Dr. Tommy Show
Concierge medicine specialists tackle everything from Obamacare to Breaking Bad in this one-of-a-kind podcast. America's Free Market Doctor Tommy McElroy and co-host Tracy McElroy cover free market medicine, politics, news, music, movies, and more.
Tampa, FL
Concierge medicine specialists tackle everything from Obamacare to Breaking Bad in this one-of-a-kind podcast. America's Free Market Doctor Tommy McElroy and co-host Tracy McElroy cover free market medicine, politics, news, music, movies, and more.
Dark Side of the Mule, Mainstreaming Hate Through Diversity, Universities: Where Minds Go to Decay
Broadcasting from the Free State of Florida where Gov't Mule recently played their last Dark Side of the Mule set at the St. Augustine Amphitheater. Warren Haynes, Danny Louis, Matt Abts, and new bass player Kevin Scott played three hours including the famous Pink Floyd covers set in addition to an opening set of recent and past Mule songs. The problem with "diversity" is not that it is diverse, it's that is is anti-white, anti-West, anti-Christian, and pro-totalitarian Left. Of course they portray as less subtle than that, but that is the crux of the diversity cult--Hate America, Love the State. Universities do more than indoctrinate students, they make turn them against their own country. Don't believe me, look at how they are responding to the Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel. At universities you are free to celebrate anti-Jew hatred but not misgender a man wearing a dress, failing to tuck his genitals not withstanding. Covid-19 is the shorthand version of Climate Change as it is being used as emergency to initiate a contrived plan to save the human race. They both rely on strict adherence to the dubious "cures" of those who represent The Science™. DoctorTommy.com/podcast
Trump Lives, GOP Debate, Fun w/ Left-Wing AI, Crime Update, Societal Collapse Update
Broadcasting from the Free State of Florida. Donald Trump and Oliver Anthony are both popular and both despised by elites for the same reason. What they believe flies in the face of the Ruling Class who believe in perpetual war, climate change hoaxes, and Big Govt as the solution to Everything. The rest of the GOP debated each other on Foxnews. In what seemed like an instantly dated format, the answers questions on Trump, climate change, and Ukraine funding and nothing about inflation. This is why nobody is voting for these guys or watching Foxnews compared to Trump and Tucker. I queried Bing Chat AI bot and found it left-wing enough to replace most mainstream news outlets. The actors and writers aren't the only people who need to be worried about jobs when Bing Chat's love of Barack Obama rivals Chris Matthews and David Brooks. A woman shares her abortion online in hopes of normalizing the process for others. Did I mention that social media is probably the worst invention of the last century? A transgender child molester is found dead in jail after an apparent suicide. Society is collapsing, when it will be finished? Kathy Hochul wants the federal government to bail her state because they asked for illegals to flock there--and they listened. This is socialism in a nutshell. Our bad ideas come to fruition, and now YOU must pay for it. DoctorTommy.com/podcast
George Strait Review, Climate Anxiety, Crime Update, Weak McConnell, Royals Update
Broadcasting from the Free State of Florida where sharks are eating cocaine and attacking boats. Tampa Mayor Jane Castor when fishing and found $1 million worth of coke floating around. Apparently sharks are eating abandoned cocaine bails and, the ones that don't have massive MI, getting high. Two 7-11 employees in Stockton, CA lay down the hammer of Sikh justice on a would-be thief--and ARE NOT being charged with assault. In the People's Republic of CA there is an outpost of sanity apparently. Climate Anxiety is on the rise and a therapist thinks that's a good thing because you are "paying attention." This is just another part of the Lefts attempt to tear apart "normal America." Make people mentally ill because of a hoax about the sun. Left-wing college sues it's insurers because they won't reimburse them $36 million that they had to pay because the slandered a family bakery as racists. The insurers told them to pound sand. Hilarious! Oakland residents urged to buy airhorns and bars for windows in response to the rising crime that is overwhelming the city. Another story from the Hell on Earth Files: S-hole Cities and Democrat Govts. Prince Harry and Prince William are so estranged experts think an "intervention" is needed to restore the royal relationship. I agree and nominate Joseph R. Biden to lead the effort. Virginia student who shot teacher is reported to have said, "I shot that b____ dead" after opening fire. This is from the file of Democrat Run School Systems. DoctorTommy.com/podcast
Jab Heart Damage, Biden & Burisma, Ashley's Diary, Fauci Lies, Blue City Blues
