Calvary Chapel of Cleveland Podcast
Christian Talk
Follow along in your Bibles as Pastor Mike Bucher teaches through The Bible verse by verse.
Yucca Valley, CA
Follow along in your Bibles as Pastor Mike Bucher teaches through The Bible verse by verse.
6770 Brookpark Road Cleveland, Ohio 44129
A Window Into Our Hearts
We are in James, chapter 3 and it is one of the most profound chapters in the Bible... It points out how powerful the tongue is. Our words can have such an impact for good or bad and effect the rest of our lives and the lives of others. We can destroy people with our tongue or we can impart life. An important point is the fact that we cannot control it in our own strength. The tongue/mouth is a window into our hearts. Whatever comes out of our mouths reveals what is filling our hearts. There...
Faith & trust in God's Word...
We are finishing the book of Hebrews with chapter 13. This book was written to encourage Jewish Christians to not go backwards to the law of Moses... to show that Jesus is enough. It compares all we have in Jesus with what they had in the old covenant and it shows that what we have is better. The writer shows the key issue is faith & trust in God's word. He gives examples of those who lived this faith in their lives. This last chapter tells us how to live in light of this faith. Today, there...
God in His true light...
We continue in the wonderful, encouraging, powerful, filled with peace and insight Book of Psalms with Chapters 66 through 68. The writer " SEES" God in His true light. Amazing, awesome, all powerful, all wise. He sees God so real, so involved in our lives. Hebrews 11 says that Moses endured because "he saw Him Who is invisible'. Jesus made it clear that God is a spirit. We cannot see Him with our physical eyes but the evidence for Him is very clear and overwhelming. He reveals Himself to...
We need to keep our eyes on the prize
We continue in Hebrews 12. The context of Hebrews is "do not turn back from Jesus and the cross. The writer of Hebrews has just shown us that the key is faith in God and gave many examples of those who have gone before us. He describes this life as a race. We need to run to win... all out for the Lord. We need to put away sin and anything that gets in the way of following the Lord. If we do not, out of love, God will chasten us - discipline us. We, then, have a choice. We can submit to Him...
What is David's secret?
We continue in the book of Psalms with chapters 62 through 65. David is the writer. How do you react when you are attacked? David reacted by turning to God and praising Him. He is called by God "A Man after God's heart". David was flawed and imperfect yet he loved God, he served God and he knew God loved him. These chapters reveal David's heart. His intimate thoughts toward God. When you see someone smarter than you, more spiritual than you, better than you - do not have envy and seek to put...
A comfort to those who are suffering
In this study, we finish Hebrews chapter 11. This will comfort those who are suffering. It is the chapter of faith. It tells us how important faith in God is. It also tells us exactly what it is. This chapter is called the Hall of Fame of Faith and provides amazing stories of victory through that faith. A wonderful testimony to the supernatural power of God through his servants. These stories get all the attention even now. This chapter also include those who did not see God step in. They...
Let the Spirit of God Speak to You
In this study, we are in Psalms chapters 36 and 37. If you are discouraged, disappointed, depressed, feel like giving up because of how others have treated you, there is nothing that will lift you like God's word. In all the Bible, the book of Psalms has more encouragement than any other book and I believe that chapter 37 is the most uplifting. If you walk with God, some people will hate you, some will hurt you, some will turn against you. Jesus said this would be so. In Psalm 37, David has...
God has a Great Plan For Us
Today we are in Hebrews chapter 3. This book was for people who were being tempted to go backwards - away from God and this chapter looks at the problem Israel had in the wilderness. God brought them out of Egypt. They were to take a short journey through the wilderness and then they were to end up in the promised land. It was a place of blessing. The problem was that they did not believe or trust God. They looked at their own weakness and problems and they doubted God's promises. This led...
