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Law & Order Radio
Law and Order Radio is a podcast dedicated to documenting state power and resistance to it in the US. Created by journalist Alex Rubinstein and activist Joel Northam.
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Black and Blue:The Cincinnati Collaborative Agreement
Podcast by Alex P. Bidwell
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DCT Audio and the Dave Thomas interviews.
Welcome DCT Audio. The home of great podcasts. The skills I learnt as a police officer for over 25 years continue to serve me well to this day. Road policing, later CID and child protection, I interviewed some of the most vulnerable and traumatised...
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Plantão Policial
Irati, Brazil
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A Polícia é Notícia
Irati, Brazil
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Comando Geral 1ª Edição
Santo Angelo, Brazil
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Giro Policial
Veranopolis , Brazil
Calling All Cars
Calling All Cars is a classic among police dramas and one of the earliest of the genres. Believed to be a precursor to the popular police drama Dragnet, Calling All Cars portrayed the true crime stories of the Los Angeles Police Department.
Calling All Cars
Calling All Cars is a classic among police dramas and one of the earliest of the genres. Believed to be a precursor to the popular police drama Dragnet, Calling All Cars
WYCV Police Report
Burke County sherrif's and Granite Falls police report.
Memphis Police Association Show
Memphis, TN
WHKP Police Report
Hendersonville, NC
The PoPo Show
Speak your mind to real police officers
Cop Life
This is the show documenting the hard hitting truth about life as a street cop on patrol. What types of calls are worked during the week? What are the stresses and frustrations of being a police officer in this current climate? What are the rewarding...
Academic Shade | #TWIBnation
Dr. Anthea Butler breaks down the latest in news, religion and pop culture with a healthy dose of shade.
Police Vibes
Castries, Saint Lucia
La Noticia en Rojo
Programa de corte policiaco donde se narran las noticias que se presentaron en le día enfocado en accidentes, homicidios, suicidios, riñas, detenidos, etc.
Itatiaia Patrulha
Um verdadeiro campeão de audiência. O Itatiaia Patrulha é o programa popular mais ouvido do rádio mineiro. De cunho policial, a atração tem como foco assuntos relacionados à Segurança Pública, e busca em cada ocorrência a perspectiva e visão de todos...
Plantão policial
As primeiras informações da área da seguranção pública, com Manuel Luciano Brizola.
Paiquerê Urgente
Notícias do trânsito, Polícia Rodoviária, Polícia Civil, Polícia Militar e Utilidade Pública.
Plantão Policial
Ipatinga, Brazil
Linha de Frente
Programa jornalistico policial e polêmico. A voz do povo no rádio (denuncie).
Programa com entrevistas ao vivo em linha direta ou no estúdio, com a participação de políticos e autoridades abordando assuntos de interesse geral. O programa enfoca ocorrências policiais, medicina, política, agricultura e economia.
Acorda Pará
Programa musical com informações principalmente policiais e da área hospitalar
Prog. Repórter Policial
Chopinzinho, Brazil
Rio Verde, Brazil
Ronda da Cidade
São Paulo, Brazil
Comando da Manhã
Crissiumal, Brazil
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Franklin, Perry, and Jefferson County Police, Fire, and Ambulanc
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Dade County Public Safety - Georgia Scanner
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Gillette Police, Sheriff, and WHP
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Keene Police Scanner
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Rocklin California Police, Fire, and EMS Dispatch
This is dedicated, live audio from the City of Rocklin's dispatc
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Bote's Southernmost Feed
Key West, Florida public safety and marine scanner
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Jasper County Police and Fire
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Dubuque City and County Police Fire & EMS Scanner - ScanDBQ
Southern NH and Northern MA Police, Fire, EMS
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Bote's Mixer Board
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Bote's Wild Feed
East Broward County fire and police scanner
San Diego Police Scanners: 1
Pendleton County Sheriff, Fire, and EMS, West Virginia State Pol
Billings and Yellowstone County Public Safety
Clay, Thayer, Nuckols and Franklin Counties Police, Fire, and EM
Freeport Police and Fire Dispatch
Stephenson County Sheriff, Freeport Police, Fire and EMS
Nahant Police, and Fire, Boston EMS
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Radyo Halikarnas 105.80
Bodrum'un tarihteki, radyonun Bodrum'daki adi..
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PBS Kaohsiung
Air Police Station Day And Night All Year Around
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PBS Taitung
Air Police Station Day And Night All Year Around
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PBS Yilan
Air Police Station Day And Night All Year Around
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PBS Tainan
Air Police Station Day And Night All Year Around
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PBS Hsinchu
Air Police Station Day And Night All Year Around
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Police Broadcasting Service Taipei
Air Police Station Day And Night All Year Around
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