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Dennis Prager Podcasts

SRN - Salem Radio Network

Dennis Prager is one of the most respected and influential thinkers, writers, and speakers in America. Each day, he tackles topics of politics, faith, and culture with ease and expertise. His motto is, "I prefer clarity to agreement.” He is deeply passionate about preserving America, the West, and the Judeo-Christian value system. You can also watch Dennis Prager on Salem News Channel


Van Nuys, CA


Dennis Prager is one of the most respected and influential thinkers, writers, and speakers in America. Each day, he tackles topics of politics, faith, and culture with ease and expertise. His motto is, "I prefer clarity to agreement.” He is deeply passionate about preserving America, the West, and the Judeo-Christian value system. You can also watch Dennis Prager on Salem News Channel





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Worst Speech Ever

Nancy Pelosi called Bibi’s speech to Congress the worst speech ever given to a joint session of Congress, but she doesn’t say why. The truth is, she just hates Bibi. If the speech was so bad, why did so many, including many Dems, cheer almost every line?... Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com. See for privacy information.


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Dennis talks to his friend and fellow talk show host, Larry Elder. He presents this week’s PragerU video, a two-parter on John F Kennedy. This is part of PragerU’s great Presidents Series. Topics discussed include: Biden’s speech, Bibi’s Speech and Kamala Harris. The Officer Tatum Show is now available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and See for privacy information.


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The Enablers

The so-called moderates of the Democratic Party are really enablers. They let left get away with the worst of its policies because they vote just like the radicals do… Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com. See for privacy information.


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Left and the Truth

We were told that President Biden was just fine. Sharper than ever. Then, suddenly, he wasn’t. He had to go. And gone he is… The Dems and the legacy media lie to our face. Why should we ever believe them?... Kamala Harris is to the left of Bernie Sanders. Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com. See for privacy information.


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Joe Goes

Joe Biden withdrew from the 2024 presidential race. He did so after insisting for weeks that he was committed to running. Kamala Harris has stepped into the breach. Although she’s a total lightweight and a committed leftist, she will be a formidable opponent. She has legacy media as her own personal PR firm. Joe, in turn, will be extolled as selfless hero even though he was forced out against his will. Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com. See for privacy information.


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The Center of the Universe

Dennis is in Los Angeles and Julie is still in Europe. Dennis shares a bit about his trip to the Artic circle, and the differences between Greenland and Iceland. Wherever you are is the center of the world. People should not think that life is more meaningful if they live in an important or popular place. People in Nashville know more about New York than New Yorkers know about Nashville. We are made to have a meaningful life no matter where we are. Did you know the word catholic means the whole, or more colloquially, "universal." Christianity is progressive in the truest most noble sense. Pope Francis put it this way in his apostolic exhortation from 2013, Evangelii Gaudium, section 247: We hold the Jewish people in special regard because their covenant with God has never been revoked, for “the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable” (Rom 11:29). The Church, which shares with Jews an important part of the sacred Scriptures, looks upon the people of the covenant and their faith as one of the sacred roots of her own Christian identity (cf. Rom 11:16-18). As Christians, we cannot consider Judaism as a foreign religion. Other topics include: Judeo-Christianity versus secularism; secularism is a faded copy of the old religious doctrine; the covenant God has with the Jews; your actions on earth determine your destination after death; universalist and particularist is the ideal; proselytizing; Jonah. Music: Straight to the Point c 2022 Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100% Richard Friedman Writers 100% ASCAP (PRO) IPI128741568 See for privacy information.


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Convention Concludes

The Republican Convention wrapped up last night. It was a big success. The party is fully united… Trump gave a long closing address that included a personal account of the assassination attempt. Dennis analyzes and plays clips… Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com. See for privacy information.


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There are new rumors that Biden will withdraw this weekend… chants of “Joe Must Go” are fine… but when he does… then what. The Left is the problem, not Joe Biden. Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com. See for privacy information.


