Lost Genre Reddit Stories
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Welcome to the Lost Genre podcast. Here you'll be able to enjoy all my stories in the audio version. Thanks for listening!! Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/lost-genre-reddit-stories--5779056/support.
Sister-In-Law Is Living With Us And Keeps Stealing My Stuff Using Her Baby As An Excuse
Reddit Relationship Stories - OP's brother and her sister-in-law are living with OP and her wife due to house problems. Sister-in-law has been stealing from OP and using her 3-month-old baby as an excuse.
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Wife Is Furious I Recorded Our Fight So She Can't Gaslight Me Later
Reddit Relationship Stories - OP's wife has a short temper, and every time they get into an argument, it ends up with her screaming at him, he screaming back at her, and then she says hurtful things. So OP tried to record her so she couldn't gaslight him later and she went ballistic.
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Wife Spent $1,176 On Take Out In A Month And Claimed Financial Abuse When I Cut Her Off
Reddit Relationship Stories - OP had no choice but to cancel his credit and remove all the money from the joining bank account after he saw that his wife spent over $1000 on take-out food in a month and refused to eat the food that was in the refrigerator.
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Coworker Ended Up Hospitalized For Stealing My Food And It Blew Up Her Marriage
Reddit Relationship Stories - OP's food was getting stolen so he decided to put laxatives on it to catch the thief, the problem is that the thief ended up in the hospital.
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Best Friend Told Me About Her "Affair Vacation" So I'm Going To Expose Her
Reddit Relationship Stories - OP's best friend is having an affair and told OP about it like she was proud of it and asked OP to cover for her. OP refused and actually told her friend she was going to expose her.
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I Have Proof That My Daughter’s Friend Stole From Us And Her Parents Won't Do Anything
Reddit Relationship Stories - OP's daughter's pants were stolen by her best friend who also happens to be the daughter of OP's family friends. Now, OP and his wife are trying to find a way to confront their friends about what happened.
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Partner And His Family Demanded A Paternity Test And Now My Family Hates Him
Reddit Relationship Stories - OP's partner's family demands she get a paternity test, and her partner agrees with them; OP said sure, and then she also told her family. Her family was furious and banned him and he got mat at OP.
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Fiancé Sides With His Bullying Best Friend And Now I’m Reconsidering Our Wedding
Reddit Relationship Stories - OP's fiancé has a best friend that is engaged to OP's best friend. The problem is he's a bully and really enjoys targeting OP to the point she can't take it anymore, and her boyfriend is not standing up for her, so she's thinking of canceling the wedding.
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Sister In Law Kicked Her Teen Sons Out After Her Husband Abused Them So We Are Going Nuclear
Reddit Relationship Stories - OP's sister-in-law is married to a scumbag, and her children are going through hell because of it; it got to the point that OP and her husband can't stand to watch it anymore and are ready to go nuclear about it.
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Kicked My Brother Out Of My Wedding For Humiliating My Wife And Our Parents Defend Him
Reddit Relationship Stories - OP's brother decided to humiliate OP's wife during their wedding, and OP was having none of it, so he kicked him out of the wedding; now OP's parents are defending OP's brother and blaming OP for ruining his wedding.
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Twin Sister Had A Meltdown After I Refused To Be Her Surrogate And Accused Me Of Being Jealous
Reddit Relationship Stories - OP's twin sister can't have kids and is demanding that OP be her surrogate, OP refused, and it caused her sister to snap and call her jealous and not being a good sister.
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Sister Is Angry I Refuse To Pay For Her Wedding After She Called My Daughter A Mistake
Reddit Relationship Stories - OP’s sister is getting married and OP was going to pay for it. That was until the sister made a vicious attack on OP’s daughter calling her a mistake because she was adopted. OP wasn’t having it and told her she’s not paying anymore.
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Cheating Ex Furious I Tricked Her With A Fake Instagram Account To Make Her Confess
Reddit Relationship Stories - OP was suspicious of his girlfriend and used a fake Instagram account to get her to confess her cheating to him and now she's angry he did that.
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Coward Boyfriend Blames Me For His Friend Being Homeless To Avoid Looking Bad
Reddit Relationship Stories - OP's boyfriend's best friend broke up with his girlfriend and is now homeless; OP's boyfriend doesn't want him to live with them, but instead of saying that, he told his friend that OP didn't want him there, and later OP told him the truth, and everything went downhill.
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Wife Is Furious I Still Have The Sexy Pictures She Sent Me When Dating And Demands I Erase Them
Reddit Relationship Stories - OP has been married for 12 years, and he still keeps the sexy photos his wife sent him while they were dating. No, his wife demands he delete them all because she's jealous of what she looked like.
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Boyfriend's Crazy Ex Got Me Uninvited To A Wedding Since She Wanted To See My Boyfriend Alone
Reddit Relationship Stories - OP's boyfriend's crazy ex pressured her friend, the bride, to exclude OP from the wedding. This was on top of constantly harassing OP's boyfriend, and OP had enough.
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Stepsister Stole My Clothes And Now My Dad Demands I Apologize For Calling Her Out Online
Reddit Relationship Stories - OP's stepsister got into OP's closet and took her stuff without permission while OP was away on a trip. When OP found out she called her out on social media and now OP's dad wants her to apologize for doing so, OP refused.
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Sister Was Exposed As A Home Wrecker By Her Lover's Wife And Now I Don’t Trust Her Around My Man
Reddit Relationship Stories - OP's pregnant sister is staying with her, she told OP she got pregnant from a one night stand, but in reality she had been a home-wrecking mistress for five years and the wife of her affair partner went to OP's house to confront her.
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Friend Is Trying To Poach My Wife And Son To Replace Me So I'm Cutting Him Out
Reddit Relationship Stories - OP has a friend who's been very interested in flirting with his wife, and it got to a point that it made OP very uneasy, but he doesn't know if he should cut this friend out.
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Sister's Boyfriend Insulted Me And My Food Since He "Doesn't Do Carbs" So I Kicked Him Out
Reddit Relationship Stories - OP invited her sister and her boyfriend to have dinner at her house, and OP made the food from scratch. The problem happened when the boyfriend refused to eat OP's meal because it was a part of his diet. He took a Tupperware out of his for and started eating, so OP told him to leave.
Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/lost-genre-reddit-stories--5779056/support.