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Summit Life with J.D. Greear

Moody Radio

The gospel of Jesus Christ is the source of our life, a deep well of grace that transforms us and propels us into the world. Join Pastor J.D. Greear each weekday to learn how the gospel can bring new life in you and through you.


Raleigh-Durham, NC


Moody Radio


The gospel of Jesus Christ is the source of our life, a deep well of grace that transforms us and propels us into the world. Join Pastor J.D. Greear each weekday to learn how the gospel can bring new life in you and through you.






P.O. Box 12293, Durham, NC 27709

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The Fall of David

In Christian circles, King David is often treated as a model of courage and faithfulness. And in many ways, he was that! But he was also a broken sinner. In this message, we’re looking at the darkest moment in David’s life and learning from his mistakes.


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David, God’s Hero, Part 2

Are you up against a giant today? Maybe you’re facing a scary diagnosis or a financial crisis. Perhaps it’s a rebellious child, or someone you love has walked out of your life. When your problems seem so big, it’s hard not to feel like God has abandoned you.


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David, God’s Hero

Everyone likes an underdog story: the protagonist who’s up against impossible odds, yet somehow manages to pull through. It’s no wonder Hollywood is always doing a take on this theme. So when most of us picture David and Goliath, we think of it as another inspiring story about overcoming obstacles.


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Ruth: Hope in the Dark, Part 2

As Pastor J.D. continues our series called, The Whole Story, we’re looking at a short Old Testament book that paints a beautiful picture of God’s redeeming love. Through the romance of Boaz and Ruth, we see a picture of Jesus, our Kinsman Redeemer.


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Ruth: Hope in the Dark

Have you ever come to a point in your life where it seemed like everything had fallen apart? Maybe it was a cancer diagnosis or the death of a loved one. Maybe your business went under, or you lost your home in a natural disaster.


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Joshua: The God Who Fights for Us, Part 2

How do you judge success in life? Is it tied to your bank account or the respect of your peers? We all have different things we look to for validation, but Pastor J.D. is reminding us that God has a different way of measuring success. We’re looking at the book of Joshua and learning how to find success in surrender. It’s part of our series called, The Whole Story.


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Joshua: The God Who Fights for Us

In military terms, surrender is a bad thing. It means you’ve failed or given up. But in spiritual terms, surrender is the best decision you’ll ever make! As Pastor J.D. continues our series called, The Whole Story, he’s describing what it means to submit yourself completely to God’s will and direction. We’re looking at the story of Joshua and the battle of Jericho and learning how to give up control to God’s leading.


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I Need a New Moses, Part 2

At the center of any religion, you’ll find a list of rules and expectations. But the gospel is different, because it’s not about anything we’ve done!


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I Need a New Moses

If you grew up in church, you probably heard a lot of talk about the “heroes of the faith.” You maybe have even had storybooks or movies featuring these larger-than-life figures like Joseph, Moses, or David. But when you read through their stories as an adult, you’ll start to notice these heroes were far from perfect.


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Great Failure, Greater Hope, Part 2

As believers, we know we’re saved by God’s grace alone, not by any works that we do. But why does the Bible give us so many rules and regulations? Pastor J.D. answers that question as he describes the purpose of these Old Testament instructions. We’ll be learning more about the Ten Commandments as we continue our series called, The Whole Story.


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Great Failure, Greater Hope

Many people think of the Bible as just a book of rules and regulations. And, the Old Testament tends to be especially intimidating, because it appears to be full of impossible standards we can never live up to. As we continue our series called, The Whole Story, Pastor J.D. explains the true purpose behind all of God’s standards. It’s an important reminder about our desperate need of God’s grace.


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There Will Be Blood, Part 2

Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement, is the holiest of all the biblical feasts. And traditionally, the activities of this solemn day centered around two goats. One was sacrificed, while the other was sent into the wilderness as a scapegoat, symbolically carrying away the sins of the people. As Pastor J.D. continues our series called, The Whole Story, he explains how this ancient practice points to Jesus!


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There Will Be Blood

As we continue our series called, The Whole Story, Pastor J.D. dives into a part of the Bible you don’t usually hear a lot about: the book of Leviticus. We’re learning how the traditional celebration of Yom Kippur serves as a sign—pointing us to Jesus!


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God Is with Me, Part 2

The story of Joseph and his many-colored coat is one of the more popular accounts in the Old Testament. But it’s more than just an interesting story. From being sold into slavery by his brothers, thrown into prison, and then rising to power and being reunited with his family, Joseph’s life is a beautiful picture of God’s sovereign plan. And that’s our subject as Pastor J.D. continues our series titled, The Whole Story.


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God Is with Me

It’s easy to say you trust God. But when things go wrong, and your child gets a scary diagnosis or your business goes under, it’s hard to see how that fits into God’s plan. Pastor J.D. is tackling those doubts as he continues our overview of the Bible called, The Whole Story. We’re getting an important reminder of God’s sovereign control in every situation.


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The Search for One True Love, Part 2

Our culture tells us that the key to happiness is finding your soul mate. But then, when marriage gets hard, we start looking for something else to fill us up, like a career, children, or a hobby. But it never really satisfies! Pastor J.D. is pointing us to the only source of lasting joy as he continues our series called, The Whole Story.


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The Search for One True Love

The movies often make it seem like romance is the answer to all of our problems. Guy kisses girl, and they live happily ever after. But we all know that real life doesn’t work that way! No matter how happy your relationship might be, it’s not a guarantee of a happy life. As Pastor J.D. continues our series called, The Whole Story, he’s explaining the key to true, lasting joy, regardless of your relationship status.


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Towers of Disappointment, Part 2

When you picture “the good life,” what comes to mind? Financial security? A happy marriage? A successful career? None of those things are wrong on their own. But Pastor J.D. explains that they will never truly bring you satisfaction. We’re discovering the only source of security and significance as we continue our series called, The Whole Story.


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Towers of Disappointment

What do you do when the thing you’ve been dreaming about doesn’t fulfill you like you thought it would? Pastor J.D. addresses that question as he continues our series called, The Whole Story.


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Failed Reboot, Part 2

Noah’s Ark is one of the most popular stories in the Bible. It’s an especially big hit with kids. In fact, you’ve probably seen picture books and nursery décor with the animals going up two-by-two into the boat. But when you look at the actual story as it’s told in the Bible, it’s definitely not G-rated! As we continue our series called, The Whole Story, Pastor J.D. explains what Noah’s story reveals about our sin, God’s wrath, and the plan of redemption.