Broadcasting from the Free State of Florida. Alex Berenson reports on a Swiss study that shows heart damage in healthy people after getting booster jabs. Not reported by the NY Times, but that doesn't make it not true. Biden's Burisma connection becomes more clear after Hunter's former BFF testifies in Congress, that is after narrowly escaping imprisonment by the Biden Regime. Yes this is a Banana Republic. Ashley Biden called in to Project Veritas to confirm that yes that is her diary and other stuff. We watch and listen as she threatens to get "Secret Service" involved. So the shower stories are true. Disgusting POTUS we have. Dr. Fauci was worried about the Wuhan lab and gain of function in emails to colleagues all the while he was saying in Congress that, no we didn't do gain of function funding. Sen. Rand Paul refers Fauci to DOJ for crime of lying to Congress, but you know how that is going to end. The Dem cities continue to suffer from Dem policies and now Dems themselves have had enough. The Oakland NAACP is pissed about their lack of police and NYC is paying millions in no-bid contracts to ship illegals out of their Sanctuary City. You can't make this stuff up. DoctorTommy.com/podcast
Left's Affair with Pedos, Sound of Freedom, Biden Cancer Grift, Jason Aldean Wokelash
Broadcasting from the Free State of Florida. Why does the Left love pedophiles and other criminals and hate small town America. Short answer: small town America stands in the way of their march toward revolution and eventual Marxist Utopia. That's why "Try That In a Small Town" and "Sound of Freedom" are doing well and the simultaneously taking fire from the Corp Media/Left. They don't want more people thinking like a normal person. Biden is grifter who used his son's name for raising cancer foundation money and spent $0 on grants to "end cancer." Yet he just announced that in fact he had cured cancer. We have the tape of this demented statement. Left wing city crime update: Chicago and Portland. High earners from blue states heading to Florida with their income. And most of them are registering as Republicans. "Proximal Origin of SARS-Cov-2" which Fauci and other leftists used to intimidate and browbeat any dissenting opinion about lab leaks and we markets is revealed merely as an "opinion piece" by Nature Medicine now that it is clear Covid WAS a lab leak. Sounds like the Hunter Biden laptop is Russian disinformation article part duex. DoctorTommy.com/podcast
Trans Surgeon Confessess, Biden v. Free Speech, Bud Light Death Star, Hollyweird Strike
Broadcasting from the Free State of Florida. Joe Biden went overseas to meet with NATO and conducted himself like you would imagine anyone with advanced cognitive decline would--mumbling, looking lost, and shuffling aimlessly. If the Praetorian Guard media was any kind of actual 1st Amendment protected organization they would be calling for immediate 25th Amendment actions, but instead we get told he's a modern day Eisenhower by Chris "Thrill Up the Leg" Matthews. A "queer" surgeon goes on the internet to admit to surgically mutilating the genitals of young boys who don't even understand sex. In a moral society this man would be in prison, instead he is practicing medicine at the Oregon Health & Science University. Joe Biden gets shut down when he tries to keep interfering with your free speech by coordinating with social media companies to silence conservative voices. Bud Light may be phased out at Costco according to some who have seen a "death star" asterisk applied to price labels indicating the item will not be restocked once current supplies are gone. Just think, Budweiser used to be at the pinnacle of advertising success with the Bud Bowl and Spud McKenzie. Now they are heading toward the dustbin of history just to score a few woke points. Hollywood will be going dark soon as writers and now actors have gone on strike. Apparently the all-feeling, all-loving Leftists who run Hollywood don't really care if writers starve or lose their home--in fact that is their plan. https://DoctorTommy.com/podcast
Woke Hiking Trails, Health Insurance Update, Coke in the WH, Trans Update
Broadcasting from the Free State of Florida. Joe Biden wants to roll back short-term health insurance plans because they are too "skimpy" and you aren't smart enough to figure out they don't cover all the "essential benefits" that Obamacare mandates. On a related note, they also allow people a cheaper alternative to Obamacare compliant plans and may help people who are looking for limited coverage for "catastrophic" needs. Why have these plans when you can be forced to buy the more expensive ones, enquiring Insurance Company minds want to know. They have found cocaine in the White House but it's looking less and less likely that they will tie it to anyone, and definitely not known cocaine aficionado Hunter Biden. It'll probably be solved the same way they solved the Supreme Court leaker case. Josh Hawley and a member of the Hoover's Boys upper echelon get into it over the unwarranted queries on 278,000 Americans. Surprise, surprise nobody got fired. The administrative state is the major impediment to freedom in America today. Interestingly enough the Judicial Branch seems to be the only part of the govt standing up for freedom nowadays. Law students at Boston University are being offered counseling due to the recent Supreme Court rulings. Maybe after counseling they can go on a woke hiking trail. Woke hiking groups in Oregon have created separate trails for people who are "plus-size & fat, Black, Idigenous, People of Color, queer, trans and non-binary, disabled, neurodivergent, and beyond" so that they can be safe from prejudice. The Philadelphia shooter who dressed posed in a bra and women's clothes on Facebook is NOT part of the LBTQ+ community according to the (left-wing) media but rather a Trump-supporting gun nut. https://doctortommy.com/podcast
