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Bold Steps with Dr. Mark Jobe

Moody Radio

Bold Steps with Dr. Mark Jobe takes you on the path to freedom and authenticity in Christ. With candid, topical teaching from God’s Word, Dr. Jobe offers simple gospel messages with the power to transform your life.


Chicago, IL


Moody Radio


Bold Steps with Dr. Mark Jobe takes you on the path to freedom and authenticity in Christ. With candid, topical teaching from God’s Word, Dr. Jobe offers simple gospel messages with the power to transform your life.




820 N. LaSalle Blvd., Chicago, IL 60610

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The Way Back Home – Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re discovering The Way Back Home. We’re going to be talking about the story of the Prodigal Son, and if you’ve ever been the parent of a wayward teen … or maybe you’ve been a little wayward yourself, this message is for you. Mark began this message yesterday by talking about the first two phases … Wandering and being Wasteful. Join us in Luke 15 for the final point... Wake Up! Support the show: See for privacy information.


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The Way Back Home – Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning about the time God ran. One of the best-known parables or stories that Jesus told was of the Prodigal Son. It’s a powerful message on how to come back to God if we’ve allowed ourselves to stray from Him. There are some listening today who really need to hear this message of redemption. We’ll take a look at the stages in the journey of a prodigal. If you’re here today and know that your heart has slid away from God and are distant ... you need to listen closely. You will hear how to find your way back home to God. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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It’s Not Too Late – Part 2

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe shows us why pain is part of the healing process. Have you ever prayed and prayed for change … only to feel thwarted at every turn? Well, you’re not alone, and as we continue our message titled, It’s Not Too Late … we’re going to be discussing three lessons we can learn from the Father. In the conclusion of the teaching, Mark addresses the third point of this message … and explains belief, faith, and deliverance. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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It’s Not Too Late – Part 1

The power of God to change your life … that’s the topic of our message … today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. We all have felt the pressure to beat the clock …The White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland running around shouting … “I’m late. I’m late got a very important date!” But today, Mark has another message … one that’s guaranteed to build some faith … and give you hope. -It’s Not Too Late! It may feel like it’s too late … but it’s not! Join us in John 9 as we take steps to move toward Jesus, despite big challenges. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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Failure Doesn’t Have to be Final – Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … Mark reminds us about God’s offer of grace and forgiveness. As we move forward in our new series, called Second Chances, we’re going to jump right into the story of Jesus and the woman caught in adultery. We ALL carry sin with us and need the forgiveness of God. Thankfully, Jesus offers a way. We’ll learn the steps to take in this powerful story of redemption. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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Failure Doesn’t Have to be Final – Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re discovering that God is a God of second chances. Have you ever failed at something, but were given a second chance? Maybe you failed a test? Struggle with addictions and sobriety? Whatever you’re going through … just because you’ve had a setback, doesn’t mean you’ve failed … or you’ve lost. Failure doesn’t have to be final … and that’s what we’re going to talk about today in our message. Mark have titled this message, Failure Doesn’t Have to be Final. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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Principles of Spiritual Renewal – Part 2

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe explains why we should always be striving towards renewal. Today as we move forward in our series … Just Do Something, we’re continuing our discussion on renewal … and we’re going to be discovering that inner renewal without outer changes will break down quickly. Join us if you can in Hebrews 5. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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Principles of Spiritual Renewal – Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how renewal starts. We’re returning to the Gospel of Mark, chapter 2, to continue our exploration of the Principles of Spiritual Renewal. This message comes from our series called Just Do Something. We’ll be focusing on how renewal in our life is only sustained by change in our lifestyle and the example of new wine into old wineskins. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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Just Own It – Part 3

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, Mark offers some tips for genuine renewal. Have you ever tried to patch a hole on a jacket or piece of clothing, only to have it fall off … or wear out? Jesus used that example in Matthew chapter 9 and in today’s passage of Scripture. In an effort to sustain spiritual and personal renewal, Jesus says we need to make serious changes at the heart-level … and in our message today from the Gospel of Mark 2:19 and titled, Principles of Spiritual Renewal. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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Just Own It – Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, we’re discovering the first step in becoming spiritually whole. As we continue our study today from the Gospel of Mark, we’re going to be looking at the healing that comes from learning to confess our sins … not only to God, but to one another. If you’ve missed any of the messages in this series so far, you can catch up online at … Bold Steps dot org. But now, let’s join Pastor Mark Jobe with a message he’s titled, Just Own It. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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Just Own It – Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning why confession is the first step in healing. Is there a person in the Bible whom you can relate to? I think we all have our favorites … but did anyone choose the man with the shriveled hand whose story is found in Mark chapter 3? We can all identify with this man’s problem. We may not have shriveled hands … but we do have areas in our lives that make us feel less than whole. What are you hiding because of shame and guilt? Jesus wants to set you free! Our message is titled, Just Own It. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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Just Stay Strong – Part 3

