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The Psychology Podcast


In each episode, we talk with inspiring scientists, thinkers, and other self-actualized individuals who will give you a greater understanding of yourself, others, and the world we live in. Scott Barry Kaufman explores the depths of human potential and tries to get a glimpse into human possibility in every episode.


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In each episode, we talk with inspiring scientists, thinkers, and other self-actualized individuals who will give you a greater understanding of yourself, others, and the world we live in. Scott Barry Kaufman explores the depths of human potential and tries to get a glimpse into human possibility in every episode.



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Magic, Skepticism, and Success w/ Dr. Richard Wiseman

This week, Scott is joined by Dr. Richard Wiseman, a psychologist renowned for his work on magic, illusion, deception, luck, and self-development. As the UK's only Professor of the Public Understanding of Psychology at the University of Hertfordshire, Dr. Wiseman has published over 100 academic papers and authored bestselling books such as The Luck Factor, Paranormality, Quirkology, and Rip It Up. Dr. Wiseman’s research bridges science and everyday life, offering insights into success, well-being, and the quirks of human perception. In this episode Scott and Dr. Wiseman explore the fascinating psychology behind magic, and his attempts to scientifically study what appears to be psychic phenomenon. We also discuss the secrets of self-transformation. See for privacy information.


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Does Telepathy Exist? w/ Dr. Diane Hennessey Powell

The ESP Enigma: The Scientific Case for Psychic Phenomena"The Telepathy Tapes"Scott and Dr. Powell dive into the scientific challenges of studying telepathy, the mysteries of prophetic dreams, and Dr. Powell’s theories of consciousness. This conversation explores the limits of human potential and what it means to be an open skeptic in the search for truth. See for privacy information.


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A Legacy of Social Psychology w/ Elliot & Joshua Aronson

In this special episode, Scott is joined by two legendary figures in social psychology: Dr. Elliot Aronson and his son, Dr. Joshua Aronson. At 93, Elliot Aronson remains a towering influence in psychology, known for pioneering the Jigsaw Classroom—a groundbreaking cooperative learning technique that reduces interethnic hostility and enhances learning. He is the only person in American Psychological Association history to receive all three of its major awards for research, teaching, and writing, including the prestigious William James Award for Lifetime Achievement. His son, Dr. Joshua Aronson, is a distinguished social psychologist and Associate Professor of Applied Psychology at NYU. His pioneering research on stereotype threat has reshaped our understanding of learning and performance under stress. As the director of the Mindful Education Lab, he leads efforts to improve psychological resilience and learning environments. Together, Elliot and Joshua co-authored The Social Animal, a seminal textbook in psychology. In this conversation, Scott, Elliot and Joshua explore this groundbreaking work, their personal journeys, and the lasting impact of their research on education, social behavior, and human psychology. See for privacy information.


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Finding Balance In The Age of Indulgence w/ Dr. Anna Lembke

This week Scott is joined by Stanford Psychiatrist and addiction expert, Dr. Anna Lembke. Scott and Dr. Lembke discuss how to reset your dopamine system to take back control of your life and turn the things that you really want into their own reward. See for privacy information.


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Best of 2024- Reclaim Yourself w/ Emma Seppala

Happy New Year! As we prepare for the new season of the Psychology Podcast, here's one of our favorites to get you through the holidays. This week Scott is joined by happiness researcher and best selling author, Dr. Emma Seppala. Scott and Dr,. Seppala discuss the concept of “sovereign", an emancipation from all the ways you subjugate yourself in your own existence. Emma teaches us all how to reconnect with yourself in a healthy way. See for privacy information.


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Best of 2024- How to Feel Alive Again in a World That Wears Us Down w/ Corey Keyes

Happy New Year! As we prepare for the new season of the Psychology Podcast, here's one of our favorites to get you through the holidays. This week Scott is joined by sociologist and psychologist, Corey Keyes. Scott and Corey discuss the pervasiveness of languishing in our society today and how to feel alive again. Dr. Keyes explains the 5 psychological vitamins we should all be taking to live life to avoid depression and live life to the fullest. See for privacy information.


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Overcome Your Trauma With Happiness w/ Karen Guggenheim

This week Scott is joined by author, speaker and pioneer in the global happiness movement, Karen Guggenheim. Scott and Karen discuss overcoming trauma with happiness, how happiness can be learned by making small daily changes, and how to use compassion to overcome diversity. See for privacy information.


