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Life of an Architect

Architecture & Design

A gifted storyteller communicating the role and value of architecture to a new audience, host Bob Borson uses the experiences acquired over a 25-year career to inform his podcast. A small firm owner, architect, and college design instructor, co-host Andrew Hawkins brings his insight from his 20 years in various roles within the profession. It responds to the public curiosity and common misunderstanding about what architects do and how it is relevant to people’s lives, engaging a wide demographic of people in a meaningful way without requiring an understanding of the jargon or knowledge of the history of the profession. With a creative mix of humor and practicality, Borson’s stories are informative, engaging, and approachable, using first-person narratives and anecdotes that have introduced transparency into what it really means to be a practicing architect. To learn more about Bob, Andrew, and what life is like as an architect, please visit


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A gifted storyteller communicating the role and value of architecture to a new audience, host Bob Borson uses the experiences acquired over a 25-year career to inform his podcast. A small firm owner, architect, and college design instructor, co-host Andrew Hawkins brings his insight from his 20 years in various roles within the profession. It responds to the public curiosity and common misunderstanding about what architects do and how it is relevant to people’s lives, engaging a wide demographic of people in a meaningful way without requiring an understanding of the jargon or knowledge of the history of the profession. With a creative mix of humor and practicality, Borson’s stories are informative, engaging, and approachable, using first-person narratives and anecdotes that have introduced transparency into what it really means to be a practicing architect. To learn more about Bob, Andrew, and what life is like as an architect, please visit







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Ep 155: Optimism

The vast majority of practicing architects view the time spent practicing their craft as a calling, but what happens when you don’t want to get out of bed? Today we discuss the role of "optimism" in architecture.


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Ep 154: Networking

Today we are tackling a topic that we have never covered before, not even a little. Imagine walking into a crowded room and not knowing who to talk to or what to say, a situation I have found myself uncomfortably in more times that my therapist can ignore. The ability to build meaningful relationships and strategic alliances is a critical part of the success of any business. Today, Andrew and I will discuss a topic that at least from my side of things, have zero training in but is nonetheless a part of my job description and responsibilities in the office. Time to have a frank conversation about the indispensable practice of turning professional interactions into valuable assets. Welcome to EP 154: Networking [Note: If you are reading this via email, click here to access the on-site audio player] googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1562005974350-0'); }); Today we are going to be discussing the topic of Networking as it pertains to business development, not the cat5 cables running from your computer to some windowless closet in the building. On a scale of 1 to 10, I rate myself as a solid 5 when it comes to networking - which I define as “better than most” but worse than those that are actually skilled at the process, and my skills drop off once you get past charm and Leprechaun stories. So when I decided to make "networking" as a topic for today's conversation, I knew it would require a lot of research and a fair amount of self-reflection specific to what I think I am actually good at doing. In preparation I started with the most basic definition of what networking actually is: Networking is a part of business development that ultimately addresses the question of how leads come into the office. This is a topic that I have wanted to talk about for a long time, mostly because I have some pretty significant responsibilities in my office to network and bring in business. I am constantly asking myself “How do I go about networking?!?” There are a million questions on this and depending on your goals, or responsibilities, there are a million different answers to this question. When I talk to the more experienced principals and owners in my office, they tend to answer the “How do you network” question in a similar manner - almost all of them say that it has very little to do with talking about work, but rather it's about making a personal connection and finding people you like and want to work with. What is Networking and Why is it Worth Your Time jump to 7:53 Networking is the eventual evolution for anyone who is in a professional services profession if you have any sort of leadership and business responsibilities. The long and short of it is that networking is the engine that drives your business and as a result, its value is self-evident. Now that I am 15 years into that portion of my career where I have some responsibility to bring in work, I have come into the decision the hardest part of networking is showing up. The second hardest thing is walking up to someone and saying hello and asking people questions. What makes these simple things hard is the idea that you are putting yourself out there and have opened yourself up to some level of embarrassment and rejection. Andrew and I talk about our own experiences networking, the good, the bad, and the ugly, and with the experience and success we have achieved, we have broken this topic down into 8 key areas for consideration. 1. Relationship Building: Initial Contact: Making the first connection, often through introductions, events, or online platforms. Nurturing Relationships: Consistently maintaining and strengthening these connections over time through regular communication and engagement. 2. Exchange of Information: Sharing knowledge, insights, and updates relevant to your industry or profession. Learning from others' experiences and expertise to enhance your own understanding and skills. 3.