Clarence Thomas the Great, Do We Deserve the Bidens, Abortion Update, DeSantis the Leader
Broadcasting from the Free State of Florida. Back from the trip out West to the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas. Robert Plant and Allison Krauss were amazing live at the Pearl Theater. The Grand Canyon is unbelievably large. If you haven't seen it, you should put it on your trip list. Clarence Thomas wrote his own opinion while joining the majority opinion written by Chief Justice Roberts. Once again showing why he should be the Chief Justice (instead of Roberts), Clarence Thomas is at once brilliant and ferocious in his excoriation of affirmative action and Leftist elitism at large. SCOTUS breaking news: you cannot force someone to make a LGBTQ Wedding website. That it took a Supreme Court ruling to protect an individual's right to make whatever the hell kind of website they want for a living is a testament to the times we are living in. We'll take it though as we fight against the slow march to tyranny in the United States. Hunter Biden and Joe Biden taken together are about the slimiest father and son duo to walk the face of the earth. Just in: Hunter Biden's daughter (born out of wedlock to a former girlfriend) cannot use the Biden name as a result of a court ruling. That and the Biden grandparents don't recognize her existence, hanging a Christmas stocking for even the dog while ignoring her existence. What a scumbag family. Is God punishing us with the Bidens? Focus on the Family has a clever ad with people celebrating news of new babies using the term "fetus" instead. Using the old Rush Limbaugh tactic of illustrating absurdity by being absurd, the ad exposes the Marxist language manipulation used by "reproductive rights" groups like Planned Parenthood. Ron DeSantis is a leader who is not afraid of taking slings and arrows from the Leftists in media and politics. Like Trump before him, DeSantis is popular because he is. brave and ambitious. Whether he wins the nomination or not, his leadership in the culture wars is vital. https://DoctorTommy.com/podcast
Trump Indicted, Joe Bribed, Woke Investing, Tucker on Twitter, Woke College Courses
Broadcasting from the Free State of Florida. Trump is indicted on classified documents "scandal" while Biden has not even been interviewed for his own documents problem. This two-tiered justice system is emblematic of a dying republic that is truthfully a post-constitutional republic. Ever wonder why the big investment firms like Blackrock are woke? Well a former Anheuser Busch exec gives us some inside information about how state pension funds want woke investing and therefore force Blackrock and others like it to invest in woke companies, or make companies adopt woke policies. We revisit Joe Biden's own account of how he forced a Ukrainian prosecutor to be fired. Joe basically blackmailed Ukraine telling them that if they didn't fire the prosecutor then he wasn't going to give them $1 billion of your tax money. See how that works? Joe gets what he wants with your money. What Joe didn't blab out then was why he wanted the guy fired, but now we have evidence. A FBI whistleblower has led Congress to a document that shows the payoff to Hunter Biden and Joe Biden of $5 million a piece. Clarence Thomas had his own dealing with Joe Biden back in the day, we revisit the hilarious clip where Joe tries to talk "natural law" with Thomas who doesn't have a clue what Joe is trying to communicate. Tucker is on Twitter with some insight into who blew up the Ukrainian dam that flooded Crimea and other Russian controlled territory. Could it be a sweaty dead-eyed guy in a track suit? No, he' s Winston Churchill don't you know? We look at some woke college courses that will get your kid living with you till he or she is retirement age. https://DoctorTommy.com/podcast
Debt Ceiling BS, Conservative Sleeping Dragons, Biden's Fall(s) Media Cover-up, Vaccine Cancer Genes
