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The journal of a loving couple who practice male chastity, domestic discipline with spanking, and a female-led relationship.The contents are explicit and completely factual. You can read full posts at


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The journal of a loving couple who practice male chastity, domestic discipline with spanking, and a female-led relationship.The contents are explicit and completely factual. You can read full posts at



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Sexy Fun Or Maybe The End Of Humanity

You’ve probably been hearing about generative artificial intelligence (AI). Applications like chatgpt seem almost magical in their ability to answer questions, generate stories, and analyze images. It’s fun to play with them. Julie of Strict Julie Spanked posts lots of fiction created with the help of AI. She’s managed to The post Sexy Fun Or Maybe The End Of Humanity appeared first on Male Chastity Journal.


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You Asked For It, You Got It

Lion wanted to go to the casino on Saturday. I went outside to do some yard work and, when I came back in, I wasn’t feeling very well. It wasn’t particularly hot, but I felt almost like I did when I tried to do yard work when I had COVID. The post You Asked For It, You Got It appeared first on Male Chastity Journal.


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It’s Alive Again!

Four days ago, I did a shot of Edex and had a very nice oral orgasm. Over the last few days, Mrs. Lion has been putting out panties for me to wear. I’ve been feeling rather frisky. I felt stirring between my legs. After Mrs. Lion finished work yesterday, I The post It’s Alive Again! appeared first on Male Chastity Journal.


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How Democracy Will Die

Nationalism has great inherent appeal. America first! Yeah, I can get behind that. The problem is that it isn’t as simple as flag wavers want you to believe. Every single fascist dictator got into power using nationalism as his message. Hitler, Mussolini, and Putin all ran on strong nationalistic platforms. The post How Democracy Will Die appeared first on Male Chastity Journal.


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Panties Today! Is This The Start Of Something?

Mrs. Lion is full of surprises. This morning, she told me a pair of panties was on the bed. Yeah, she wanted me to wear them. How is it that we have dozens of yet-to-open cartons, but my panties are right there when she wants them? A mystery. She selected The post Panties Today! Is This The Start Of Something? appeared first on Male Chastity Journal.


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Orgasm #379

On January 1, 2016, I started keeping track of my orgasms. I started because Mrs. Lion and I were having trouble remembering how long I had been locked in a chastity device and waiting for my next orgasm. The spreadsheet eliminated guesswork. Long after we stopped worrying about wait times, The post Orgasm #379 appeared first on Male Chastity Journal.


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It’s True. I Hate Making Decisions.

Lion is correct. I don’t communicate well. I don’t take charge. I don’t make decisions. I don’t do things he wants to do or, more correctly, things he wants me to do to him. In some respects, it’s a two-way issue. I don’t think he’s as communicative as he could The post It’s True. I Hate Making Decisions. appeared first on Male Chastity Journal.


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Passing The Baton

It is impossible to know what another person is thinking. Sure, we get verbal and non-verbal clues, but most people are good at concealing their feelings when they want to. Mrs. Lion is almost a sphinx when it comes to expressing how she feels. For example, I know she has The post Passing The Baton appeared first on Male Chastity Journal.


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Passive Aggressive Much?

For weeks, maybe more, Lion has been interrupting me. I’ve let it go. He’s also been annoying me. I’ve let that go on too. Why? Part of the reason is the damn heat. I think it affects me more than it does him. I’m usually warmer than he is so The post Passive Aggressive Much? appeared first on Male Chastity Journal.


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Twin Cheeks

From my side of the paddle, spanking seems to be something Mrs. Lion learned and consistently applies. I lie lengthwise on the spanking bench. She straps me down and then begins. Her preferred technique is to alternate cheeks, first hitting one, then the other. This technique is typically what over-the-knee The post Twin Cheeks appeared first on Male Chastity Journal.


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A Post About Nothing (Again)

It has been brought to my attention that it’s been ages since I wrote a post. Yes. Yes, it has. You might think that’s because I’ve had nothing to say. You would be correct. I still don’t, but here is what’s been on my mind. It’s hot. We are at The post A Post About Nothing (Again) appeared first on Male Chastity Journal.


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Male Chastity And Domestic Discipline Are Marital Cruise Control

Both male chastity and domestic discipline are strongly related. Male chastity is a sexual game that turns sexual control over to another person. Those of us who practice this long-term generally stop wearing the hardware and accept control without the need for devices to keep our hands off our cocks. The post Male Chastity And Domestic Discipline Are Marital Cruise Control appeared first on Male Chastity Journal.


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Is Losing My Libido The Last Straw?

Almost exactly a year ago, I wrote a post (“Breaking The Sex Connection“) discussing my sexual difficulties. In that post, I said that if I were offered a medicine that would extend my life but kill my libido, I would elect a shorter life. This question arose almost 25 years The post Is Losing My Libido The Last Straw? appeared first on Male Chastity Journal.


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Meeting Online And Mating For Life

I have been online longer than I would like to remember. I’m an early adopter and dived into online chat when modems were horribly slow. I learned (the hard way) a lot. Over the years, I had many adventures both good and bad. Mostly, they were good. I met some The post Meeting Online And Mating For Life appeared first on Male Chastity Journal.


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She Finally Spanked Me

There were fireworks here on the First of July. Mrs. Lion got a new paddle with a message (see image above). The message was a lie! It didn’t hurt a little; it hurt a lot. I ordered the paddle from an Etsy vendor (Serenity Theory). Mrs. Lion commented that it The post She Finally Spanked Me appeared first on Male Chastity Journal.


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My Personal Genie

Befitting a big cat, I suppose; I’ve had a lot of interesting adventures in my life. One particular memory bubbled up this morning. In my twenties, I discovered a very primitive form of online chat. In those days, interactive online activities were hosted by individuals or companies who charged for The post My Personal Genie appeared first on Male Chastity Journal.


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Spankless In Seattle

I must have an internal clock that sets off an alarm when too much time has passed since my last spanking. I woke up this morning thinking about being spanked. That’s odd for me. It isn’t the sort of thought that usually greets my day. I went online and checked The post Spankless In Seattle appeared first on Male Chastity Journal.


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I’m A Double Hater

Writing political posts on a sex blog isn’t the smartest move I can make. Given the nearly even split in voters, no matter what position I take, I’m guaranteed to piss off half of my readers. That’s why I haven’t written many. However, the presidential debate last week forced me The post I’m A Double Hater appeared first on Male Chastity Journal.


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Living In A Disciplinary Marriage Is Full Of Contradictions

When I think about it, I realize that the key to my kinks is very basic: control. I have to be careful about how I use that word. Control isn’t the same as domination. It’s far more subtle. I don’t want Mrs. Lion micro-managing my life. I don’t need the The post Living In A Disciplinary Marriage Is Full Of Contradictions appeared first on Male Chastity Journal.


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Geeking Out

We were watching TV this morning and there was a story about the internet. I’ve always heard things stay forever on the internet. You hear that when some stupid teenager posts illicit pictures. It turns out, things do not last forever. Lion said that our site will die once he The post Geeking Out appeared first on Male Chastity Journal.
