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Summit Life with J.D. Greear

Moody Radio

The gospel of Jesus Christ is the source of our life, a deep well of grace that transforms us and propels us into the world. Join Pastor J.D. Greear each weekday to learn how the gospel can bring new life in you and through you.


Raleigh-Durham, NC


Moody Radio


The gospel of Jesus Christ is the source of our life, a deep well of grace that transforms us and propels us into the world. Join Pastor J.D. Greear each weekday to learn how the gospel can bring new life in you and through you.






P.O. Box 12293, Durham, NC 27709

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When most people think of the apostle Paul, they picture this bigger-than-life, champion of the faith. But before his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus, Paul was a pretty undesirable character!


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Being Strong in God, Part 2

We would never forget to put on clothes before we leave the house in the morning. But often, we forget to get dressed spiritually.


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Being Strong in God

A firefighter would never run into a burning building without their gear. Being properly equipped is important! But often as Christians, we enter the spiritual battlefield without any protective gear.


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Mysteries of the Unseen World, Part 2

Some believers tend to forget about spiritual forces like angels and demons, while others obsess over them and are constantly worried about demonic influences. But neither of these are biblical responses!


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Mysteries of the Unseen World

When most of us think of demons, we picture something from the latest Hollywood horror film. It’s just the stuff of fiction to us. But Pastor J.D. shows us that the spirit world is very real, and it affects our lives a lot more than we probably think.


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God’s Laboratories, Part 2

For many people, our views on love and relationships were shaped by the songs we listened to growing up or the movies we watched as a teen. But there’s only one relationship model we should care about, and it doesn’t come from Hollywood!


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God’s Laboratories

If you were to ask most couples why they got married, they would probably say something about being in love, making each other happy, or physical attraction. And there’s nothing wrong with any of those things!


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Life is War, Part 2

When life is hard, where do you turn for comfort? Some people lean on alcohol or sex, while others turn to subtler crutches such as T.V. binges or overeating. But no matter what form our vices take, they’re never going to fill us the way we want them to.


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Life is War

Our culture tends to portray Christianity as bland and boring. If you want an interesting life, the last place you’re going look is the church. But as he continues our study of Ephesians called Mystery and Clarity, Pastor J.D. reveals that the Christian life is far from boring.


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Sex, Idols, and Darkness: New Life, Part 2

They say imitation is the highest form of flattery, and it’s something we should aspire to in our relationship with God. But that’s easier said than done! Pastor J.D. describes the key to being more like Jesus as he continues our study of Ephesians called “Mystery and Clarity.”


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Sex, Idols, and Darkness: New Life

Throughout our study of Ephesians called “Mystery and Clarity,” Pastor J.D. has been showing us that God isn’t just concerned about our actions; he’s concerned about reshaping our hearts and our desires.


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The New Life, Part 2

Most religions share the same basic moral code. We might vary on certain points and nuances, but we all agree that it’s bad to lie, steal, or murder. And everyone has met good, kind people from others religions. So if that’s the case, then how is Christianity different than any other faith?


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The New Life

For a lot of people, Christianity seems like just a list of rules. But is that really all it is? Does Jesus just want us to live by a certain moral code? Pastor J.D. addresses that question as he continues our study of Ephesians called, Mystery and Clarity. We’re in Ephesians 4:17-5:2.


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Grow Up, Part 2

Part of the fun of Christmas morning is seeing all of the pretty packages wrapped up under the tree. But no matter how pretty they are, it would be silly to leave them there! Presents are meant to be opened and used.


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Grow Up

When you’re a baby, it’s okay to wear a diaper and use a pacifier. But at some point, you have to grow up. You can’t exactly show up to high school with a pacifier in your mouth! As he continues our series called Mystery and Clarity, Pastor J.D. reveals that the same is true of our faith. We can’t be spiritual babies forever!


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The Mystery and Mission of the Church, Part 3

It’s not uncommon to meet people who consider themselves Christians but aren’t really involved in a church. They might have been hurt by a congregation in the past, or maybe their Sunday mornings are busy and it’s hard to make it out the door. Is it okay to just listen to a sermon online? Is it really any different than going to church? Pastor J.D. answers that question as he continues our study in Ephesians Chapters 2 and 3.


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The Mystery and Mission of the Church, Part 2

By itself, a single Lego doesn’t really do much. You can’t build anything or do anything with it. And as he continues our series called, Mystery and Clarity, Pastor J.D. reveals that Christians are kind of like Lego bricks in that sense. We can only accomplish our mission when we’re working together!


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The Mystery and Mission of the Church

Everyone wants to know who they are and where they belong, so it’s not surprising that ancestry testing is all the rage right now. But does our family tree really define our identity? Pastor J.D. is helping us understand our identity and purpose as he continues our series called Mystery and Clarity in Ephesians 2:11-3:13.


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But God…, Part 2

The Bible makes it clear that without Christ, every single person is dead in their sins. But because of the cross, we don’t have to stay that way! Pastor J.D. reveals how we can be made alive in Christ as he continues our series called, Mystery and Clarity.


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But God…

When something goes wrong in the world, we tend to look for someone to blame, like the other side of the political line, corrupt businesses, or the education system. But Pastor J.D. reveals that the blame doesn’t lie with one political party or system; it’s in all of us. It’s part of our series called Mystery and Clarity.