Broadcasting from the Free State of Florida. The GOP is celebrating a Debt Ceiling Crisis Averted as we careen toward further higher and higher taxes. Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell have teamed up with Democrats to spend money we don't have instead of tightening the Govt's belt and doing what any rational family or company would do--pay for the important things first. Instead we are told it's all or nothing and we have to spend $6 trillion in the next two years to avoid "default." It's all BS--Barbara Streisand. If a Biden falls and the media pretends it was nothing, is the POTUS still a feeble old man. We revisit how the media covered Trump's descent down a wet ramp compared to how they cover this perpetually falling Biden. Victor Davis Hanson thinks the onslaught of Leftism has awakened a sleeping conservative fire-breathing dragon. We go over his piece in American Greatness with expert analysis. Did you know the Covid vaccines contain tumor genes from monkey viruses? The Florida Standard covers this shocking discovery and we discuss implications for those who have been injected with mRNA shots and what could happen to their DNA. You thought GMOs were dangerous. Smokey Robinson blows the liberal mind of Chris Wallace by proclaiming his is an "American American" not an "African American." Ron DeSantis' culture battles are more important that poll numbers or even winning the GOP nomination. We discuss the conservative hand-wringing over Ron's fight with Disney and why it matters that he lead the charge--no matter whose corporate ox is gored. https://doctortommy.com/podcast
Is DeSantis the Real Deal, BLM Broke, White Liberal Supremacists, Planned Parenthood Woes
Broadcasting from the Free State of Florida where Ron DeSantis "is in." What does that mean for the GOP and is it good for Ron and Don to go at it before squaring off against Biden? Well it's kind of like going into the National Championship game with a conference championship game before it. Some think it's good, others think it's too risky. I say it's good to be tuned up before a big fight. BLM is broke. They ran through all that money the corporations shelled out in the aftermath of George Floyd buying houses and paying themselves and their families through consulting gigs. White liberal supremacist Joy Behar claims she knows more about being black in America than Tim Scott. Well isn't that just sweet. A woman who wouldn't be caught dead in a black neighborhood criticizing an actual black person over their beliefs about "Race in America." She's a windbag that probably doesn't even know she is actually a supremacist. Planned Parenthood must be lamenting this headline from Far-Left CNN: Some Women 'Opting for Sterilization' Post-Roe. Is this the real reason that PP was so concerned about Roe v. Wade? Not only would the abortion numbers take a hit, but potential customers would exclude themselves from ever getting an abortion by having a tubal ligation. This is on top of the news that men are getting vasectomies at increased rates. What if PP wasn't really so much concerned about "every child a wanted child" and more concerned about destroying fetuses through chemical abortion and mechanical separation for cash? https://doctortommy.com/podcast
Tucker's Back, American Counter-Revolution (Against WOKE), Green Leap Forward
Broadcasting from the Free State of Florida. Tucker is back (on Twitter at least) and is dropping some truth bombs about life outside the media establishment. It reminds me of the life outside the medical establishment. Just like Tucker can cover Jeffrey Epstein how he sees fit, I can talk about Covid, or Obamacare, or whatever how I see fit--and practice that way too! We also listen to Tucker's excellent independently sourced take on Jeffrey Epstein and his likely murder on the Vigilant Fox podcast. Victor Davis Hanson has a piece in American Greatness talking about the Jacobins of the French Revolution and how our modern day Wokeism is the American variant of the Jacobins. Will we have a counter revolution like the French did with the Thermidors, or are is our great American experiment headed for the guillotine? China once had a Great Leap Forward that killed millions through murder and starvation. We have our own Leap Forward, call it the Green Leap Forward. Can we avoid the fate of the Chinese by calling out the BS in their plans to "stop climate change"? https://DoctorTommy.com/podcast
Today's Bolsheviks
Show Trailer
Why the Left Hates Tucker, Trump Trounces, The Dobbs Leak, Socialist Mortgages, Phil Not Woke
Broadcasting from the Free State of Florida. Tucker Carlson's departure from FoxNews is celebrated by the Left but just like Rush before him, the media didn't make him and they won't be able to destroy him. Trump is up big time in the polls. DeSantis poised to sign a law that will allow him to run for POTUS without resigning as FL Gov. Don't do it Ron, it's a fool's errand. No matter who the GOP nominates they won't be able to overcome Democratic "ballot" counting in swing states, Joe Biden is going to win no matter what. The Dobbs decision was leaked and Sam Alito knows who it was, he thinks. Now if this decision was damaging to the Left do you think we still wouldn't know or do you think that Hoover's Boys would have found their man, or woman, or non-binary gender fluid person who menstruates that did it? Phil Jackson stopped watching the Woke NBA 3 three ago. I him beat by 21 years, but anyway, welcome to the club! From each according to their ability to pay their mortgage to each according to his need to have a mortgage. The old socialist mantra makes its way to banks because of, you know, fairness. A criminal alien shoots kills a child and 4 others in a town north of Houston, Texas. According to the Left this is a reason for more "common sense gun control" and no reason at all to stem the flow of illegal aliens across the border. Think about that when Grandpa Joe the hair sniffer is running for President. That's what he and his party stand for. https://doctortommy.com/podcast
