Running To Win on

Running To Win on

Christian Talk

Running the race of life is hard. But with the Bible front and center and a heart to encourage, Pastor Erwin Lutzer presents clear Bible teaching, helping you make it across the finish line. Since 2011, this 25-minute program has provided a Godward focus and features listeners’ questions.


Chicago, IL


Running the race of life is hard. But with the Bible front and center and a heart to encourage, Pastor Erwin Lutzer presents clear Bible teaching, helping you make it across the finish line. Since 2011, this 25-minute program has provided a Godward focus and features listeners’ questions.






Moody Church Media 1635 North LaSalle Chicago, IL 60614 1-800-215-5001

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People Will Pray – Part 2 of 2

The city of Chicago felt the mighty wind of the Spirit during the days of D.L. Moody, the founder of The Moody Church. Even today, God is not too intimidated to show up and change everything. In this message, Pastor Lutzer indicates the distinguishing marks of revival. What happens when God comes to church? To support this ministry financially, visit:


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People Will Pray – Part 1 of 2

We know that God is always with His people, as He’s promised to be. But there are also times of revival when He unveils His presence in power. In this message, Pastor Lutzer shares the story of America’s Great Awakening through people like Edwards, Finney, and Moody. May faith be quickened in our hearts as we pray for revival. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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The Church Is Watchful – Part 2 of 2

We like to think of Jesus’ love, but at His second coming, He will also be revealed as the final judge. Christians are not destined for God’s wrath but to obtain salvation. In this message from 1 Thessalonians 5, Pastor Lutzer shares a final contrast between people of the day versus those of the night. The difference has eternal consequences. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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The Church Is Watchful – Part 1 of 2

The glorious return of Jesus will set right all that is wrong. Paul told the church at Thessalonica of two kinds of people: those of the day who are watchful and those of the night. In this message from 1 Thessalonians 5, Pastor Lutzer notes the first of four contrasts between these groups. Which kind of people are we? To support this ministry financially, visit:


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The Church Is Holy – Part 2 of 2

Taking the wrong path wastes irreplaceable time. Like choosing the right path, God's laws are clear and unchangeable, guiding us to life. In this message from 1 Thessalonians 4, Pastor Lutzer explains how to please God through our daily sanctification. He shares a letter of a man’s deliverance from pornography addiction. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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The Church Is Holy – Part 1 of 2

In our media age, sensuality, violence, and the occult pervade our screens. But the Church is called to holiness, even if it’s not a popular notion. In this message from 1 Thessalonians 4, Pastor Lutzer answers the first of three questions about what pleases God. Why should we please God, choosing holiness? To support this ministry financially, visit:


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Pleasing The Lord...Always! – Part 2 of 2

How can we please God? In 1 Thessalonians 4–5, Paul gives his readers commands to follow—commands we should all follow. In this message, Pastor Lutzer explains the four underlying assumptions about God’s will. As we obey the Lord’s commands, He is renovating our hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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Pleasing The Lord...Always! – Part 1 of 2

How can we know, and delight in, God’s will? Whatever our circumstances or degree of optimism, we can follow God’s commands by the power of the Holy Spirit. In this message from 1 Thessalonians, Pastor Lutzer shows three direct commands about God’s will. We'll not only know the will of God, but also how to please Him. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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The Church Takes A Stand – Part 2 of 2

Taking a stand for what’s right means going against the prevailing tide. To be counter-cultural and to speak up for the truth requires strength from God. In this message, Pastor Lutzer offers two takeaways from 1 Thessalonians 3, empowering Christians to stand together. Let’s find strength in the Lord. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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The Church Takes A Stand – Part 1 of 2

It’s not always popular to be seen taking a stand. But when God comes in concentrated power to a church, we often see courage and resolve that was not there before. In this message from 1 Thessalonians 3, Pastor Lutzer shares Paul’s strategy to stand against temptation—together. Let’s remain united, rooted in prayer and Scripture. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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A Serving Church – Part 2 of 2

Servants continue to serve others even when those they serve don’t appreciate it. In fact, a serving church is a church where God’s presence is known. In this message from 1 Thessalonians 2, Pastor Lutzer shows the payoff of service: glorious crowns for faithful living. Do we give without expecting anything in return? To support this ministry financially, visit:


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A Serving Church – Part 1 of 2

Let’s be honest, most of us can be selfish. We often set our priorities toward ourselves—our success, security, and satisfaction. In this message from 1 Thessalonians 2, Pastor Lutzer describes the boldness and sacrifice of the early Christian’s proclamation of the Gospel. What can we learn from their heart of service? To support this ministry financially, visit:


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A Living Church – Part 2 of 2

Christians who are angry, petty, judgmental, and selfish bring dishonor to Christ’s name. The ancient church in Thessalonica underwent intense persecution but with joy. In this message, Pastor Lutzer describes the challenge and the freedom when we turn from idols to the living God. God’s presence brings about painful repentance. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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A Living Church – Part 1 of 2

New life comes to a church when revival begins. God showed up in Thessalonica and the people were transformed by the Gospel. In this message from 1 Thessalonians 1, Pastor Lutzer gives the first of five characteristics of a new, living church. Do we want God to show up in our church? To support this ministry financially, visit:


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Lie #6: The Bones Of Jesus Have Been Found – Part 2 of 2

Many are skeptical of Jesus’ resurrection. But early Christians thrived because they were absolutely convinced the tomb was empty. In this message, Pastor Lutzer offers five matters unaccounted for by the false scenario of Jesus’ discovered bones. But only God can make hearts alive to believe. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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Lie #6: The Bones Of Jesus Have Been Found – Part 1 of 2

Some have claimed the bones of Jesus have been found. But that is simply bad archaeology and deceit. In this message, Pastor Lutzer considers the reasons why Jesus had to be bodily raised. Despite the skepticism and attempts to disprove its claims, the resurrection of Jesus Christ changes everything. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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Lie #5: Jesus Escaped The Crucifixion – Part 2 of 2

In our day, most people minimize sin, preferring to see the goodness in humanity. But only Jesus’ sacrifice removes the stain of the sins we bear before a holy God. In this message from Matthew 16, Pastor Lutzer explains the story of Peter’s great confession of faith. At the cross, we see the fullness of God’s love, justice, and power. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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Lie #5: Jesus Escaped The Crucifixion – Part 1 of 2

The religion and teachings of Islam claim that Jesus didn’t actually die on the cross. But Jesus did die—He had to. In this message, Pastor Lutzer offers three compelling contrasts between Muslim teaching and the Bible’s revelation about Jesus’ death. Jesus came to be a sacrifice for sin. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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Lie #4: Jesus Has A Dark Secret – 2 of 2

The Bible is clear: Jesus was born of a virgin and had no earthly father. No other religion has a sinless Savior. In this message from Hebrews 7, Pastor Lutzer proves why Jesus had to be perfectly without sin. Without that perfect sacrifice, none of us has any hope of seeing eternal life with the Father. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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Lie #4: Jesus Has A Dark Secret – 1 of 2

Some say the virgin birth of Jesus is superstition, copied from pagan religious myth. In this message from Matthew 1, Pastor Lutzer shows from Jesus’ genealogy why He had to be conceived miraculously. We have a qualified Savior, and it began with His unique birth to the Virgin Mary. To support this ministry financially, visit:
