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The Raw Story Podcast

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United States


Are you tired of the same old voices saying the same old thing? No way! So. Are. We. And it's why Raw Story partner Mike Rogers in Washington, DC and radio host Shannyn Moore in Little Tutka Bay, Alaska have teamed up to create The Raw Story Podcast. We're different, why? Because we're tired of the same old stories. It's time to look at the news from fresh perspectives... with a dash (OK, a truckload) of humor. Each week, we bring you interesting political chat, national media experts, political leaders, and -- most important -- the people behind the stories. And you'll hear from the Pulitzer Prize winning team at Raw Story. With over 15 million monthly visitors and 1.5 million social media followers, Raw Story is the nation's largest independently owned, progressive news site. Now, more than more than ever, we are ready to harness the power of the web to bring you the important discussions of the day. Join us every Friday on your favorite podcast app or at:



