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The Stories of Mahabharata

Arts & Culture Podcasts

A serialized story-telling of the ancient epic of India - The Mahabharata Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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A serialized story-telling of the ancient epic of India - The Mahabharata Hosted on Acast. See for more information.



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Mahabharata Episode 73: Aswathama's Revenge

Aswathama takes his revenge by attacking the Pandava camp in the middle of the night and killing the five sons of Draupadi. He also kills Dhristyadumna to avenge his father's death. But his victory was short lived as the Pandavas chase him down and Krishna curses him to suffer a long and painful life. Find us on: Twitter: @MahabharatAudio Facebook: Patreon: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Mahabharata Episode 72: Day Eighteen of The War

On the 18th day of the war, Yudhistir kills Shalya, the newly appointed Kaurava chief and effectively ends the war. Duryodhan flees the battle field and hides in lake Dwaipayan. The Pandavas hunt him down and challenges Duryodhan to a one on one combat. Duryodhan picks Bheem as his opponent, and in an opportune moment Bheem strikes Duryodhan's thighs and crashes them. Find us on: Twitter: @MahabharatAudio Facebook: Patreon: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Mahabharata Episode 71: Fall of Karna

On the seventeenth day of the war, Bheem kills Dussashan and in a ghastly act drinks his blood. An unarmed and helpless Karna is killed by Arjun ensuring the victory of the Pandavas. Find us on: Twitter: @MahabharatAudio Facebook: Patreon: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Mahabharata Episode 70: The Seventeenth Day of the War

As per Karna's wish, Duryodhan appoints Shalya as his charioteer. Shalya accepts the offer with the intention to distract Karna from the Pandavas. Arjun and Krishna visit an injured Yudhistir in the Pandava camp. Yudhistir's caustic remarks enrage Arjun and drive him to do the unthinkable. Find us on: Twitter: @MahabharatAudio Facebook: Patreon: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Mahabharata Episode 69: Karna, the new Kaurava Commander-in-chief

Duryodhan appoints Karna as the new commander in chief of the Kaurava army. Karna vows to destroy the Pandavas. Yudhistir defeats Duryodhan in a one-on-one combat, but spares his life for Bheem to keep his promise. Find us on: Twitter: @MahabharatAudio Facebook: Patreon: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Mahabharata Episode 68: Fall of Dron

Guru Dronacharya, the commander in chief of the Kaurava army has been wreaking havoc in the Pandava army. Krishna had to devise a devious plan to ensure the fall of the great warrior, and Yudhistir for the first time in his life had to tell a lie to ensure his Guru's death. Find us on: Twitter: @MahabharatAudio Facebook: Patreon: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Mahabharata Episode 67: Fall of Ghatotkach

Provoked by Kripacharya and Aswathama, Karna launches a vicious attack on the Pandava soldiers. Krishna asks Bheem's son - Ghatotkach the Rakshas - to stop Karna. Ghatotkach uses his demonic illusions to attack Karna and the Kaurava soldiers. Overwhelmed by Ghatotkach, Duryodhan asks Karna to use his Shakti weapon to destroy him. Karna has been saving this weapon for Arjun, but to save the day, he is forced to use it on Ghatotkach. Find us on: Twitter: @MahabharatAudio Facebook: Patreon: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Mahabharata Episode 66: The Killing of Jayadrath

Jayadrath hides behind the Kaurava warriors who are bent upon protecting him from Arjun's wrath. If they can protect Jayadrath till sundown, Arjun has to kill himself to keep his promise. But Arjun has Lord Krishna with his divine powers on his side. It is impossible for the Kauravas to outsmart Krishna who is always ready to protect his dearest friend Arjun. Find us on: Twitter: @MahabharatAudio Facebook: Patreon: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Mahabharata Episode 65: The Fourteenth day of the war

Duryodhan and Dron assures Jayadrath of his protection from Arjun's wrath. They create an impenetrable formation to hide Jayadrath till sunset. On the fourteenth day of the war, Arjun and the rest of the Pandavas struggle to find and kill Jayadrath, failing which Arjun has to self immolate to keep his promise. Find us on: Twitter: @MahabharatAudio Facebook: Patreon: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Mahabharata Episode 64: Arjun Vows Revenge

Abhimanyu's death leaves the Pandava brothers heartbroken. Yudhistir loses his will to fight. Vyasa tries to console and lift their spirits. When Arjun receives the news, he is devastated and vows to avenge his son's death, failing which he'd self-immolate and kill himself. Find us on: Twitter: @MahabharatAudio Facebook: Patreon: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Mahabharata Episode 63: Day Thirteen of the War - Fall of Abhimanyu

On the thirteenth day of the battle, Drona arranged his forces in the Chakra Vyuha ( or Wheel) formation. Only Arjun knew the secret technique to penetrate the Chakra Vyuha. With Arjun far away fighting the Samsaptaks, the Pandavas were in trouble. Abhimanyu, the teenage son of Arjun, told his uncles that he knew how to break open and enter the Chakra Vyuha but he didn't know the technique to get out of it. The Pandavas assured, if he could help break the formation, they would ensure his safe exit. Abhimanyu agreed and raced towards the Chakra Vyuha, but will he be able to come out safe? Listen to this exciting episode and find out. Find us on: Twitter: @MahabharatAudio Facebook: Patreon: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Mahabharata Episode 62: Day Twelve of the War

