WSGW Evening Roundup
19 Favorites
Saginaw, MI
It's an hour packed with News and Information, including Business and Farm Finals, money-saving tips from Clark Howard, health news from Dr. Dean Edell, technology talk from Kim Komando, Mike Avery's Outdoor Magazine Minute, and more! Here's the lineup: 6:00 CBS News 6:04 WSGW News 6:11 WSGW Timesaver Traffic and Weather Together 6:15 WSGW Business Final with Hilliard Lyons and The MarketWatch 6:18 WSGW Farm Final with Terry Henne 6:27 Success Journal 6:29 Clark Howard Money Saving Minute 6:31 WSGW Weather 6:33 The CBS Reporter's Notebook 6:37 Dr. Dean Edell Health Minute 6:40 Kim Komando The Digital Pro 6:45 WSGW Sports 6:48 Mike Avery's Outdoor Magazine Minute 6:50 The Osgood File