Discerning Hearts - Catholic Podcasts
Catholic Talk
Catholic podcasts dedicated to those on the spiritual journey! Offering the best teachings from the rich Catholic Spiritual/Discernment tradition.
Papillion, NE
Catholic podcasts dedicated to those on the spiritual journey! Offering the best teachings from the rich Catholic Spiritual/Discernment tradition.
MC6 – Using Colloquy in Prayer – Meditation and Contemplation with Fr. Timothy Gallagher – Discerning Hearts Podcast
Episode 6 Praying with Scripture: Christian Contemplation and Mediation in the Ignatian tradition w/Fr. Timothy Gallagher
Fr. Gallagher continues to discuss the differences and benefits of meditation and contemplation - the cornerstones of Ignatius of Loyola’s spiritual practice.
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How Do You Respond to the Father? – Building a Kingdom Love with Msgr. John Esseff – Discerning Hearts Podcast
Msgr. Esseff reflects on the importance of the family in our lives. He shares two very personal stories to offer insight on the role of fathers in the heart of each family.
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Sunday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time – A Time of Lectio Divina for the Discerning Heart Podcast
Sunday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time - A Time of Lectio Divina for the Discerning Heart - Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts
As you begin, take a deep breath and exhale slowly. For at least the next few moments, surrender all the cares and concerns of this day to the Lord.
Say slowly from your heart “Jesus, I Trust In You…You Take Over”
Become aware that He is with you, looking upon you with love, wanting to be heard deep within in your heart...
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BTP-LR1 – Day 1 – The Last Retreat by St. Elizabeth of the Trinity- Beginning to Pray with Dr. Anthony Lilles – Discerning Hearts Podcast
From "Last Retreat Day 1" found in The Complete Works vol 1:
1. “Nescivi.” 1 “I no longer knew anything.” This is what the “bride of the Canticles ” sings after having been brought into the “inner cellar.” 2 It seems to me that this must also be the refrain of a praise of glory on this first day of retreat in which the Master makes her penetrate the depths of the bottomless abyss so that He may teach her to fulfill the work which will be hers for eternity and which she must already perform in time, which is eternity begun and still in progress. 3 “Nescivi”! I no longer know anything, I do not want to know anything except “to know Him, to share in His sufferings, to become like Him in His death.” 4 “Those whom God has foreknown He has also predestined to become confirmed to the image of His divine Son,” 5 the One crucified by love. When I am wholly identified with this divine Exemplar, 6 when I have wholly passed into Him and He into me, then I will fulfill my eternal vocation: the one for which God has “chosen me in Him ” 7 “in principio,” the one I will continue “in aeternum” when, immersed in the bosom of my Trinity, I will be the unceasing praise of His glory, Laudem gloriae ejus.
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MC5 – God’s Presence in Silence – Meditation and Contemplation with Fr. Timothy Gallagher – Discerning Hearts Podcast
Fr. Timothy Gallagher explores the distinction between meditation and contemplation in the Ignatian tradition, and how both forms of prayer deepen one's relationship with God.
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The Presentation in the Temple – Building a Kingdom of Love with Msgr. John Esseff – Discerning Heart Podcast
Msgr. Esseff reflects on the teaching of the Sacred Scriptures for the Feast of the Presentation in the Temple.
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IP#484 – Deacon James Keating Ph.D. – Abiding in Christ on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor – Discerning Hearts Podcast
In this compelling conversation with Deacon James Keating, a spiritual master of the highest order, we discuss those things that block us from having a closer relationship with God. We also discuss the importance of making time for Lectio Divina, living in the liturgy of the Church, and the danger of letting prayer become too complex.
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IP#498 Fr. Basil Nortz – Holy Silence, Part 2 on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor – Discerning Hearts Podcasts
Join Kris McGregor as she discusses the book "Holy Silence: A Practical Guide to Recollection in God" with Fr. Basil Nortz in part two of this two-part interview.
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IP#497 Fr. Basil Nortz – Holy Silence, Part 1 on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor – Discerning Hearts Podcasts
Join Kris McGregor as she discusses the book "Holy Silence: A Practical Guide to Recollection in God" with Fr. Basil Nortz in part one of this two-part interview.
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HRS4 – Finding Balance – The Holy Rule of St. Benedict with Fr. Mauritius Wilde OSB – Discerning Hearts Podcast
Using the Holy Rule of St. Benedict, Fr. Mauritius Wilde defines soberness not merely as abstinence but as living with balance and attentiveness to one's true needs, avoiding unhealthy compensations such as overeating, excessive internet use, or addictive behaviors.
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MC4 – Encountering Christ in Scripture – Meditation and Contemplation with Fr. Timothy Gallagher – Discerning Hearts Podcast
Episode 4 Praying with Scripture: Christian Contemplation and Mediation in the Ignatian tradition w/Fr. Timothhey Gallagher
Fr. Gallagher continues to discuss the differences and benefits of meditation and contemplation - the cornerstones of Ignatius of Loyola’s spiritual practice.
