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Thought Spiral

Entertainment & Media

Comedians Andy Kindler (Bob’s Burgers, Maron) and J. Elvis Weinstein (MST3K, Freaks and Geeks) convene weekly to solve the problems of the world but usually end up talking about comedy and various forms of anxiety. Produced by Alex Brizel (ShowBriz Studios).


United States


Comedians Andy Kindler (Bob’s Burgers, Maron) and J. Elvis Weinstein (MST3K, Freaks and Geeks) convene weekly to solve the problems of the world but usually end up talking about comedy and various forms of anxiety. Produced by Alex Brizel (ShowBriz Studios).



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Test Show #365

Processing last weekend’s events, Larry Kindler’s workplace, Josh collects ice cream market data, Andy is right about everyone, listener questions, and much more Spiraling.


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Test Show #364

A rare IRL interaction between the guys, more Joe-riatric discussion, Andy tries Josh’s latest ice cream, the world of confirmation bias, Josh escapes to the Old West, LISTENER QUESTIONS, and much more Spiraling.


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Test Show #363

Week 2 of America trying to take grandpa’s keys, pegging the Thought Spiral golden age, Discussing meat guilt, Josh defends ambivalence, Andy tries to nickname Josh, and much more Spiraling.


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Test Show #362

Andy turns a comedy grudge into a hockey grudge, Crying and kissing on film, Andy does a Sopranos aria, Dealing with debate shock, Andy goes in for body work, and much more Spiraling.


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Test Show #361

Everything’s coming up Hitler, a callous response from the dentist, defending and attacking this week’s watchings and listenings, auditions versus cronyism, and much more Spiraling.


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Test Show #360

Andy survives his first white-knuckle weekend, Josh cracks his own code, Andy takes his hand into the shop, Andy enrages Lawrence of Astoria, Weinstein Watches, and much more Spiraling.


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Test Show #359

Andy plots to infiltrate the Vanderpumps, the allure of reality shows, Andy opens his three year old gift, crippling grandiosity, the search for “no soap, radio”, this week’s doc watching, and much more Spiraling.


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Test Show #358

Andy emotionally preps for another podcast, stoicism rage, Josh’s addiction dodging, Andy’s Naked Lunch, staying in the moment with the Trump verdict, ice cream updates, and much more Spiraling.


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Test Show #357

Andy turns the tables on 60 Minutes, Josh continues his frozen adventures, Tiny Grudges, Andy retries the Hurricane, Josh ages again, and much more Spiraling.


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Test Show #356

Andy strides confidently back to TV, more Beatle-ology, , Roger Corman, Josh’s new dangerous hobby, and much more Spiraling.


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Test Show #355

Andy’s early season Mets dysfunction. Josh gets frosty with ‘Unfrosted’, the wrong crowd conundrum, Andy gets some hands-on doctor action, RIP Steve Albini, Josh’s Mom had a badass moment, “Let it Be” is back, and much more Spiraling.


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Test Show #354

Andy finds religion with a flute solo, Josh sets off a lunch grudge, a French king dies again, the limits of performative awfulness, Crameos, and much more Spiraling.


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Test Show #353

Andy recaps his trip to Moontower, Josh turns his back on doom, Sy Attica and other painful characters, Andy gets his ducts in a row, Josh does a lot of listening, and much more Spiraling.


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Test Show #352

Andy reacquaints himself with his chops, Josh learns a Rat Pack fact, Andy cops to golf watching, huge invisible careers, Andy’s off to Austin, and much more, but still less than usual, Spiraling.


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Test Show #351

The eclipse casts a shadow on the proceedings, Old joke or new Andy joke?, Jerry Lee Lewis, Andy stumbles into the wrong show, Josh tries a half-hearted intervention, and much more Spiraling.


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Test Show #350

Andy has a public banter misfire, Josh reports on the Steve Martin docs, Andy does an ailment inventory, Remembering Joe Flaherty, Andy starts his final stand-up cramming, and much more Spiraling.


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Test Show #349

Mark Twain shrugs in his grave, Showrunner disease, Josh goes mindless, A Talking Heads-to head, Andy digs in on his job, Andy defends the Royals, and much more Spiraling.


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Test Show #348

Andy listens closely to himself not listening, Josh gives a Bar Mitzvah report, Andy gets doc rage, Andy gets less help, gestures to the Universe, and much more Spiraling.


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Test Show #347

Recapping the Oscars, Andy flips on Kimmel, re-voting past best pictures, Josh dives into the Midnight Special, Andy still optimistic about his gig, the thin line of Biden boosting, listener emails, and much more Spiraling.


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Test Show #346

Friend of the pod JEN KIRKMAN returns for a guest spiral in the second hour, but first: Andy resets his comedy sites, Remembering Richard Lewis, Josh reacts to Andy’s guest spiral, “What Did I Watch?”, and much more Spiraling.