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The Third Awakening

Are we on the edge of a Third Great Awakening? More and more Americans are coming to realize how destructive the Left is and that the Democratic Party is the vehicle of that destruction… Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com. See for privacy information.


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Donald Trump has chosen Ohio Senator JD Vance to be his VP. Dennis analyzes Trump’s choice. Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com. See for privacy information.


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Secret Service

The Secret Service failed utterly. An assassin climbed up on roof top without the Secret Service noticing or reacting. They only reacted after the would-be assassin fired five plus shots… Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com. See for privacy information.


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The Blessing of Ignorance

Dennis is back from Greenland and Julie is in Italy as they discuss the benefits of travel. Travelling broadens your perspective on what a privilege it is to live in the United States. It also makes you realize the general ignorance of Americans, especially when it pertains to communism in eastern Europe. Americans don’t understand communism …like citizens of communist countries don’t understand freedom. Americans have an international reputation of being ignorant, and while the ignorance of communism is bad… the ignorance of evil is worse. Dennis’ mustard analogy applies for tradition and culture, but it doesn’t apply to values and morality. On the upside… the international view of Americans is that we are friendly, open, and trusting. Freedom produces trust… authoritarian states breed distrust. Do you ever consider the miracle of your existence? Americans are lucky that English is spoken around the world. Music: Straight to the Point c 2022 Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100% Richard Friedman Writers 100% ASCAP (PRO) IPI128741568 See for privacy information.


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Good Enough

President Biden held a press conference yesterday, his first of the year. He did well enough to convince some that he has the mental capacity to continue in the race. But not well enough to convince many doubting Democrats… Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com. See for privacy information.


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Gender in Byzantium

Go to Harvard and study “Gender in Byzantium.” Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com. See for privacy information.


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Black Death

Chicago’s mayor blames Richard Nixon for the violence in his city. Richard Nixon was president fifty years ago… The Dems still believe that poverty causes crime. The reverse is closer to the truth. Crime causes poverty. Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com. See for privacy information.


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A Kiss Is Just a Kiss

A Spanish court has ruled that an “unwanted kiss” even on the cheek is full-on sexual harassment, “a bodily invasion.” Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com. See for privacy information.


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Back in the USA

Dennis returns from his listener cruise to Greenland. He has many thoughts… Dennis watched the now infamous Biden-Trump debate on the ship. It revealed what was obvious to everyone but the media. Biden is aging badly… Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com. See for privacy information.


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Perspective is Everything

Dennis and Julie share that without perspective happiness is impossible. Being a good person requires perspective. Life is not a bowl of cherries. Inspired by Abigail Schrier’s book Bad Therapy they discuss the gradations of therapy. Without perspective you can’t be grateful… without being grateful you can’t be happy. They explore the connection between happiness and being good. Awareness of evil and knowledge of suffering provides perspective, which oddly enough, can lead to happiness. Are you a crier? Dennis talks about his son Aaron Prager, and APUnfiltered. The role of the other spouse in marriage infidelity. In most cases… victimhood is a lack of perspective. The power of example… like Charles Krauthammer. Is victim culture the malignant outgrowth of a Judeo-Christian society? What produces better people… God’s judgement or God’s love? Music: Straight to the Point c 2022 Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100% Richard Friedman Writers 100% ASCAP (PRO) IPI128741568 See for privacy information.


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Conduit Joe

Larry Elder is in for Dennis. Biden is just a conduit for the Leftist agenda… abortion, climate change, “democracy” …if he can fog up a mirror, he’ll be the candidate. Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com. See for privacy information.


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Joy and Pain

Larry Elder fills in for Dennis. Joy Reid flipped out after the debate saying that Biden may need to be replaced… yesterday she did a full reversal and said that Biden’s mental health is not an issue. The Dems are stuck with Biden. Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ worth of archives, as well as daily show prep. Subscribe today at Pragertopia dot com. See for privacy information.