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Ep 153: Inspiration

Inspiration can come from many different sources - but can you actively seek it out when you are feeling like you are in a dry spell?


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Ep 152: Starting a New Job

When you are starting a new job, even you very first job, here are some tips that might make the transition a bit easier and potentially, more fruitful.


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Ep 151: Starting a Business

We are finally conceding to a request that’s been made a thousand times – do an episode on starting an architectural business – a topic that I have resisted for essentially 6 years, and I think I’ve finally broken. This is not as easy of a topic to discuss as you might think because there are a million different ways you could answer a question this broad. In an attempt to make this conversation of value, we are going to start at the beginning, and we are going to eat this whale one bit at a time. Welcome to EP 151: Starting a Business [Note: If you are reading this via email, click here to access the on-site audio player] Starting at the Beginning jump to 1:36 Business plans are not that difficult to prepare, and when created properly, they can be used as a guide to help make long term decisions on to best set up you new firm. Since we are going to go about today's conversation at the beginning, we are going to adopt the strategy of "eating this whale one bite at a time". Student Example Business Plan from Andrew's class Executive Strategy jump to 4:40 The first thing to do is to take some time to figure out exactly who you are, and more importantly, who you want to be - which means creating an overview of your firm, its mission, and goals. For me, the most important part of this process is to focus on your goals. This can mean a handful of different things, (type of work, geographic location, size of your new firm, how much money do you want to make, etc.) but how you decide to answer this question will fundamentally guide your behavior in the beginning Summary of services offered and target market jump to 7:12 This should be an easy one for most people to figure out. What type of work will you be providing and who will you be providing it for? Let’s say you want to start a residential architecture firm. Will you be focusing on developers, builders or end users as your client base (maybe all three?) Will you be designing new houses, additions renovations, full documentation or something at a reduced capacity (i.e. “Builder set”?) Maybe you think you will simply be taking on whatever you can and for whomever – which is a reality for most people starting out in a residential firm but you still need to have some sort of understanding at what level of service and documentation each of these user bases will require and how to establish an appropriate fee for each one (which is probably the most asked question I get on this topic). For the record, there is no canned ready-to-serve answer to this question due to the number considerations that fall into place. Firm Description jump to 11:10 History of the firm (if any if it is a modification of an existing firm) and its partners. This is exactly what you think it is and might be the easiest thing about creating a business plan. The purpose of this section is to really demonstrate competency to the people you want as clients. This is really a personal history of the individuals that make up the firm (which could be one) but it explains how and why you ventured out to create this firm. Develop a Vision and Mission Statement jump to 12:40 I am not a big fan typically of mission statements, mostly because I don’t think people use them properly. A mission statement is typically used to clarify what business you are in, focus your goals, and identify your business objectives. They should be internal vision statements to help guide the decision making process not some pandering message shared with the public espousing things you should be doing anyway (like providing excellent service, providing solutions, or any sort of “listening to your clients”) I wrote a post on Mission Statements back in 2014 ( and my thoughts on the matter haven’t changed at all. Other than me making fun at how bad a lot of them are, there are two key takeaways on this matter – Keep it simple and at a high level,