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Saturday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time – A Time of Lectio Divina for the Discerning Heart Podcast
Saturday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time - A Time of Lectio Divina for the Discerning Heart - Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts
As you begin, take a deep breath and exhale slowly. For at least the next few moments, surrender all the cares and concerns of this day to the Lord.
Say slowly from your heart “Jesus, I Trust In You…You Take Over”
Become aware that He is with you, looking upon you with love, wanting to be heard deep within in your heart...
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HRS3 – Leadership and Soberness – The Holy Rule of St. Benedict with Fr. Mauritius Wilde OSB – Discerning Hearts Podcast
A leader who is not sober can do a great deal of damage to those for whom he is responsible and, of course, harm the cause he is meant to serve. If you allow yourself to be seized with emotions, such as anger, vindictiveness, sadness, pride or envy - whatever "demons" you want to call them here - then you are not in contact with yourself and not in contact with your people. One is identified with the feeling and has no clear view of the truths. The task of the manager is to decide. However, to make the right decision requires a sober consideration of the alternatives that are given. The leader may need a break to make the right choice. The "discernment of spirits", like those taught by St. Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) is only possible if we can be completely free and open inside, sober and not driven by emotions. One might follow this rule: When I am very upset, frustrated, angry, fearful, sad, whatever mood you might feel, make no decisions and do not respond immediately to those you lead. Give yourself one night to think about it and pray. It often happens that after this break, which does not have to be long, you will find a completely different perspective and have time to assess alternatives. If you do not spontaneously act out of feeling, step back until you are sober and compassionate enough to respond appropriately.
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St. Agnes, A Lamb for Christ – In Conversation With Mike Aquilina – Discerning Hearts Podcast
Mike Aquilina shares with us the story of St. Agnes.
A young girl who would help to break open the hearts of many so that grace could pour in. She was "a lamb for Christ". -
A prayer to St. Agnes
Let us gain courage for our own battle
by honoring the martyrdom of the glorious virgin Agnes.
St. Agnes, vessel of honor,
flower of unfading fragrance,beloved of the choirs of Angels,you are an example to the worth of virtue and chastity.
O you who wear a Martyr’s palm
and a virgin’s wreath,
pray for us that,
though unworthy of a special crown,
we may have our names written in the list of Saints.
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MC3 – Walking with Christ in Prayer – Meditation and Contemplation with Fr. Timothy Gallagher – Discerning Hearts Podcast
Episode 3 Praying with Scripture: Christian Contemplation and Mediation in the Ignatian tradition w/Fr. Timothy Gallagher
Fr. Gallagher continues to discuss the differences and benefits of meditation and contemplation - the cornerstones of Ignatius of Loyola’s spiritual practice.
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St. Anthony of the Desert, Father of the Church – In Conversation With Mike Aquilina – Discerning Hearts Podcast
St. Anthony of the Desert, Father of the Church – In Conversation With Mike Aquilina Born: c. 251, Herakleopolis Magna, Egypt Died: 356, Mount Colzim, Egypt With Kris and Bruce McGregor, Mike Aquilina discusses the life and influence of St. Anthony of the Desert, a foundational figure in Christian monasticism. St. Anthony, renowned for his ... Read more
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HRS2 – Winding Down With God – The Holy Rule of St. Benedict with Fr. Mauritius Wilde OSB – Discerning Hearts Podcast
The origin of the virtue of soberness is attributed to the monastic tradition. The German term "nüchtern" (sober in English) is borrowed from the Latin "nocturnus" and describes the state of the monk at night (see Friedrich Kluge, etymological dictionary of the German language). So, to gain access to what "soberness" really means, Fr. Mauritius discusses what role the night plays for the monks and how they spend it. Saint Benedict of Nursia, the founder of the Benedictine order, has much to say. His observations can also help us to reflect on how we spend the night.
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MC2 – Power of Imaginative Prayer – Meditation and Contemplation with Fr. Timothy Gallagher – Discerning Hearts Podcast
Episode 2 Praying with Scripture: Christian Contemplation and Mediation in the Ignatian tradition w/Fr. Timothy Gallagher
Fr. Gallagher continues to discuss the differences and benefits of meditation and contemplation - the cornerstones of Ignatius of Loyola’s spiritual practice.
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The Baptism of the Lord – A Time of Lectio Divina for the Discerning Heart
The Baptism of the Lord - A Time of Lectio Divina for the Discerning Heart - Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts
As you begin, take a deep breath and exhale slowly. For at least the next few moments, surrender all the cares and concerns of this day to the Lord.
Say slowly from your heart “Jesus, I Trust In You…You Take Over”
Become aware that He is with you, looking upon you with love, wanting to be heard deep within in your heart...
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TM11 – Spiritual Fruits of Small Acts – St. Therese and Marie: The Story of Two Cousins with Fr. Timothy Gallagher – Discerning Hearts Podcast
Fr. Timothy Gallagher and Kris McGregor take a look at the spiritual development of Marie, cousin of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, through her letters to Celine, and Thérèse’s teachings.
The post TM11 – Spiritual Fruits of Small Acts – St. Therese and Marie: The Story of Two Cousins with Fr. Timothy Gallagher – Discerning Hearts Podcast appeared first on Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts.