Pastor Rick's Daily Hope
Christian Talk
Rick Warren is an innovative pastor, renowned author, and global influencer.
Los Angeles, CA
Rick Warren is an innovative pastor, renowned author, and global influencer.
PO Box 80448 RSM, California 92688 800-600-5004
The Reality Choice - Part 1
God can heal your hurts, hang-ups, and habits—but it takes humility. In this message, Pastor Rick helps you discover what you need to confront in yourself so that God can bless your life.
The Kind of Work God Blesses — Part 2
When you want God to bless something, you need to give it to him first. There are several ways to do that in your job. You can care about the people you work with, exceed what is expected of you, keep learning to expand your skills, and dedicate you work to be used for God’s purposes.
The Kind of Work God Blesses — Part 1
If you want to be blessed in your work, do these three things: Work enthusiastically no matter where you are or what you do; understand that you are ultimately working for God; and concentrate on building your character.
Creating a Spiritual Legacy — Part 1
Creating a spiritual legacy means investing your life in something that outlasts you, and there's no greater cause than the kingdom of God. To build that kind of legacy, follow the example of Jesus.
God's Prescription for Health — Part 2
Did you know that you can honor God—and benefit yourself—by managing your body well? When you make healthy choices, you’re honoring God by taking care of the body he created.
God's Prescription for Health — Part 1
As a Christian, you already have the key to help you live a long, healthy life. God has given you all of the principles for health management in his Word, the Bible.
God's Plan for Financial Blessing — Part 2
If God told you to go do something right now, financial bondage might keep you from doing it. Pastor Rick teaches about the importance of managing your money and becoming debt-free.
God's Plan for Financial Blessing — Part 1
The first law of financial freedom is the law of possession: Everything you have belongs to God; you are only a manager. In this message, Pastor Rick explains what it means to be a steward of the things God has given you.
How Can I Know My Destiny? — Part 3
Pastor Rick teaches that, from the beginning, God’s plan has been to make you like his Son, Jesus—this is your destiny. The Bible describes Jesus as “the exact likeness of God,” “the visible image of the invisible God,” and “the exact representation of his being” (2 Corinthians 4:4 GNT, Colossians 1:15 NLT, Hebrews 1:3 NIV).
How Can I Know My Destiny? — Part 2
God will use not only your gifts but also your limitations to fulfill your destiny. In this message, Pastor Rick explains that what may seem like a disaster could be part of a bigger plan—but you’ll never reach your destiny if you’re stuck in self-pity.
How Can I Know My Destiny? — Part 1
Do you know what God created you for and what your destiny is? To begin discovering this, Pastor Rick teaches you to recognize the unique gifts God has given you—your background, your SHAPE (spiritual gifts, heart, abilities, personality, and experiences), and all the other factors that make you uniquely you.
The Life God Blesses — Part 2
Following Jesus means you must dare to be different from the culture; you must listen to God’s voice instead of voices of doubt and follow exactly what he tells you to do. Join Pastor Rick as he explains why you should never give up on the dream God gives you.
The Life God Blesses — Part 1
Cultural distractions, voices of doubt, tempting shortcuts, and discouraging delays will test you as you pursue God’s purpose for your life. Join Pastor Rick as he explains how God helps you push past the barriers that keep you stuck in short-term thinking instead of long-term growth.
Getting Where You Want to Be — Part 3
Did you know that there are over 7,000 promises in the Bible from God to you? There are promises of security, safety, and provision. Most people go through life never claiming any of the promises of God, but he made those promises to help you fulfill your purpose in life.
Getting Where You Want to Be — Part 1
The first step to reaching your goals is knowing where you currently stand. Ask yourself, Where am I now? and What would I like to change?
Your Choice - Blessed or Stressed — Part 2
When Jesus invites you to take on his yoke, he's not giving you his problems—he doesn’t have any! Instead, he’s offering to share your burdens, taking on your stress and bearing it with you.
Your Choice - Blessed or Stressed — Part 1
The main source of stress is worry about whether your needs will be met. When you rely on people or things instead of God to fulfill those needs, you're bound to face frustration and disappointment, because only God can truly provide.
Making the Most of Your Mind — Part 2
Renew your mind daily with God’s Word because true transformation begins in your thoughts, not your actions. To fulfill God’s purpose for you, invite him to expand your imagination and inspire a vision for your future. Without a guiding vision, life can feel chaotic, but with God’s direction, you can move forward with confidence and purpose.
Making the Most of Your Mind — Part 1
Don’t believe everything you think—because not all thoughts are true. What you allow into your mind affects your stress, success, and stability. So guard your mind carefully.
How To Get Your Vision Back — Part 3
Bartimaeus shows us that we receive our vision through faith. Jesus said to him, “Receive your sight; your faith has healed you” (Luke 18:42 NIV). As Pastor Rick explains, to receive and maintain your vision, you must stay on the path with Jesus, like Bartimaeus did.