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Ep 150: Drawing Stuff

So here we are ... Episode 150, and I am a little surprised that I made it this far into this Life of an Architect experiment, but due to the support and interest we have received over the last 6 years, we find ourselves as what I believe to be a fairly significant milestone. When it came time to pick today’s subject matter, there was really on one topic that was up for consideration … Welcome to EP 150: Drawing Stuff! [Note: If you are reading this via email, click here to access the on-site audio player] googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1562005974350-0'); }); Today we are going to be talking about "drawing stuff", and if you are wondering what that really means, you are in the right place because that’s what Andrew and I are going to try and figure out. There are all sorts of examples and references in today's post so this is a good post to earmark for future reference (if you're into that sort of thing). Life of an Architect and Drawing Stuff jump to 01:00 When I say “drawing stuff” to you, what comes to mind? Do you think there is some relevance to the fact that the question is framed because I said “drawing” and not “drafting”? I will confess that there is a difference for some, but not for me. I make drawings. I can draft them, I can sketch them, I can get on a computer and use software like Revit (well, I can’t use Revit), AutoCAD, or whatever your drafting software of choice might be. Drawing stuff can mean anything and in any software - I am just referring to visual communication and how we think and talk through ideas. I'd like to say that I don't think there is a wrong way to draw stuff - but we all know that's not true. Sketching, drafting, 3dmodeling, rendering, I've talked about all of it at one time or another but there are some particular moments that stand out for me ... Notable Blog Posts for "Drawing Stuff" 08:47 It wasn’t that long ago that I could produce construction drawings for a 6-figure residential project in little more than a dozen sheets of drawings. The last one I worked on was quite a bit more as the architectural set having around 45 sheets to it. That is a 400% increase within the last 20-years. Once I add in the structural drawings, grading and drainage drawings, as well as the dedicated HVAC drawings, we will approach 60+ sheets in this set. What is going on? What is the reason for all the increased drawings? Is it the complexity of the projects? Maybe it’s because architects anticipate a contentious relationship with contractors? Maybe it’s the overly-specific design intentions that architects are wanting in our projects and we know that we can’t expect the contractor to read our minds?!? This entire post was a bit of a rant because things are starting to feel as if some residential contractors are punishing those of us that produce drawings that tell them how we want things done - that this makes us appear difficult and fussy when the exact opposite is the goal. I might not always be a nice person and I like to complain as much as the next person but if there is one trait someone who visits this site with any regularity knows, I do like to be helpful. During the design process, this typically manifests itself as “redlines”. For those of you that may not be familiar, redlines are typically created when architects make editorial notes on a set of drawings to convey changes that are needed to be made. This process typically occurs during the construction drawings phase, but I find that they are more helpful for how I like to work during the design development phase of the projects. Let’s take a look at some redlines I recently made (just click the picture about to be taken to a magical redline wonderland ...).


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Ep 149: Moonlighting

This will be the 5th time in 5,209 days that I have put my opinions about taking on extra work outside of your normal job and typically during ridiculous hours of the day and night. This practice has come to be known as “moonlighting” and depending on your age and where you are at in your career, it is either the light at the end of the tunnel or an oncoming train. Andrew and I originally had something else scheduled for today’s show but this topic has been forcing itself into my brain over the past month or so and I want to talk about it . Welcome to EP 149: Moonlighting. [Note: If you are reading this via email, click here to access the on-site audio player] googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1562005974350-0'); }); Today we are going to be talking about moonlighting. I mentioned in the opening that in some capacity, I have brought this topic up for discussion 5 times over the past 14 years but it has never been the focus of a dedicated podcast episode. Is that irony? answer are from a poll I presented on my Instagram account with an average of 1,200 responses per question Fun Facts jump to 01:52 The etymology of the word “moonlight” as a verb, "hold a second job, especially at night," and this version or use came into use in 1957 (implied in the verbal noun moonlighting), from moonlighter "one who takes a second job after hours" (1954), from the notion of working by the light of the moon. Earlier the verb had been used to mean "commit crimes at night" (1882), from moonlighter in reference to members of organized bands that carried on agrarian outrages in Ireland. Did you know there was a phrase called “sunlighting” which is in obvious contrast to the word “moonlighting? “Sunlighting,” as the term indicates, is work done outside the company—but with complete transparency and within the boundaries of what is allowed by professional ethics and individual conscience. sunlighting is considered ethical because it is done transparently after work hours and does not conflict with the employee's obligations to their primary employer. The names suggest that moonlighting is done after hours and without the knowledge and consent of your employer while sunlighting is doing essentially the same thing with full disclosure and the approval of your employer. Experience with Moonlighting jump to 8:39 Andrew and I have both taken on moonlighting jobs in the past, and since I don't really want to speak for Andrew, I will admit that my experiences fall into both the moonlighting AND sunlighting categories. I've also had both positive AND negative experiences. One of the things I tried hard to convey in today's episode is that I can see both sides of the argument of why moonlighting takes place, it's value to the individuals, and the benefits that can happen as a result of the extra experience and, and lets be completely blunt about this, the extra money. I bought my first house with moonlighting money ... and the client on that job also stiffed me on my completely reasonable bill (I worked without asking for immediate payment for services rendered until the business was up and running and to this date, almost 30 years later, they have never paid me ... I should let it go but it provides an extremely valuable life lesson). Side Effects of Moonlighting jump to 15:58 Originally this was going to be a list of pros and cons, but the pro list was short and incredibly easy to identify. Our conversation on the cons was really about the ramifications - or side effects - or taking on moonlighting work. Without any real effort, the first things that came to mind are: Exhaustion Burnout Decreased productivity Health problems Getting Fired These all seem pretty bad to me and came to mind instantly and there is a cascading of effects - meaning, #1 leads to #2 which leads to #3, and so on. Working long hours can lead to exhaustion and burnout,


