
Brighton, United Kingdom



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The Damping Wells 136 // 26 Aug 2024

The Damping Wells 136 with gloss fired matmos DJ Fiery Biscuits.


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The Damping Wells 135 // 15 Aug 2024

TDW 135 with ex-pat butchers block DJ Fiery Biscuits.Tracks from locals Van Zon, Adam Bushell/Paul Khimasia Morgan in amongst the treats myriad and legion. Lick the sun pop kids!


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The Damping Wells 134 // 26 Jul 2024

Latest TDW with alabaster allied bustard Dj Fiery Biscuits.


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The Damping Wells 133 // 25 Jun 2024

The Damping Wells 133 with horse hair blancmange DJ Fiery Biscuits. Heavy feature for Limpe Fuchs who we have at the Rosehill on Sun 14th July at 2:30pm. Also heavy feature for two new albums from local bods Psank and Inside Journeys out respectively on Chocolate Monk and Rosehill Records. Close your eyes and run at it pop kids!


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The Damping Wells 132 // 03 Jun 2024

TDW132 with flint knapped bald bearing DJ Fiery Biscuits. Heavy feature for Splitting The Atom on Jun 9th at Green Door store with tracks from F. Ampism, Paul Khimasia Morgan and Thee Boxx Menn, and a few gems from compilations from Spirit Of Gravity and Hard Return. There is a spoon, lick the spoon!


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The Damping Wells 131 // 24 May 2024

Latest TDW with fan assisted balaclava DJ Fiery Biscuits.


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The Damping Wells 130 // 17 May 2024

Latest TDW with tri-cornered spud gun DJ Fiery Biscuits.


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The Damping Wells 129 // 29 Apr 2024

The Damping Wells 129 with leather bound apple strudel DJ Fiery Biscuits. Heavy feature for a few shows LP are putting on involving SPeW, Map 71, Minor Dents, Earth Ball, Chris Corsano, Cosmic Whip and Sanam. Also some remixes of Sweet Williams tracks by Jason Williams and Andrew Clare. Lots of other behaviour, old and new, local and international, but all gold. Use a shovel pop kids!!!***
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Trax For The Void // 02 May 2024

Bandcamp Feature #1: Dez Dare explores his Bandcamp collection. Photo: C.O.F.F.I.N


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The Damping Wells 129 // 30 Apr 2024

Latest TDW with ferrous afterthought DJ Fiery Biscuits


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The Damping Wells 128 // 23 Apr 2024

TDW128 with spoon fed butter knife DJ Fiery Biscuits.


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The Damping Wells 127 // 16 Apr 2024

The Damping Wells 127 with slot vented pony truss DJ Fiery Biscuits. Live session recorded specially for the show from the mighty Automouse, a live recording of Dhangsha from one of our shows at The Prince Albert, and heavy feature for the new Ka Baird album and a Sofheso remixes EP.


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The Damping Wells 126 // 02 Apr 2024

Latest TDW with ferrous afterthought DJ Fiery Biscuits. Heavy feature for artists playing at Splitting The Atom this Sunday, https://www.facebook.com/events/3692144584400230/?active_tab=discussion and for a huge compilation called Sick by Gimp Gash.


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The Damping Wells 125 // 25 Mar 2024

Latest TDW with near death expedience, DJ Fiery Biscuits. Special feature for a show this Sun 31st at The Ecomusicology Project up at Stanmer Organics , https://www.facebook.com/events/6952985164810289 , and tracks from Chris Dowding, Benjamin Vergara/Amada Irarrázabal, Ensemble 5, Kodian Trio, Mérryl Amp/Violaine Lochu/Blanche LaFuente, and Abul Morgard/Rafael Anton Irisarri. Eat the pudding, eat the pudding eat the pudding!


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Getting Ready // 13 Mar 2024

It's March baby, and as this means a few things like spring finally being here and International Women's day, it's also an important month for me where I lost a dear friend...but not to fear, Sunetta or Sunny or Suni as she was known, was an avid music lover, dancer, prancer and energy mover. With this in mind, I dedicate this episode to her keeping her alive and it has me dancing and laughing and dutty wining in the studio. It builds as usual with all the energy, love, smiles and of course sunshine from within.


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Getting Ready // 14 Feb 2024

Welcome to Getting Ready, a radio show that builds with energy! It's Valentines, whether you celebrate valentines, or go out with your mates, or maybe you sat at home hating it and everyone else for it's cringey forceful nature in forcing love and singling the singles out- well this show is for you. I bring you hot stuff, sexy flirtatious tunes, but remember this show builds so be ready for the journey of love hate and everything in between.


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Getting Ready // 17 Jan 2024

Welcome to Getting Ready the show that builds with energy, getting you ready for whatever you have lined up. It’s Training day, my beautiful people so you know what that means, we’re still learning but going in hard and having fun and mischief. Join me on a journey of funk/soul/hiphop/Grime/DnB/Jungle/House and more! Come be your authentic self, dance and enjoy!


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Getting Ready // 20 Dec 2023

This is the first episode of Getting ready...your very own hype session, a show that builds through the hour. Thank you for being here for my First time and being gentle with me because as Radio goes there’s a few bloopers, and mix up of song names, to say the least, but it will only get better from here on in. Hope you leave as pumped as I do and enjoy your first time experience with me ;)


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The Damping Wells 124 // 12 Mar 2024

The Damping Wells 124 with gelatine pointing trowel DJ Fiery Biscuits. Heavy feature for our Penumbra/Blanc Sceol show thurs 14th March, https://www.facebook.com/events/891564522761165 , also heavy feature from labels Swallowing Helmets and Histamine Tapes and a super new track from Rubber Demon. There is no spoon pop kids!!!***


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The Damping Wells 123 // 20 Feb 2024

Latest TDW with fibre-optic clotted cream DJ Fiery Biscuits. Tracks by NO Moore, Club Sound Witches and Monophonic. Stretch out, soak up and spin off pop kids.
