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Treasured Truth

Moody Radio

Treasured Truth is a 24-minute radio program, airing daily. Each day, Pastor James Ford presents clear, powerful Bible teaching—adding godly wisdom and guidance to listeners’ daily walks with Christ.


Chicago, IL


Moody Radio


Treasured Truth is a 24-minute radio program, airing daily. Each day, Pastor James Ford presents clear, powerful Bible teaching—adding godly wisdom and guidance to listeners’ daily walks with Christ.




820 N. LaSalle Blvd., Chicago, IL 60610

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Transitions from Doctrine to Duty, Part 2

When you join us for today's Treasured Truth, we’ll learn more about how we can transition from doctrine to duty. Pastor Ford will explain that what is learned in the holy place where we worship, should be demonstrated in the marketplace where we work and live. So, he’ll encourage us to take what we are learning in church with us and share it with the world. If we were doing that more often, then more people would be attracted to what we have and want to become a part of the church themselves. See for privacy information.


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Transitions from Doctrine to Duty, Part 1

On today's Treasured Truth, in the passage we’ll be studying from Galatians 5, Paul says, “Stand fast therefore, in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free. And be not entangled again, with the yoke of bondage.” So, Pastor Ford will explain what he means is the law doesn’t empower us, it enslaves us. And if we try to follow the law, we end up with legalism, rather than liberty. To learn more about the freedom Christ offers us, join us for today's Treasured Truth. See for privacy information.


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Gave Me Liberty, Part 2

On today's Treasured Truth, Pastor Ford will help us understand that when we are not keeping the Lord’s commandments, we are not loving Him. He’ll also address this question—what does it mean for us to be committed to Jesus Christ? It means we love what Jesus loves and we hate what Jesus hates. And that’s how we know we’re committed to Christ. Learn more when you join us for today's Treasured Truth. See for privacy information.


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Gave Me Liberty, Part 1

Have you ever received a pardon, but refused it? On today's Treasured Truth, we’ll hear about a man named George Wilson, who did just that. And Pastor Ford will explain that there are too many people who are like George. God gives them the pardon they need, but they reject His offer of salvation through grace. Join us as we begin a new message from Pastor Ford called “Gave Me Liberty” on today's Treasured Truth. See for privacy information.


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An Old Story with a New Meaning, Part 6

As our study in Galatians chapter 4 continues on today's Treasured Truth, we’ll see that just like Abraham and Sarah received a promise from God, as believers we all have received a promise too. It’s the promise that we will be delivered from the penalty of our sins through grace. The new covenant frees us from the law, and we now have the hope of salvation, but it’s only found through the gift of grace. To find out more about God’s gift of grace, join us for the next Treasured Truth. See for privacy information.


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Treasured Truth Weekend – Tear the Roof Off, Part 5

On today's Treasured Truth, we’ll be looking at what Jesus did for the paralyzed man in Mark chapter 2. And Pastor Ford will ask us to consider what did the man think that he needed most? Healing in his body. What did Jesus know he needed most? Forgiveness in his soul. Based on this, Pastor Ford will remind us just how important our spiritual healing is to our Savior. See for privacy information.


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An Old Story with a New Meaning, Part 5

Salvation is by grace. So, in the process of salvation, we don’t help God out. And on today's Treasured Truth, as we look at the passage we’re studying, Pastor Ford will explain that Paul is saying the promise God made to Abraham and Sarah is very much like our salvation. God does not need our help to perform any act or to bring anything to pass, no matter what it is. He does not need our help to save us. Learn more when you join us for today's Treasured Truth. See for privacy information.


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An Old Story with a New Meaning, Part 4

On today's Treasured Truth, as we continue to look at the story that the Apostle Paul allegorizes in Galatians chapter 4, we’ll see that he wants to help the Galatians understand that they are trying in vain to get salvation from the law, when the law was never designed to give us our salvation. We simply cannot get salvation by the things that we do. And that’s Paul’s entire argument—salvation is by grace alone. See for privacy information.


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An Old Story with a New Meaning, Part 3

As we continue to look at this story from the Old Testament and how the Apostle Paul is infusing it with a new meaning, Pastor Ford will remind us that Biblical interpretation follows a simple formula—when the literal sense makes plain sense, seek no other sense, lest you abandon common sense and end up with nonsense. Learn more when you join us for today's Treasured Truth. See for privacy information.


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An Old Story with a New Meaning, Part 1

In Galatians chapter 4, Paul takes the Old Testament story about Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac and allegorizes it. On today's Treasured Truth, we’re going to dig into this passage and see what timeless truths the Apostle Paul is trying to get us to understand by giving this old story a new meaning. See for privacy information.