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Does the Universe Have a Purpose? w/ Philip Goff

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How To Lead Yourself w/ Stedman Graham

This week Scott is joined by author, businessman and public speaker, Stedman Graham. Scott and Stedman discuss the importance of identity leadership, centering your worth around your own strengths and talents, and self actualization. Stedman's Book--> Stedman's Website--> See for privacy information.


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The Happiness Trap w/ Russ Harris

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What Do Women Really Want? W/Mark Manson

This week Scott is joined by best-selling author and former dating coach Mark Manson about what women really want in a man. In addition to writing multiple bestselling books such as “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck” and “Everything is Fucked”, Mark put a lot of his insights into dating and seduction in his 2011 book “Models: Attract Women through Honesty”. In this episode Scott and Mark discuss whether nice guys really finish last and the importance of authenticity in attracting a mate. From dating to seduction and more, Scott and Mark cover it all. See for privacy information.


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Pleasure is The Measure from Come As You Are with Dr. Emily Nagoski

Today, I’m sharing a preview of a new podcast I’m enjoying and think you will, too. On Come As You Are, educator and bestselling author, Dr. Emily Nagoski answers questions about sex with the latest science. You’ll get a modern guide to sexual well-being, backed by groundbreaking research about desire, anatomy, orgasm, and much more. In conversation with her producer, Emily debunks cultural myths and flips the script on everything you thought you knew about sex and sexuality. In this...


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206: Chloé Valdary on Love & Race

Today it is great to have Chloé Valdary on the podcast. After spending a year as a Bartley Fellow at the Wall Street Journal, Chloe developed the Theory of Enchantment, an innovative framework for socioemotional learning, character development and interpersonal growth that uses pop culture as an educational tool in the classroom and beyond. Chloé has trained around the world including in South Africa, the Netherlands, Germany and Israel. Her clients have included high school and college...


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The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck with Mark Manson

In this raw and uncut episode, Mark Manson imparts his wisdom on the art of not giving a fuck. According to Manson, the key to living a good life is “not giving a fuck about more; it’s giving a fuck about less, giving a fuck about only what is true and immediate and important”. In this interview, we learn about this unique art form, and all of the counterintuitive ways that giving less fucks in your life actually frees you up to get more of what you truly value. You’ll learn how the...


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Minds and Morality with Dr. Kurt Gray

Why are humanoid robots creepy? Why do ghosts always have unfinished business? Do all animals have a mind? Does our consciousness persist beyond our physical bodies? Might cryonics help us live forever?! These are some of the great mysteries of the human condition we address with Dr. Kurt Gray. It's a fun and interesting philosophical episode, where we consider a range of topics related to having a mind and moral responsibility. Fair warning - this episode contains some adult content as we...


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Getting Smarter, Faster & Better with Charles Duhigg

On this episode of the Psychology Podcast, we interview Pulitzer prize winning author Charles Duhigg about his latest book Smarter Faster Better: The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business. Charles has a real strength for communicating scientific research through fun/entertaining narratives, and elucidating how to be more effective in our everyday lives. We discuss research related to motivation, decision-making, teamwork, focus, prioritization and more – all via interesting...


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Joy Lawson Davis on Reducing Racial Inequalities in Gifted Education

Dr. Davis is a career educator with over 30 years of experience as a practitioner, scholar, author and consultant. Her current work, a topic that is near and dear to the show, involves increasing equity of access to gifted education programs. In this episode, we talk about the racial inequalities that plague our nation's gifted education programs, and we discuss work being done to create equal opportunity. Other topics include: the current evaluation criteria for “giftedness” and how it...


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Developing Peak Performance with NFL Coach Sean Desai

Sean Desai is the defensive quality control coach for the Chicago Bears and works with some of the world’s greatest athletic competitors. In this episode, we discuss his player development model, known as D.I.C.E., which emphasizes the importance of Direction, Instruction, Collaboration and Empowerment. We talk about what it’s like to work with the NFL, the nature of coach-player relationships, and Sean imparts some practical advice to individuals hoping to become high-level athletic...


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Life Experimentation with A.J. Jacobs

Four time bestselling author (and human guinea pig) A.J. Jacobs gets us laughing, and thinking, about the benefits of lifestyle experimentation. In this episode, we discuss A.J.’s courageous journey to learn everything about the world via reading the entire encyclopedia Britannica. A.J. talks about his book Drop Dead Healthy, where he spent months pursuing perfect physical health. We learn from his experiences following the bible (as literally as possible) for an entire year, and much...