Death is a Huge and Ugly Monster
We are in the second chapter of The Book of Hebrews for this study. Jesus is God but God became one of us for two main reasons: 1. To walk in our shoes so He would have compassion on us in our trials and help us in temptations. 2. To deliver us from the fear of death. Death is like a huge, ugly monster waiting for each of us and our loved ones. We cannot avoid or keep ourselves from it. Jesus alone conquered this monster. Jesus now promises a life after death. We no longer have to fear it....
Jesus Is Superior In Every Way
We begin the book of Hebrews... It was a time when most of the Christians were former Jews. They were being pressured by Jews to turn back to the law of Moses and away from faith alone in Jesus. All Christians are saved "from" something "unto" Christ. There are former atheists, Muslims, Hindus, those living by philosophy of man - some are caught up in "the world" or sexual sin or drugs or alcohol. Jesus calls us to Himself but sometimes we are pressured to go back to our past. The book of...
The Role Of The Holy Spirit
We are in between books in the Bible so this is when we typically do a topical Bible study. Today it will be on the role of the Holy Spirit. Thee is so much controversy about Him. He is a person, He is God. Jesus called Him " another" comforter not a "lessor" comforter. Who was the first comforter? Jesus. So the Holy Spirit will be to us all that Jesus was to the disciples. Jesus taught them, comforted them, led them and gave them power. The Holy Spirit will teach us, comfort us, lead us and...
Psalms 29 thru 31 - Thoughts from David...
We are in Psalms 29 to 31... Have you ever looked at someone else and wished that you had what they have? Is it jealousy or envy? That's usually a bad thing if you want them to lose what they have but it's a good thing if it motivates you to learn from them and find out why and do the same things. David is someone I envy, I want what he had with God. He was "a man after God's heart". We see God's blessing all over him in spite of his failures. David was not perfect but his desire for God is...
Psalms 26 thru 28 - We all have a spiritual void in our souls
Tonight we continue in the book of Psalms chapters 26-28. This is life to our souls. We all have a spiritual void in our souls - an empty place that can only be filled by God Himself. We cannot fill it with money, possessions, pleasure, fun, drugs, alcohol, sports, sex, fame or even religion. The interesting thing about this is that if we try to fill this void with earthly things it will only get bigger. We will feel even more empty. It can only be filled by truly connecting to God by a...
Luke 24 - There is no one like Jesus
We are in Luke 24. He is risen!!! In chapter 23 we saw Jesus falsely accused, slandered, beaten, scourged and crucified. This was the greatest act of love in human history. While on the cross He prayed "Father forgive them...". As amazing as this was it is worthless if Jesus stayed dead. Why? Because He said He would be rejected, beaten, scourged and crucified but three days later rise from the dead. If you honestly look at the evidence and apply logic and reason, the only possible...
Luke 23 - What will you do with Jesus?
n this study we continue with Luke 23. Jesus is on trial to be crucified. He was in a truly spiritual war but it is because He was a political threat to the religious leaders. They wanted to destroy Him but could not do so legally... so what did they do? They had to find false accusers but they could not get their stories to match and had no evidence. An accusation alone was not enough. They made wild accusations and pressured through mob rule to get their way. The ruler knew it was out of...
Luke 22: 35-71 - if possible let this cup pass from me
We continue in Luke 22 starting at verse 35. It is the night of Jesus' arrest before going to the cross. In the garden, Jesus prayed, "Father if possible let this cup pass from me but not my will your will be done". There are so many lessons here. Jesus gives us the key to life... we need to let go of our own will and yield to God's will. The question is what is this cup that Jesus is referring to? In Jeremiah 25, God says there is a cup of his wrath that all nations will drink. We have all...
The Purpose of The Church
Pastor Mike Bucher shares words of encouragement to a church and a new Pastor at an ordination service. It highlights some of the most basic and important things for a pastor to focus on and God's plan for the church.
Luke Chapter 16 - You Are Valuable to The Lord
Do you know that Jesus believes that you are valuable? Pastor Mike Bucher of Calvary Chapel Cleveland teaches from Luke 16 and the lessons of the parables contained in this chapter.