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe teaches us how to trade our weakness for God’s strength. As we move forward in our series … Just Do Something, we’re going to be concluding our discussion on staying strong by learning how developing strength in our faith usually involves a time of testing. And when we are prepared for it, you can come out victorious in the end. We are in Mark chapter 1, for the conclusion of the message. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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Just Stay Strong – Part 2

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe explains why trying to live life in our strength doesn’t work … ever. Earlier in the week we started a brand-new series called Just Do Something … and Mark’s been walking us through the book of Mark so that we can learn how setting our seasons apart for God’s use and purposes, will always be the right thing to do. The road we travel may not always be easy or rosy … but if we’re walking in God’s will, we will find the strength to persevere. Mark titled this message Just Stay Strong. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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Just Stay Strong – Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … Mark shows us how to set ourselves apart for God. We all go through various stages or seasons of life … and in this study, we’re going to be learning about why we need to consecrate … or set each season apart for God … and give ourselves to Him. Mark likes to say “ … All of me … for all of You …”. In the first chapter of Mark, we’re given a glimpse of Jesus’ ministry and how God prepared Him for the task. And God prepares us in similar ways. So, no matter where you are, or what you’re doing … this season will end and a new one will begin … and so this message is for you. No matter where you might find yourself in life, it’s important that we set the next season apart individually and corporately because we need God’s power in our lives. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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Just Sell Out – Part 2

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how to clear the way. We’ve just started a new series called, Just Do Something, and over the next two weeks, Mark is going to be taking us through the book of Mark … and we’ll be learning how to stay strong and how to best use the gifts and talents that God has given us … while taking ownership of our walk of faith. It’s going to be an encouraging and challenging study. To get things started, here is the message he’s titled, Just Sell Out. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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Just Sell Out – Part 1

Are you a change agent? … That’s the topic today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. Sometimes people complain that the church is good at giving sermons … but when it comes to taking action … well, that’s another story. Mark is going to be reminding us what being a part of the church really means. The church is not just a place … it’s a group of people. And It should meet regularly to learn what the Bible teaches and to encourage one another … but the church is also called to take the Word of God outside the walls of the community into the world. God is looking for Way-Makers and so it’s important for believers to not just go into a building on Sunday morning and then leave our faith at the door. We have to DO SOMETHING and that’s what we’re going to be talking about in this study from the Book of Mark. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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When God Seems Silent – Part 2

Learning to trust God through life's storms … that’s today’s topic here on Bold Steps with Mark Jobe. On today’s program, we’re going to be continuing a message that Mark started yesterday called, When God Seems Silent. And we’re going to be looking at the long wait Abraham and Sarah had between when God promised them a child … and when He actually fulfilled that promise. Sometimes when we're waiting for God … we're tempted to take things into our own hands, which is exactly what happened for Abraham and Sarah. And if you have your Bible handy, turn to Genesis, chapter 16 to follow along. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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When God Seems Silent – Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … what to do When God Seems Silent. Do you ever feel like God has forgotten you? Or maybe you're noticing everyone else moving forward in their lives and you're getting left behind. In these times, it's easy to feel like we're doing a whole lot of “waiting on the Lord,” and there's a whole lot of silence in response! Today’s message is going to help a lot of people who are desperately waiting on the Lord and yet feel as though their resolve is failing. The message comes from the book of Genesis chapter 16 … and it’s titled, When God Seems Silent. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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Discerning the Voice of God – Part 2

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe gives us three questions to ask when discerning God's voice. Last time, Mark advised us to compare everything against the Scripture and ask, "Does this inner Word violate a command of Scripture?" And today on the program, we're answering the question, "How do you discern the voice of God from all of the other noise?" along with two more questions to ask. Our message is titled,Discerning the Voice of God … and if you have your Bible with you, turn to John, chapter 10 as we continue our series … Hearing God. Support the show: See for privacy information.


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Discerning the Voice of God – Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, we’re learning how to recognize the voice of God. We’ve been talking about opening hearts and our ears to the voice of God … but how do we know when it’s really Him speaking and not just ourselves? Mark says that this is probably one of the most frequently asked questions he gets as a pastor … How can I tell God’s voice apart from all the other voices and chatter in my life? But let me ask you this … do you have to see your wife, husband or family member, to know it’s them on the phone? No! And as Jesus says, we’re like sheep who recognize the shepherd’s voice. Are you listening? Today’s message is titled … Discerning the Voice of God. Support the show: See for privacy information.