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Ep 148: Meetings are a Waste of Time

You check the time and realize that you have 4 minutes before your next meeting. Maybe it’s an internal meeting, maybe clients are coming in. Is it in person or online? Depending on how you answer those questions, time to start scrambling so that you are where you need to be and have the information required to make this meeting a good use of your time. But guess what? I promise that you will end up waiting on someone … maybe you are that someone. Either way, you aren’t getting that time back and you haven’t even started yet. Welcome to EP 148: Meetings are a Waste of Time [Note: If you are reading this via email, click here to access the on-site audio player] googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1562005974350-0'); }); I wrote a post on this topic 11 years ago – and it was also titled “Meetings are a Waste of time.” When I wrote this down as a topic, it wasn’t because I had already covered this topic a decade ago, it was because I had forgotten that I had covered it and I most likely had just come out of a meeting that I felt was an unproductive waste of time. Is this going to be a crabby podcast episode? It’s entirely possible, but you can hit the pause button, go grab a beer, and then restart the show because I feel like most people feel like I do when it comes to the majority of meetings they attend. I am becoming more and more sensitive to sitting in meetings where I think: What am I doing in this meeting? You already said that, move on … What does that have to do with what we are supposed to be talking about? I went back to reread that post from 2013 and as I went through the points, I typically thought to myself “Nailed It” but things are a little different for me now and shockingly, I thought I was in a lot of meetings before, I am in ten times that number now. It’s not even close! A couple of caveats to consider: There is a huge difference between professional environment meetings and volunteer organization meetings, Meetings with Clients, and internal meetings. Along with those distinctions comes a slightly different pain threshold for what is acceptable behavior or not. While I would like volunteer meetings to be run with the same efficiency, I have to acknowledge that these are "volunteer" based meetings and if the people attending have to do something as part of their real jobs, I am not going to get in their way. Probably 50% of the time I spend in meetings isn’t scheduled. My office (air quotes) is pretty open and it lends itself to pop-in meetings – which was purposeful at the time of design. Exactly what is supposed to happen DOES in fact happen, but it does become disruptive to developing any sort of rhythm to the creative process. Client meetings generally fall outside of the requirements I considered, unless I am the one who is slowing things down – which does happen. I wrote in the 2013 post the following: “At least half of the meetings I attend, nothing is really happening other than the swapping of stories. One on hand, that’s okay because I’m the Pecos Bill of stories, but I simply don’t have the time for it anymore.” So in an effort to reclaim some lost time, here are some tips I have collected and follow to help make sure that my days don’t get longer by sitting in unnecessary or gratuitous meetings. Start your meetings on time jump to 17:39 If someone is late, that’s their problem. Don’t review information that’s already been covered. I make it an effort to be on time to meetings and it drives me insane when someone else is late and I have to just sit there waiting on them. Not only a waste of time, it’s disrespectful – it says “my time is more important than yours”. I wrote "For the Love of All That is Holy ... Be on Time" and it sums up my opinion on the matter rather succinctly. Set the meeting length to an hour and end the meeting on time. jump to 20:19 Unfortunately, some meetings always seem to take longer than an hour but I’ve found...


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Ep 147: Draw Like an Architect

How good do you need to be at drawing if you want to become an architect? Or … How can I be an architect – I can’t draw? Is there an easy answer to these questions? Of course there is, but that doesn’t mean the getting is easy.


