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Saddleback Educational Publishing
Premium Audiobooks
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Searching for a sea monster, a scientist discovers an amazing underwater vessel. At first he's thrilled to be invited aboard the Nautilus. What changes his mind? He discovers that the mad captain plans to stay at sea forever. Author - Jules Verne....
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (A Graphic Novel Audio)
When seamen were sailing only wooden ships, Captain Nemo was the master of his incredible, futuristic submarine, the Nautilus, which journeyed through many strange and adventurous voyages... Author - Jules Verne. Narrator - Saddleback Educational...
A Boy Called Twister
Kevin Walker will be a loner at Tubman High- he doesn't want anyone asking too many questions about his move from Texas. His terrible secret could destroy any chance of remaining anonymous. Running like the wind helps him forget his troubles, but his...
A Christmas Carol
Scrooge is downright mean and cold-hearted- the stingiest man in all of London. Could anything on earth transform him into a kind and caring human being? Probably not. But the Spirit of Christmas is very powerful—more powerful by far than anything on...
A Christmas Carol (A Graphic Novel Audio)
A Christmas Carol is without question one of Charles Dickens' greatest works. This extremely popular story introduces some of the most timeless, internationally known characters such as Scrooge, the unforgettable miser; Bob Cratchit, the underpaid...
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (A Graphic Novel Audio)
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to go back in time, knowing what you know now? That is the story of a Connecticut Yankee who is magically transported back to King Arthur's time. But with the knowledge of modern technology. Will modern...
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Some playful fairies decide to make mischief with unsuspecting humans. Can true love overcome all obstacles? Two young Athenian couples are put to the test. Comedy reigns in this enchanting fantasy about the nature of romantic love. Author - William...
A Midsummer Night's Dream (A Graphic Novel Audio)
A Midsummer Night's Dream takes place in mythical Athens. The theme of the story is that love has no laws and is blind and unpredictable. William Shakespeare wrote many great comedies and tragedies. This story, an entertaining fantasy, takes the...
A Tale of Two Cities
The workers are in revolt! Every French nobleman is in danger of losing his head to the infamous guillotine. Yet Charles Darnay renounced his title years ago. Why is he scheduled to die for the crimes of his corrupt family? His only hope lies in the...
A Tale of Two Cities (A Graphic Novel Audio)
Journey between London and Paris during that perilous time known as "The French Revolution." This is a story of two men that look alike- one in danger of being beheaded by the guillotine, and the other, a hero that sacrifices his own life for his...
Around the World in 80 Days
Phileas Fogg must be insane. No one has ever been able to circle the globe in 80 days! Yet he's bet his friends that he'll do just that. Half of his fortune is on the line… and the outcome looks far from certain. Author - Jules Verne. Narrator -...
Around the World in Eighty Days (A Graphic Novel Audio)
In a time before jet planes or fast boats, Phileas Fogg bets he can go around the world in eighty days- a then unheard of record time. Travel with him as he board boats, trains, and even an elephant! Will he beat the deadline and be rich? Or, will he...
As You Like It (A Graphic Novel Audio)
Orlando makes his way to the court of Duke Frederick, and falls desperately in love with the Duke's niece, Rosalind. Meanwhile, in the Forest of Arden, the Old Duke is living peacefully after having his throne usurped by his brother, Frederick....
A group of kind strangers offer Ellie protection after she witnesses a brutal attack. But these people are very peculiar. Could it be that her protectors are even more dangerous than the attacker himself? Author - Janet Lorimer. Narrator - Saddleback...
Ben Cody's Treasure
Leo sets out to teach his sister, Toby, that there are lessons to be learned by exploring the past. Little did they know that would stumble upon the answer to an old mystery. Author - Janet Lorimer. Narrator - Saddleback Educational Publishing....
Black Beauty (A Graphic Novel Audio)
This unforgettable story takes place in nineteenth-century England, through the eyes of Black Beauty. The reader will feel the love and cruelty that this great stallion experiences. Beginning with Black Beauty's wonderful life with his master, Squire...
Black Widow Beauty
Monique Reed is a gorgeous girl, all right. Is it her fault that every guy she dates ends up having a freak accident? Author - Anne Schraff. Narrator - Saddleback Educational Publishing. Published Date - Wednesday, 18 January 2023.
Brevin McCoy had everything going for him, until a mysterious poison was given to him at a party; since then all he wants is his old life back. Author - Anne Schraff. Narrator - Saddleback Educational Publishing. Published Date - Wednesday, 18 January...
Blood and Basketball
Dale has a chance to "go pro" right out of high school. Will he make the grade? In spite of his youth, his skills are superb. Only his trouble-making brother stands between Dale and his lifetime dream. But his brother is all the family he has. Author...
Breaking Point
The boys claim that they were only kidding. But their harassment pushes one girl right to the edge. Author - Janice Greene. Narrator - Saddleback Educational Publishing. Published Date - Wednesday, 18 January 2023.
Bus 99
Normalcy gets turned on its head when the bus Jamal usually take takes to school enters a wrinkle in time and space. His father explains, "destiny has many paths." But what does that message mean- especially coming from a man who's been dead for 8...
Captains Courageous
Boy overboard! After falling off a luxury liner the spoiled teenager is rescued by a crew of rough fishermen. His parents think he drowned. Little do they know that, for the first time in his life, their lazy son is working hard… and becoming a man....
Danger on Ice
The police swore that the hulking serial killer was dead. Then Ken Hudson sees Leviathan standing right there in the doorway. Author - Janet Lorimer. Narrator - Saddleback Educational Publishing. Published Date - Wednesday, 18 January 2023.
Dark Secrets
At school it looks like Naomi and Clay are just a happy couple. But there's a darkness in him. He doesn't treat Naomi right. He's jealous and spiteful. So why does Naomi put up with a guy like Clay? Dark secrets, every family has them, but some are...
Death Grip
How does it feel to be an outcast? Katie learns a lesson about prejudice from a woman who's been dead for 50 years. Author - Janet Lorimer. Narrator - Saddleback Educational Publishing. Published Date - Wednesday, 18 January 2023.
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