Dron's failure to capture Yudhistir frustrates Duryodhan. Trigarta King Susharma, his brothers and allies vow to draw away Arjun from the main action and kill him. But when the war begins on the twelfth day, Arjun destroys them mercilessly. King Bhagadatta, riding his huge elephant, attacks Arjun with his Vaishnavastra, a weapon that no mortal can survive. Krishna once again rises to the occasion and saves his beloved friend. Dron tries his best to capture Yudhistir, but fails again. Listen to the details of the twelfth day's battle of the Kurukshetra war on this exciting episode. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Mahabharata Episode 61: Day Eleven of the War – Duryodhan appoints Dron as the commander-in chief

On the eleventh day morning, Karna visits the great Kaurava patriarch Bhishma lying on a bed of arrows to seek his blessings. Meanwhile in the Kaurava camp, Duryodhan is in a fix to select his new commander-in chief. After deliberation with his advisors and especially Karna, he appoints Dronacharya as the commander in chief to lead the Kaurava army in the battle. Dron, pleased by Duryodhan's trust and honor, promises to capture Yudhistir alive and bring him to Duryodhan in chains. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Mahabharata Episode 60: Day Ten of the War – Fall of Bhishma

Bhishma lying on a bed of arrows Yudhistir and his brothers beg Bhishma for his life. Bhishma obliges by giving them the only strategy that can kill him. Arjun, with a heavy heart, follows his instructions. He uses Sikhandi as his shield and attacks Bhishma on the tenth day of the war. Bhishma stops fighting and allows his body to be riddled with Arjun's arrows. Listen to this dramatic episode that marks a turning point in the Kurukshetra war. If you like this podcast, please consider supporting us on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Mahabharata Episode 59: The Battle of Kurukshetra – Day Nine

Bhishma in battle On day nine of the Kurukshetra war, Bhishma unleashed his fury like never before. The Pandavas suffered severe losses and realized that if Bhishma continued his rampage in this form, nobody could prevent their defeat. Arjun, on whom the Pandavas depended the most, failed to restrain the ferocious old man. Yudhistir now has no other option but to ask from his grandfather the unthinkable gift – his life. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Mahabharata Episode 58: The Battle Of Kurukshetra – Days Seven and Eight

Ghatotkach The Kurukshetra battle continues for the seventh and eighth day. Pandavas clearly have an upper hand. Bhishma, Drona, Kripacharya all try their best but Arjun, Bheem and the other Pandava warriors seem indomitable. Iravan, son of Arjun, fights valiantly but falls in battle. Angered at the death of his cousin, Ghatotkach the demon son of Bheem, launches a ferocious attack and is about to annihilate the Kaurava army by the end of day eight. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Mahabharata Episode 57: The Battle Of Kurukshetra – Days Four Five and Six

Bhagadatta on his elephant on the Kurukshetra battlefield As the great battle of Kurukshetra continues, both the Pandavas and the Kauravas suffer huge losses. Great warriors are killed. Thousands of soldiers lost their lives. Bhurisraba kills ten sons of Satyaki. Bhagadatta mounts his elephant and almost kills Bheem. Ghatotkach engage in a ferocious battle with Bhagadatta. In the camp, Bhishma keeps trying to bring some sense into Duryodhan, while the blind King Dhritarashtra laments alone in the palace of Hastinapur. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Mahabharata Episode 56: The Battle of Kurukshetra – Day Two and Three

Krishna attacks Bhishma The Kurukshetra war rages on. Bheem was unstoppable on the second day. He wrecked havoc on the Kaurava army and none of the Kaurava generals succeeded in controlling him. On the third day, Duryodhan was almost killed by Bheem. Duryodhan's insults enraged Bhishma and he unleashed his fury on the battlefield like never before. Arjun failed to stop him. Noticing Arjun's lack of will to fight Bhishma, Krishna himself jumped into the battlefield to kill Bhishma. Ashamed, Arjun pleaded Krishna to restrain himself and not break his promise. Krishna agreed. Then the Kaurava army witnessed the real prowess of Arjun as he went all out against the Kaurava army with his super weapons and killed thousands of enemy soldiers. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Mahabharata Episode 55: The Battle of Kurukshetra – Day One

Yudhistir and his brothers seek blessings from Bhisma. After Krishna returns with Arjuna to the Panadava formation, Yudhistir dismounts from his chariot and walks towards the Kaurava army to seek blessings from his gurus. Bhisma, Dron, Kripa, and Salya wish them victory. Then, with the blowing of the conch shells, the battle begins. The Pandavas and the Kauravas clash with all their might. Bhisma, Salya cause havoc in the Pandava enemy. The day ends in favor of the Kauravas with the Pandavas suffering severe losses including two of their top generals. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Mahabharata Episode 54: The Bhagavad Gita

Arjun listens to the enlightening words from Krishna. On the first day of the war, Krishna drives Arjuna's chariot to the middle of the battlefield of Kurukshetra. Watching Bhishma, Drona, Kripa and many of his relatives and friends assembled on the Kaurava side as his opponent, Arjuna is struck by an overwhelming sense of grief and despair. How could he kill the people whom he had loved, respected and grew up with? Arjun felt his strength being sapped off his body. He puts down his bow and declines to fight. Krishna then enlightens and inspires Arjuna with great words of wisdom that is now known to the world as the Bhagavad Gita. Listen to this great episode by clicking the player below. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