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Ep 146: Ask the Show Spring 2024

Tracking productivity, Bucket list vacation, Leadership styles, and Learning how to Draw Details ... We answer these questions and more today on Ep 146: Ask the Show Spring 2024


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Ep 145: Delegated Design

If you have ever wondered what Delegated Design and Design Assist mean and how the distinction between the two could impact you and your liability and responsibility then this is a good resource of information as we break it down and discuss it in fairly simple terms.


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Ep144: Objects of Design

From a design standpoint, some things are just cooler than other things – and these things don’t need to be justified to anyone because people either understand it or they don’t … but that doesn’t mean there isn’t an interesting and amazing story behind these objects that might contribute to their coolness in a meaningful way. Today Andrew and I each selected three items and we are going to share with you some amazing stories … Welcome to EP 144: Objects of Design [Note: If you are reading this via email, click here to access the on-site audio player] googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1562005974350-0'); }); Today we are going to share with you something we feel is meaningful to us and why, maybe, it should be meaningful to you. Rather than making this a list of things we like – and by extension – things we think you should like as well, we are going to dig a bit deeper and talk about the story behind each item we discuss today. In a sense, it’s that story that should make today’s podcast interesting … just that fact that WE think it’s interesting probably isn’t good enough, so we are stepping up our game. The rules are simple – Andrew and I were each tasked with identifying a handful of items that we think are worthy of being labeled “Objects of Design” and we are going to present them in an alternating fashion. We are going to be keeping score because, at the end, I want my list to be better than Andrew’s list. Villa Savoye by Le Corbusier (image credit here) CC by SA 3.0 Deed Villa Savoye jump to I am starting my list today with a building – one that architects, fans of architecture, and French people should all be familiar with … Villa Savoye, a modernist villa designed by Charles-Edouart Jeanneret-Gris, better known as “Le Corbusier” and his cousin Pierre Jeanneret located just outside Paris, France in the town of Poissey. It was built out of reinforced concrete between 1928 and 1931. The villa was designed for Pierre and Eugenie Savoye as a country home but the reality is that they barely lived there, but I’ll get to that in a moment. I visited this building in the Fall of 1990 after having become quite familiar with the work as a result architectural history classes and quite honestly, even though it was not the popular still of architecture at the time, I really enjoyed Le Corbusier’s work, not so much some of his ideas on Urban planning. But to really get to the interesting part of this particular project, we have to go back to 1927 when the League of Nations rejected the modern building that Le Corbusier and his cousin Pierre Jeanneret proposed for its headquarters. To say Le Corbusier was disappointed would be an understatement and this moment became a jumping off point that led to Le Corbusier forming the International Congresses of Modern Architecture in 1928. Another Swiss from Zurich, Siegfried Giedion, who was trained as an Engineer, attended the Bauhaus School where he met Walter Gropius and formed his initial interest and opinions on the modern architecture movement, was the Secretary of the International Congress of Modern Architecture and he, along with Le Corbusier wrote the Working Programme of the congress and formulated the text of the declaration. This program would eventually be distilled into the 5 principals of architecture that I will mention in a Just from that standpoint, Gideon plays an important role into what Villa Savoye is at its essence but he actually continued to play a role in the building as well as its salvage from destruction. So it’s now September 1928 and Le Corbusier has taken on the commission of Villa Savoye. It is called that, maybe obviously because it was the summer house for Pierre and Eugénie Savoye. The Savoye’s developed a brief that called for the programming of the villa, but according to apparently Le Corbusier was given free reign aesthetically and he used this project to articulate some ideas that he had be...


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EP 143: Architectural Drawings: Excessive or Essential

The episode "Architectural Drawings: Excessive or Essential" will focus on drawings and the question that first comes to mind is to talk about what we draw, why we draw it, and who we draw it for and why that impacts all other considerations


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Ep 142: When I Grow Up

In Episode 142: When I Grow Up, Andrew and I discuss how things take place that divert you from your expected path as you move through your career. It's a natural evolution to move into new roles and responsibilities that break the idea you have for yourself when you decided to chart your future.


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Ep 141: 2023 Yearapalooza

As the end of the 2023 season comes to an end, Life of an Architect looks at Fan Favorite Episodes, the Blog posts, and the graphics created to support the topics.