American Devolution, More Guns Less Crime
Broadcasting from the Free State of Florida from Echelon-Health Studios. America is following a pattern established by the Romans 2000 years ago. The pattern is autocracy (monarchy) followed by Republic followed by autocracy (dictatorship). When the powers-that-be in the state police, media, education, and big business are all dominated by Leftist influence there is no way to maintain a Constitutional Republic. And we have not. We are living in post-constitutional times and are largely ruled by unelected bureaucrats who are placed in power by elected legislators who have abdicated their authority. Still no manifesto from the Nashville killer...and we all know why. Glenn Greenwald tried to sue the Nashville Police to get the manifesto (he's a true journalist) but no attorneys will help him. Hoover's Boys seem to be in charge on this one. Meanwhile "mainstream" media CNNABCCBSNYTIMESWASHPOAPREUTERS all dutifully bury anything about the transgender shooter that may go against Official Narratives. What happens when narrow and empty minds are filled with general ideas (think sending young skulls full of mush to College and Univ)? Bad things can happen. This ties into Trans Ideology which says that a man can be a woman just by saying he is, science, traditional beliefs, and reason be damned. And if you don't accept what I say, then I may well take up arms against you. A former CIA director admits he spearheaded the "Hunter Biden laptop is Russian Disinformation" letter at the behest of Antony Blinken when he was running the Biden campaign. Did you know that murder is not a nationwide problem and that most murders occur where there is the least private ownership of guns and people who live there vote Democrat? It's true according to John Lott Jr. Someone wrote a book called Climate Change for Babies. It's never too young too indoctrinate and child or give them anxiety about dying to some on the Left. https://DoctorTommy.com/podcast
Trans Privilege, TDS, Jack Harris Cancelled, Permitless Carry in FL, Shot Teacher Files $40M Suit
Broadcasting from the Free State of Florida. Transgender shooter's manifesto has yet to see the light of day as predicted by your host last week. Transgenderism is being pushed by the media and establishment politicians without regard to the wellbeing of the "transgender" person who those who may be left in the wake through things such as school shootings. What is the effect of administering hormones in levels that are not naturally occurring in an individual who is mentally no-well? What is the chance that the media constantly stating that "Christians" are out to get transgenders causes mentally unstable transgenders to shoot children? Well don't expect that to be explored any time soon because it does not fit the establishment narrative: Transgenderism is Universally Good and If You Don't Agree You're a POS. Transgender privilege is a real thing. Transgender shooters should not be prosecuted for Hate Crimes and transgender athletes are allowed to crush female competitors. Add transgender models in "woman face" to the list of things that make up Trans Privilege. Permitless carry is now allowed in Florida. If you want to carry for reciprocity in other states though you'll still need to get a concealed carry permit. Jack Harris is fired in Tampa. He had been on WFLA on and off since 1970 and for the last 29 years but was recently removed from AM Tampa Bay without even a Goodbye Show. That's corporate America for you. Trump has been indicted for what amounts to accounting problems. Victor Davis Hanson has a list of things that he was not indicted for (that the Clintons and Joe Biden did do). Media and political establishment want Americans to remain ignorant. That's what we can do to fight them: Educate your fellow man (or woman). Teacher shot by 6-year old sues school district and administrators for $40M. If you go by the mainstream media accounts, the only thing that caused the child to suit the teacher was access to a 9mm. Turns out there is so much more, but as usual you have to look for it to find it. https://doctortommy.com/podcast
Hate Culture vs. Gun Culture, Harden Schools, American IQs Slipping
