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The Jesus Message



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Breakdown or Breakthrough

July 28, 2024 Psalm 1 tells us not to walk after the counsel of the ungodly. So, don’t go north with notorious enemies of the faith. Don’t go in the same direction as doubters, demons and deceivers. Don’t follow the trends of the unsaved. Avoid the pitfalls of the promiscuous. Stay away from the hallways […] The post Breakdown or Breakthrough appeared first on The Jesus Message.


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Preserving the Promise

July 21, 2024 Noah built an ark for the salvation of his family. Then, after the flood, Noah built an altar for sacrifice. Salvation and sacrifice go together. And in the Christian life we need to maintain our altars. We learn to be selfless when we sacrifice. We learn to be continually thankful to God […] The post Preserving the Promise appeared first on The Jesus Message.


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Pharaoh or Follower

July 14, 2024 Then Pharaoh looked out his window and saw Aaron standing in a nearby field. Something was in his hand. Dirt? No, ashes. And just then Aaron and Moses required an audience and as they stood before the ever-defiant Pharaoh Moses lifted his hand and slowly allowed the ashes to sprinkle on the […] The post Pharaoh or Follower appeared first on The Jesus Message.


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The Mother of Us All Part 2 | Live Recording

July 7, 2024 The post The Mother of Us All Part 2 | Live Recording appeared first on The Jesus Message.


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The Mother of Us All Part 1 | Live Recording

June 30, 2024 Jerusalem is called the Mother of us All. It takes us back to the apostolic origins of our faith. The death, burial, and resurrection was given to us first in this great city. It is the reference point from which we shape our timeless theologies. There are other locations with other ideas, […] The post The Mother of Us All Part 1 | Live Recording appeared first on The Jesus Message.


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Transferring the Seed Part 2 | Live Recording

June 23, 2024 The Seed of the Word of God works for everyone. The seed doesn’t change which means the Word of God doesn’t change. The placement of the seed is important. If the seed is on good ground, then you have guaranteed growth. But if we get wayside mentalities and stony ground attitudes it […] The post Transferring the Seed Part 2 | Live Recording appeared first on The Jesus Message.


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Transferring the Seed Part 1 | Live Recording

June 16, 2024 The Seed of the Word of God works for everyone. The seed doesn’t change which means the Word of God doesn’t change. The placement of the seed is important. If the seed is on good ground, then you have guaranteed growth. But if we get wayside mentalities and stony ground attitudes it […] The post Transferring the Seed Part 1 | Live Recording appeared first on The Jesus Message.


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Extended Stay Mercy

June 9, 2024 She wasn’t used to running. Her lungs revolted in her chest and threatened to shut down. Her heart thumped so fast she felt like horses were galloping in her rib cage. She panted heavily and ran even harder. But then her right foot hit an unseen root sticking out of the ground. […] The post Extended Stay Mercy appeared first on The Jesus Message.


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The Cross before Pentecost | Live Recording

June 2, 2024 Matthew 16:21 From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day. Peter will later disagree with Jesus and beg him not […] The post The Cross before Pentecost | Live Recording appeared first on The Jesus Message.


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The Search for Significance | Live Recording P2

May 26, 2024 God’s Word works and endures to all generations. There may be differences in drive, but not doctrine. There may be contrasts to causes, but not the cross. The commonality of truth is in a relationship with God that transcends time. When you are born again you join Generation Jesus, one that will […] The post The Search for Significance | Live Recording P2 appeared first on The Jesus Message.


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The Search for Significance | Live Recording P1

May 19, 2024 Everyone wants to fit in. Most are looking for significance in who they are and in what they do. The most important thing is a relationship with God. It doesn’t happen overnight. It won’t be in a microwave moment. You can’t manufacture it with mere religious action. It has to be heartfelt […] The post The Search for Significance | Live Recording P1 appeared first on The Jesus Message.


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Don’t Look at Me That Way

May 12, 2024 Washed. He cleaned me. The filth you once knew is gone. The dirt of mistakes is gone. The mud of sin and the grime of self-destruction is gone. There is no trace of the terror I used to be, just the truth of what HE has made me. The stains of blame […] The post Don’t Look at Me That Way appeared first on The Jesus Message.


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Peter got a Light Sentence

May 5, 2024 Peter slept between two soldiers. Chained in the cold. Guarded by evil. A dirty dungeon floor. Dim lit hallways. Lightless souls wandering about. Shadowy figures leaning here and there. Think about it. The church was praying, interceding; Peter was out, sleeping like the dead. While the intercessors were warring, Peter was snoring. […] The post Peter got a Light Sentence appeared first on The Jesus Message.


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Reservoirs and Rivers

April 28, 2024 Religion is like a reservoir. Often man-made. And man decides what flows, how much flows, when it is shut off and how much volume is determined. But a River is God-made. God decides the flow marks, the banks of possibility, the flow and speed. Don’t settle for mere religion, when God wants […] The post Reservoirs and Rivers appeared first on The Jesus Message.


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A Lot Can Happen in Three Days

April 21, 2024 Weak. Frail. Exhausted. The body is drained of nutrients. Fluids of hope have been spent. His flesh longs for a simple sip of water. Dehydration has made its mark with parched lips and screaming muscles. He is dizzied by desire, for hope is drawn from his core like the blood will soon […] The post A Lot Can Happen in Three Days appeared first on The Jesus Message.


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The Lingering Peace of a Forgiven Past

April 14, 2024 Psa 103:12 As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us. As far as the east is from the West is Unreachable. This is not a measurable distance. It is the horizontal revelation of God’s mercy, dealing with us on a plain of […] The post The Lingering Peace of a Forgiven Past appeared first on The Jesus Message.


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Confessions of a Revelation

April 7, 2024 When Elijah first looked at it, the broken altar, it lay in a heap of scraps. Disjointed wood. Scattered rocks. Blood-soaked splinters. Sweat washed remains. It was chaos and madness, where the hyped-up heathen failed in desperation to get Baal’s visible answer. They were left with blank stares, empty enchantments, and a […] The post Confessions of a Revelation appeared first on The Jesus Message.


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The Scourge and the Sword

March 31, 2024 The blood is dripping. Redemptive raindrops. A crimson storm. Dusty soils splotchy and darker, patches of grace here and there. Ribbons of flesh hang. Wheezing moans resound on bitter winds. Those who hear will be haunted on a thousand nights by the ghastly figure of this beaten man. It is ugly. Who […] The post The Scourge and the Sword appeared first on The Jesus Message.


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Pray On

March 24, 2024 The room was small. The huddled group was desperate. The blinding sun invaded the windows. Hungry feet paced. Desiring souls hummed. Stored prayers broke forth. Geysers of intercession. Explosions of determination. Burning embers of volcanic indignation. They would not remain silent in the storm. They refused to acquiesce to threats and human […] The post Pray On appeared first on The Jesus Message.


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The Quickening Part 2 | Live Recording

March 17, 2024 God’s grace in our lives doesn’t cheapen us will allowances. It empowers us with improvements. It is the favorable renovation of our lives. It elevates us to places we could never achieve on our own. We are saved by grace not to do what we want but to reveal God’s masterpiece in […] The post The Quickening Part 2 | Live Recording appeared first on The Jesus Message.