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Ep 140: Communicating Through Drawings

Drawings have always played a role in the process of study and discussion of what we do and why we do it. Today we are going to look at the different forms of drawing and talk about when they are used and how we align these different drawing types and the messages they convey as we discuss "Communicating Through Drawings"


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Ep 139: Holiday Gift Guide for Architects

It’s almost that gift-giving time of the year and if you have an architect in your life, you know that getting them a gift is potentially the most agonizing experience possible - but that’s why we’re here. Now in its 14th consecutive year, Welcome to Episode 139 Holiday Gift Guide for Architects 2023!


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Ep 138: Is Architecture School Broken pt. 2

Are students graduating from architecture school prepared for the profession? Is the educational system aligned with the workplace? What is the best software to teach students? Can we all just get along? We started this exploration of the idea that Architecture School may need some modifications in Episode 137. The system needs to change to provide the skills, knowledge, and pathways for the future of the profession, but what else may need to be addressed? What does all of this mean to students, architects, and the public at large?


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Ep 137: Is Architecture School Broken pt. 1

The architectural education system hasn't been around for that long, yet it has it's issues and concerns. So that leads us to ask the question... Is Architecture School Broken? Join us for Part One of the conversation in Episode 137. We discuss the short history of arch edu, some common concerns with the system, and the shortcomings of the studio-based learning environments.


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Ep 136: Leadership vs. Management

What is the difference between Leadership and Management – there is definitely some overlap, but the key distinction lies in … wait, you thought I was going to tell you in the opening? It’s going to take some time to talk through those distinctions before we get there …Welcome to EP 136: Leadership vs. Management [Note: If you are reading this via email, click here to access the on-site audio player] googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1562005974350-0'); }); Today we are talking about the nuanced distinction between leadership and management. In the circles I travel in, these terms are often used interchangeably, yet they encompass distinctive sets of skills, values, and priorities. We set today’s topic up for discussion during episode 134: Management 101 when attempting to answer the question “Do you have any pointers for architects who are transitioning into management roles.” I felt that we needed to clarify the difference between management and leadership to focus our conversation but recognized that there was a lot to unpack and discuss not only what sets leadership and management apart but also how their collaboration can propel an organization to the success they no doubt aim to achieve. Since I like to do a little research and preparation for each show, I went back into the Life of an Architect archives to see what I had written or discussed in the past where Leadership and Management were concerned. August 2013 - Leadership versus Management - the first time I pointedly thought on this subject. July 2014 – Leadership - I was one of three people who presented a day-long symposium on the topic and where most of my initial research was started. March 2017 – Attitude Reflects Leadership – anecdotal observation of how your behavior matters and how it impacts and influences others. July 2020 - Ep 054: Leadership – had my sister on the show because she’s quite literally the most qualified person I’ve ever met to discuss what it means to be a leader (possibly read some of the topics/questions we covered) September 2023 – Ep 134 Management 101 - discussing what it means to transition into management and how that is different from simply being good at your previous job. In the very first post, I ended with a quote I found, and it has unintentionally become the foundation upon which most of my thoughts on leadership have been built. It was a quote from Margaret Thatcher, and I found it when researching a new role that I was transitioning into. It is: “Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren’t.” If you have to tell people you’re the leader, you aren’t. “Leadership” and “Management” are inextricably linked to one another, but management is a role you are hired into while leadership is thrust upon you by others. I went back through all of these remarkably insightful posts and episodes to organize today’s conversation into 5 Key areas of distinction where there overlap but the approach to the process of solution is different based on management or leadership. For this "Vision and Strategy" image, I started with the basic concept of something old, but endeavoring to build (in secret) something centuries beyond assumed capacity, and the group captured this moment for posterity. Prompt: cowboys, high-tech stagecoach, no wheels, remote desert, Daguerreotype --ar 16:9 --s 750 --v 5.2 Iterations/Modifications to final image? 18 Vision and Strategy jump to 12:54 Management Focus: Managers focus on planning and executing strategies. They develop detailed plans, set targets, and ensure resources are allocated efficiently to meet objectives. Leadership Focus: Leaders are visionary. They set the direction for the organization, articulate a compelling vision, and inspire others to share in that vision. They guide the development of a long-term strategy. Advice: While managers implement strategies,
