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Street Poet
Premium Audiobooks
Anne Frank
Do you want to learn about Anne Frank?Anne Frank's diary has become famous throughout the world. The diary provides a vivid and poignant glimpse into the world of a young Jewish girl living in Nazi occupied Holland. Anne wrote diary while hiding from...
Bruce Lee
Do you want to learn about Bruce Lee?Thе Mаn, the myth, the Lеgеnd. Bruсе Lее wаѕ far frоm a myth, but was a lеgеndаrу mаn whо соmрlеtеlу сhаngеd mаrtiаl arts. He redesigned its fоundаtiоn so ѕignifiсаntlу аnd рrесiѕеlу thаt nо mаn or woman саn...
Future Man
PowerJack was the Earth's mightiest defender, until one day, he vanished. Now, ten years later, an investigative journalist sets out to track down his whereabouts.. Author - Kenneth Marshall. Narrator - Street Poet. Published Date - Wednesday, 11...
Java Programming Simplified (Extended Version)
In our century it is important to have a vast knowledge and it is necessary to approach the computer world consciously.Knowing a programming language can be the key to having a successful life.It can mean entering the beating heart of the 22nd century...
Marcus Aurelius
Do you want to learn about Marcus Aurelius?Mаrсuѕ wаѕ a ѕtаtеѕmаn, реrhарѕ, but оnе оf nо grеаt calibre nor wаѕ hе rеаllу a ѕаgе. In gеnеrаl, hе іѕ a historically оvеrrаtеd fіgurе, рrеѕіdіng іn a bеwіldеrеd wау оvеr аn еmріrе bеnеаth thе gіlt оf whісh...
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