Broadcasting from the Free State of Florida. Floridians have a lot of guns. You may not know it, but many of the people you walk around with in public in Florida are armed. The left would have you believe that "Gun Culture" is the reason for school shootings. But anyone who knows what "Gun Culture" is knows that first and foremost, gun owners know about gun safety. And anyone who believes in gun safety would never shoot up a school, but hopefully could be there to stop a psychopathic killer in their tracks before they can undertake their evil plan. Hate Culture is what is to blame for school shootings. Hate Culture and a lack of religious spirituality contribute to evil people undertaking evil deeds like murdering children. And since Hate Culture and lack of religion isn't going away, we need to harden schools. Yes a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun, no matter what you hear from the "Get Rid of the Guns" crowd. American IQs are slipping. Think the Chinese-owned Tik Tok has anything to do with this? Also the elimination of advanced courses under the guise of fairness isn't helping. https://doctortommy.com/podcast
Transgender Malpractice, Climate Change Update, D.I.E Director Fired, Covid Shots for Kids
Broadcasting from the Free State of Florida. Will Donald Trump be arrested? Will DeSantis speak out? Will it matter? Can the GOP stop the Democrats from getting ballots in swing states in record numbers through various underhanded means in 2024? Probably not. Milton Friedman identified the Do-gooders and Special Interests as the two factions that benefit from Govt action on things like Climate Change. Do-gooders feel good about themselves while the Special Interests use social pressure built by the Do-gooders to invest in industries that profit from Govt mandates. Renewable energy is a pipe dream. To achieve the CO2 goals that the Climate Change community say we need to prevent catastrophe we would have to reduce our output to that of a pre-Industrial Revolution level. And guess what, China ain't gonna do that. Also mining the earth for the rare metals needed for making batteries is very dirty and environmentally unfriendly. Transgender surgery for minors is becoming more controversial as "detransitioners" seek to sue doctors who have cut their breasts off. What is the informed consent for cutting off a depressed teenager's breasts? Diversity director at California University fired for questioning Woke Orthodoxy. This lady is a hero. Covid shots for kids? Why give a MRNA shot, which is experimental, to a child for a variant that is extinct? https://DoctorTommy.com/podcast
Biden's Incompetents, Eyes & Cognitive Decline, Frazier-Foreman and High Plains Drifter Turn 50
Broadcasting from the Free State of Florida. Hoover's Boys have apparently known all along that the Covid-19 pandemic started because off a lab leak in Wuhan, China. Where are the investigations? Maybe they are too busy arresting sidewalk preachers in front of abortion clinics. Think about how much damage was done by this lab leak, if it's true--as Hoover's Boys suspect. Only if Dr. Fauci had known about this before? Dr. Marty Makary thinks he knew in a Congressional testimony. Black students round up white students at a Springfield, OH elementary school and make them pledge to BLM or get beat up. Isn't that nice. Still think CRT is just some wonderful racial healing curriculum? And where did they get the idea to make these kids kneel? Could it have been our ridiculous pandering kneeling politicians after the Riots of 2020? It turns out that the Ukraine and US have more in common than a proxy war with Russia. The US has been interfering with Ukrainian-Russian relations as far back as 2004 when we backed a different Presidential candidate than the Russians. It what was seen as "ends justify the means" situation, we backed a coup that overthrew the pro-Russian Ukrainian President in 2014. Sounds similar to another coup the US Govt orchestrated in 2016 here at home. https://doctortommy.com/podcast
Covid Lab Leaks, Lies, Cover-ups, Racial Poison CRT, The Facade of Democracy in Ukraine and US
Broadcasting from the Free State of Florida. Hoover's Boys have apparently known all along that the Covid-19 pandemic started because off a lab leak in Wuhan, China. Where are the investigations? Maybe they are too busy arresting sidewalk preachers in front of abortion clinics. Think about how much damage was done by this lab leak, if it's true--as Hoover's Boys suspect. Only if Dr. Fauci had known about this before? Dr. Marty Makary thinks he knew in a Congressional testimony. Black students round up white students at a Springfield, OH elementary school and make them pledge to BLM or get beat up. Isn't that nice. Still think CRT is just some wonderful racial healing curriculum? And where did they get the idea to make these kids kneel? Could it have been our ridiculous pandering kneeling politicians after the Riots of 2020? It turns out that the Ukraine and US have more in common than a proxy war with Russia. The US has been interfering with Ukrainian-Russian relations as far back as 2004 when we backed a different Presidential candidate than the Russians. It what was seen as "ends justify the means" situation, we backed a coup that overthrew the pro-Russian Ukrainian President in 2014. Sounds similar to another coup the US Govt orchestrated in 2016 here at home. https://doctortommy.com/podcast