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An Old Story with a New Meaning, Part 1

The Law and Grace don’t mix. But the Apostle Paul was having a hard time communicating that fact to the Galatian believers and convincing them it was the truth. So, he took a story from the Old Testament and allegorized it, giving it a new twist that helped them to understand. To hear Pastor Ford explain how Paul used an old story with a new meaning in his letter to the Galatians, join us for today's Treasured Truth. See for privacy information.


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Treasured Truth Weekend – Tear the Roof Off, Part 4

On today's Treasured Truth, Pastor Ford will explain that challenges are an important part of our journey as followers of Christ. What we’ve overcome determines how far we’ve come from the place where God started to change our lives. And if we find that we’re not anywhere new, it’s probably because we have not yet overcome the challenges that God wants to use to grow us into the new creation He is making in us. See for privacy information.


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The Importance of Sound Doctrine, Part 3

When you join us for today's Treasured Truth, Pastor Ford will explain how the Apostle Paul set an example for us when he was addressing the Galatian believers about the errors of their doctrine. Paul equated the process to the “travails of childbirth” as he struggled to help them understand. His ultimate goal was for them to see the likeness of Christ formed in them. So, following his example, we can learn from Paul as we seek to assist our own fellow believers who may have accepted false doctrines that don’t line up with the truth found in God’s Word. See for privacy information.


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The Importance of Sound Doctrine, Part 2

How do you reach someone with the truth of God’s Word, when they are confused about a doctrinal issue and believing an error? On today's Treasured Truth, Pastor Ford will explain you must start by showing them your genuine concern for them and allowing them to sense your heart of compassion for them. If you don’t start there, then they may confuse you with the “doctrine police” and you may miss the opportunity to help them understand the truth. To learn more, join us for the next Treasured Truth. See for privacy information.


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The Importance of Sound Doctrine, Part 1

When you join us for today's Treasured Truth, we will consider the importance of having sound doctrine. And Pastor Ford will explain that we must be concerned about the truth of the gospel, maintaining its clarity and integrity. But we also must have a heart of compassion for others. So, to maintain our understanding of God’s truth while caring for our fellow believers, we must lovingly correct those around us who may have been duped by doctrinal error. See for privacy information.


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A Threefold Appeal, Part 7

On today's Treasured Truth, Pastor Ford will remind us that we need to become intimately familiar with the truth. Why? Because there will be people who will come to us with errors in their teaching. They will come with heresy and lies. And we must be able to distinguish between the truth of God’s Word and man’s errors. Learn more about this important concept when you join us for today's Treasured Truth. See for privacy information.


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A Threefold Appeal, Part 6

As believers, we sometimes can get bogged down in our journey toward maturity, daunted by the perception that we need to abide by a lot of rules. But on today's Treasured Truth, Pastor Ford will remind us that we should concentrate on remembering how it was when we first got saved. Do we remember the freedom that we felt and the burden that was lifted from us? Do we remember when we realized our sins were cast into the depths of the sea? If we remember those things, we will remember the true liberty we have in Christ. See for privacy information.


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Treasured Truth Weekend – Tear the Roof Off, Part 3

On today's Treasured Truth, as we continue our study in Mark 2, and we see how the friends of the paralytic man went to great lengths to get him in front of Jesus, Pastor Ford will ask us some important questions to consider. Are we ready to break out of the box? Are we ready to tear the roof off of all the limitations? Sometimes, in order to get people to Jesus, we have to overcome obstacles and challenges. But on today's Treasured Truth, Pastor Ford will remind us that every effort to get someone to Jesus is worth it. See for privacy information.


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A Threefold Appeal, Part 5

On today's Treasured Truth, as we seek to understand our motivation to love and serve God and our fellow believers, we must realize that Satan’s going to shoot at us to try and prevent us from striving to reach our goal. And according to Pastor Ford, if the Devil can’t mess your church up from the outside, then what will he do? He’ll find a way to join it! So, we don’t need to give Satan the bullets to shoot at us. He already knows that if he can divide us, he can defeat us. Find out more about how we can protect ourselves against the ploys of Satan on today's Treasured Truth. See for privacy information.


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A Threefold Appeal, Part 4

Have you ever considered why as believers, we do what we do? Why do we want to know Christ more? We want that for His sake. Why do we want to love Him more? We do that for His sake. And why do we want to follow Him more? On today's Treasured Truth, Pastor Ford will explain that everything we do as believers should all be done for the Lord’s sake. See for privacy information.
