic war novel was published in Germany. It was an immediate hit: in its first 18 months in print, 2.5 million copies were sold, translated into 22 languages.The title of the...
At Your Command
Commands, to be effective, must be short and to the point: the greatest command ever recorded is found in the few simple words, “And God said, ‘Let there be light.’”Experience a complete understanding of mystical teacher Neville Goddard’s method for...
Believe In Yourself
BELIEVE AND YOU WILL SUCCEED!In his inspiring book, Believe in Yourself, Dr. Joseph Murphy shows you can make your life more rewarding and productive simply by embracing the power of believing.As you repeat the word success to yourself and do it with...
Believe in Yourself Features Bonus Book: Riches Are Your Right
BELIEVE AND SUCCEED!In his inspiring book, Believe in Yourself, Dr. Joseph Murphy shows you can make your life more rewarding and productive simply by embracing the power of believing.INCLUDES BONUS BOOK: RICHES ARE YOUR RIGHT, powerful affirmations...
Crystallizing Public Opinion
The Bare-Knuckled Truths of Edward BernaysYou may not know Edward Bernays, but Edward Bernays knows you. His 1923 classic Crystallizing Public Opinion set down the principles that corporations and government have used to influence and manipulate...
Destiny Challenged: Churchill and JFK's Fight Over England and Nazi Germany
Two Heroic World Leaders Diverge over the Fate of Civilization in this DeluxeWorld War II History Enrichment Bundle Edition, Destiny Challenged.“We ought to rejoice at the responsibilities with which destiny has honored us, and be proud that we are...
His Girl Friday
“This will bring us back together again. Just the way we used to be.” – Walter Burns, His Girl FridayCelebrated for its humor, spontaneity, unpredictability, and quick tempo “overlapping” dialogue, His Girl Friday is a noteworthy 1940 American...
How I Made $2,000,000 in the Stock Market
THE STOCK MARKET SUCCESS SECRETLearn the secrets of stock market success from innovative stock trader, Nicolas Darvas, the Hungarian-born dancer-turned-investor who achieved immense success through his unique investment strategies. In this incredible,...
How to Attract Money Features Bonus Book: Believe in Yourself
Mein Spy: The Ultimate German Espionage Collection
Even dedicated history buffs may not know the exciting—and disturbing—story of German spy activity in the U.S. before our nation’s entry into the two World Wars.Mein Spy gives a firsthand documentation of German espionage and sabotage in the U.S. in...
My Bondage and My Freedom
"I had reached the point, at which I was not afraid to die. This spirit made me a freeman in fact, while I remained a slave in form."An Autobiographical Classic of American LiteratureFrederick Douglass (1818–1895) was a former slave who became a...
Propaganda (Deluxe Edition)
“Modern propaganda is a consistent, enduring effort to create or shape events to influence the relations of the public to an enterprise, idea or group.” —Edward BernaysFirst published in 1928, Edward Bernays’ Propaganda may be the single most...
Quiet Moments with God Features Bonus Book: How to Use the Power of Prayer
FIND THE WAY TO HEALTH, HARMONY, PEACE AND PROSPERITY IN QUIET OMENTS WITH GOD AND A BONUS BOOK, HOW TO USE THE POWER OF PRAYERIn Quiet Moments with God, Murphy offers his interpretation of a series of affirmations which were taken from the Bible. It...
An Unforgettable Masterpiece That Will Enrich Your LifeThe 1940 film Rebecca is acclaimed as one of the greatest achievements of the legendary director Alfred Hitchcock. This audio recording is an adaptation of the screenplay of this Academy Award...
Riches Are Your Right Features Bonus Book How to Use the Power of Prayer
CHANGE YOUR LIFE THROUGH POWERFUL AFFIRMATIONS AND SCIENTIFIC PRAYER.FEATURES BONUS BOOK: HOW TO USE THE POWER OF PRAYER.Through the study and application of mental laws, you can find the way to health, harmony, peace, and prosperity.Riches Are Your...
Secret Armies: Exposing Hitler's Undeclared War on the Americas
John L. Spivak’s Secret Armies: The New Technique of Nazi Warfare, was first published in February 1939, shortly before the outbreak of the Second World War.The book outlines “the activities of Nazi agents in the United States, Mexico, and Central...
Seneca's Letters from a Stoic
Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4 B.C–A.D. 65), the chief advisor to the emperor Nero, was the power behind the throne in Ancient Rome. He is most famous for his writings on Stoic ideology, in which philosophy is a practical form of self-improvement.Seneca’s...
The Age of Faith
“I cannot imagine anyone so erudite that they cannot learn a great deal from this monumental work.” —from the foreword by Richard SmoleyThe great series The Story of Civilization by Will and Ariel Durant is one of the most monumental achievements in...
The Age of Reason Begins
We are the creations of history. We are also the creations of the history in this book. We cannot understand ourselves without understanding this history.The early modern era in Europe set the mold for the Western world today. It was a complex,...
The Art of Mind Control
THE ART OF MIND CONTROLA Deluxe Personal Success Collection including three timeless classics, each introduced by scholar of esotericism, Mitch Horowitz.Within You Is a Force Greater Than You’ve Ever Imagined. In Joseph Murphy’s 1963 classic The Power...
The Art of Noir
Film noir: the name comes from the French for “black” or “dark film.” It points to the central feature of the genre: mood. There is a darkness about film noir, a somberness accompanied by a thrill of dread and ever-present danger. This aura envelops...
The Art of War (Includes the Tao Te Ching)
"A wonder of practical wisdom The Art of War is about unlearning the complexities of life and returning to the simple and true. This unknown voice from millennia ago teaches us to strip away obfuscation and thus attain highest effectiveness."-Mitch...
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